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Topic: FLAC tags for streamed content (Read 2778 times) previous topic - next topic
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FLAC tags for streamed content

Forgive me - I am new here. For reasons which need not detain us here, I am aiming to record BBC Radio 3 offair as (eventually) FLAC and then insert tags to mark separate programme items. All the guidance I have found so far - and admit I may not have looked in all the right places - assumes that most recordings will be of CD(or DVD) origin, and that the typical style for this is one track per file. I don't have that option, so would welcome guidance on sensible tag structures which would work when used with, say, Logitech Music Server/Squeezebox or other players.

(My best efforts to date have appeared to create what looks like a single track in a large file with a title consisting of all my tags, painstakingly acquired by screen-scraping, concatenated together - not quite what I was after!).

All help and pointers gratefully accepted!

Thank you,


Re: FLAC tags for streamed content

Reply #1
I assume then that you'll have, for example, 6 hour files, but you want to split that into separate programs (maybe turn 6 hours into 6 one hour files).  Is that correct?  If so, you could use AUDACITY to do that.  Then tag with mp3tag (yes it does FLAC) or foobar2000 or any tagging software.

Re: FLAC tags for streamed content

Reply #3
I assume then that you'll have, for example, 6 hour files, but you want to split that into separate programs (maybe turn 6 hours into 6 one hour files).  Is that correct?  If so, you could use AUDACITY to do that.  Then tag with mp3tag (yes it does FLAC) or foobar2000 or any tagging software.

My plan is currently to have files and programme instances i.e. a dated programme in one-to-one correspondence, with tags allowing navigation to (somewhere close to) an item within the programme. And, yes, I fell foul of the Linux 'arecord' command which has an upper time limit!

Re: FLAC tags for streamed content

Reply #4
As Porcus already mentioned, a single file +cue sheet is the way to go if you want to stick to a single file.
I believe there is a 4 GB upper limit to the file size (WAV)

Re: FLAC tags for streamed content

Reply #5
I wonder if arecord does have a time limit or if it's hitting the output format limit as roseval suggests. The man page suggests that arecord splits the output file automatically if it saturates 2GB by default, are you sure it hasn't created multiple output files?

If arecord does end up being part of your solution I'd test the time limit thing if I were you. You can probably also use flac as an interim format if you like (probably by piping raw output from arecord into flac, something like arecord [input_settings] --file-type raw | flac [appropriate_input_settings_to_match_arecord's_output] - >out.flac), which is probably more efficient than straight wav as there's less I/O and I/O is normally the killer.

Re: FLAC tags for streamed content

Reply #6
The man page suggests that arecord splits the output file automatically if it saturates 2GB by default

Ah, 2005 called. Back then, a lot of applications used 32-bit signed for chunk size - that would suffice without checking whether it was supposed to be unsigned?! Not anymore ...
Good thing is that open source means abandonware can be fixed if anyone bothers to. I actually haven't checked if @rdtsh's rewrite of the TTA codec has fixed it - yet - but the reference implementation is indeed that retarded.

Re: FLAC tags for streamed content

Reply #7
I wonder if arecord does have a time limit or if it's hitting the output format limit as roseval suggests. The man page suggests that arecord splits the output file automatically if it saturates 2GB by default, are you sure it hasn't created multiple output files?

If arecord does end up being part of your solution I'd test the time limit thing if I were you. You can probably also use flac as an interim format if you like (probably by piping raw output from arecord into flac, something like arecord [input_settings] --file-type raw | flac [appropriate_input_settings_to_match_arecord's_output] - >out.flac), which is probably more efficient than straight wav as there's less I/O and I/O is normally the killer.

Yes, thanks - I went through an evolution along those lines and, to be brutally honest, cannot now recall why I changed to a two-stage process using ecasound to create a WAV file per programme, and then run flac off-line to perform the conversion. This being my first serious excursion into this field I had no experience and hence rules of thumb from which to work.  As presently configured I have a Python script which deploys threads, with the major work being the audio recorder, alongside which runs a screen-scraper using selenium to gather 'Now Playing' data for the cueing. The flac conversion runs alongside these activities, obviously working on the preceding programme. Performance (which had me concerned, certainly!) on an otherwise redundant laptop with some ancient Core i5 processor shows about 10% utilisation of 3 processor cores, which startled me!