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Topic: Bug: ReplayGain Scanner on CD scans in multi-thread (Read 635 times) previous topic - next topic
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Bug: ReplayGain Scanner on CD scans in multi-thread

I have had this bug only today.
I don't know if it's because I am on a different PC than usual or if it is because this plugin has just been integrated as part of foobar2000 and maybe I was using an old fb2k version with a third party plugin, before?

Now if I scan a CD as single album, it goes berserk and scans 8 tracks at a time, which is progressing at snail speed and will break my CD drive apart, making it seek to 8 different places at each instant.
Maybe I have an 8 core CPU.


ReplayGain Scan Progress (single album)…
Current File: cdda://00DEE64E,01; cdda://00DEE64E,02; cdda://00DEE64E,03; cdda://00D…://00DEE64E,08

Hopefully, this bug is not blocking when I Convert tracks.
But it's a pity that I can no longer tag my CD tracks with ReplayGain.

Re: Bug: ReplayGain Scanner on CD scans in multi-thread

Reply #1
ReplayGain Scanner is indeed multithreaded and there is no option to set threads count.

Re: Bug: ReplayGain Scanner on CD scans in multi-thread

Reply #2
Thanks for the bug report.

This is NOT supposed to happen, there's a specific workaround in place to prevent exactly this. I don't know how you did it.

What foobar2000 version is this? Can you post full list of components please? Preferences / Components, [Copy report]
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Bug: ReplayGain Scanner on CD scans in multi-thread

Reply #3
Attempted fix in today's preview build, looks like something went wrong in 1.4 era.

Note that Properties dialog ReplayGain scanning gets this wrong and I know about it.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.