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Topic: Possible bug: Upmix to 5.1 missing LFE channel (Read 785 times) previous topic - next topic
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Possible bug: Upmix to 5.1 missing LFE channel

Using Foobar 2.0 x64 and the built-in "Upmix to 5.1" dsp, nothing else in the DSP chain.
I used to use the "channel mixer" which had no issues, but that hasn't been updated in forever, and it probably won't make its way to x64 foobar.

When I look at the peak meter, nothing is output to the LFE channel.
Foobar has no problem showing use of the channel with normal 5.1 channel audio.

Is this a bug with the upmixing?  The peak meter visualization?

Thank you!

Re: Possible bug: Upmix to 5.1 missing LFE channel

Reply #1
It's just a duplicate all satellite channels to all satellite channels DSP.  It doesn't attempt to use LFE channel.  This is not a bug of the DSP at all, it's just how it works.

Re: Possible bug: Upmix to 5.1 missing LFE channel

Reply #2
Followup question; is there anyways to add that channel in foobar x64?  I used to use channel mixer, but it's only 32 bit, and the source is apparently lost to time.