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Topic: JScript Panel (Read 367077 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1525
Is there an option/way somewhere to change the color of the background of dropdown menu's (which is the same as the topbar of the window where fooBar lives)?

Currently set to #2B2B2B or 43-43-43. I searched all the js files but could not find a reference how to change the color of these dropdowns.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1527
3.4.13 samples fixes and a new Text Display + Album Art + Seekbar + Buttons


edit: code for first line

Code: [Select]
[%jsp3_playlist_name%: $num(%list_index%,1) of %list_total%]

%list_index% and %list_total% are fb2k native but not many components outside of playlist viewers can display it. This can. And %jsp3_playlist_name% is obviously exclusive.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1531
Wow... love the look of this panel.. .very nice and stylish. I am not at all able to do any king of Javascript. I also don't know how to add this to a JScript Panel 3 panel. If you could show me how I would really appreciate it. I would also like the option of adding a default image in the panel when I have no music added to the playlist. thanks.

3.4.13 samples fixes and a new Text Display + Album Art + Seekbar + Buttons


edit: code for first line

Code: [Select]
[%jsp3_playlist_name%: $num(%list_index%,1) of %list_total%]

%list_index% and %list_total% are fb2k native but not many components outside of playlist viewers can display it. This can. And %jsp3_playlist_name% is obviously exclusive.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1532
No JS knowledge is required. All you had to do was read the docs page. There is a link from the download page.

If not running Windows 11, installed the required font detailed on that page.

You install the component like any other. You add the panel to your layout like any other. Now click the panel to open the editor. Now click the Samples button to choose whichever one you want.

Click OK.

All script options are found on the right click menu. Some have more advanced usage notes here...

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1533
Thank you and I do have this working except I have no cover art. I use a cover art in each folder for each album. I call each image "01 cover.jpg" How would I add this so it comes up each time?

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1534
It would be nice if this could work in conjunction with the "thumbs" option.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1535
Album art should be displayed in exactly the same way as the Default UI / Columns UI artwork panels. A common Preference page exists for all:

File>Preferences>Display>Album Art>Front cover.

You can also configure a stub image for when no artwork is available.

Like stock DUI/CUI panels, album art from radio streams that supply it also works.

edit: just noticed there is a bug while playing streams. Playback time should be displayed by the seekbar but it's not. :/
edit2: fixed version available here...

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1536
Here's a random tip for anyone who doesn't know. Most samples are DPI aware and this is read on script init. But you can override it on a per panel basis. The default is 96 but you change it to 120 (125%), 144(150%) or even 192(200%).

Just add this at the top of the script...

Code: [Select]
DPI = 144;


Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1537
Here's a random tip for anyone who doesn't know. Most samples are DPI aware and this is read on script init. But you can override it on a per panel basis. The default is 96 but you change it to 120 (125%), 144(150%) or even 192(200%).

Just add this at the top of the script...

Code: [Select]
DPI = 144;


Cool ! Would it be possible to add a ReplayGain button ?

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1538
Anyone except me can. I don't use RG and would have no idea what button icons could show which mode is active.

If anyone else fancies a go, the callback needed to update buttons when RG mode changes is this...

Code: [Select]
function on_replaygain_mode_changed() {

And you retrieve/set the mode with fb.ReplaygainMode. Allowed values are here...

If people want this functionality but can't do JS, just use a toolbar switcher. Default UI and Columns UI both have them.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1539
Anyone except me can. I don't use RG and would have no idea what button icons could show which mode is active.

That's no different from the outputdevices button with the arbitrary cogwheel is it?

Maybe U+E07F or U+E11D would do just fine?

On a more serious note ...
If I had to make a replaygain textbutton that reflects state I'd probably go for U+E878 (Off), U+E879 (Track), U+E87B (Album) and U+E87A (PBO). Clicking on it would give dropdown with currect state checked. Rightmouseclick would reset to ReplayGain (Track).

EDIT: Added the button. Something like this maybe
Code: [Select]
// @name "Text Display + Album Art + Seekbar + Buttons, added ReplayGain"
// @author "marc2003"
// @import "%fb2k_component_path%helpers.txt"
// @import "%fb2k_component_path%samples\js\lodash.min.js"
// @import "%fb2k_component_path%samples\js\common.js"
// @import "%fb2k_component_path%samples\js\panel.js"
// @import "%fb2k_component_path%samples\js\albumart.js"
// @import "%fb2k_component_path%samples\js\text_display.js"
// @import "%fb2k_component_path%samples\js\seekbar.js"


var panel = new _panel({ custom_background : true });
var albumart = new _albumart(0, 0, 0, 0);
var text = new _text_display(LM, 0, 0, 0, true);
var seekbar = new _seekbar(0, 0, 0, 0);

var colours = {
slider_background : RGB(160, 160, 160),
white : RGB(255, 255, 255),
contrast : RGB(196, 30, 35),

var tfo = {
playback_time : fb.TitleFormat('[%playback_time%]'),
length : fb.TitleFormat('$if2(%length%,LIVE)'),

var rg_chars = ['\uE878', '\uE879', '\uE87B', '\uE87A' ];
var rx = 0; // Placeholder for x of dropdown - ReplayGain
var ry = 0; // Placeholder for y of dropdown - ReplayGain

var font = CreateFontString("Segoe UI", 12);
var buttons = new _buttons();
var bs = _scale(24);

buttons.update = function () {
var x = (panel.w - (bs * 9)) / 2
var y = seekbar.y + _scale(12);
this.buttons.stop = new _button(x, y, bs, bs, { char : chars.stop, colour: fb.StopAfterCurrent ? colours.contrast : colours.white}, null, function () { fb.Stop(); }, 'Stop');
this.buttons.previous = new _button(x + bs, y, bs, bs, { char : chars.prev, colour:colours.white }, null, function () { fb.Prev(); }, 'Previous'); = new _button(x + (bs * 2), y, bs, bs, { char : !fb.IsPlaying || fb.IsPaused ? : chars.pause, colour:colours.white}, null, function () { fb.PlayOrPause(); }, !fb.IsPlaying || fb.IsPaused ? 'Play' : 'Pause'); = new _button(x + (bs * 3), y, bs, bs, { char :, colour:colours.white }, null, function () { fb.Next(); }, 'Next');

rx = x + (bs * 4); ry = y + _scale(20);
this.buttons.replaygain = new _button(x + (bs * 5), y, bs, bs, { char : rg_chars[fb.ReplaygainMode], colour:colours.white}, null, function (x, y, mask) { _rg(rx, ry); }, 'ReplayGain'); = new _button(x + (bs * 7), y, bs, bs, { char :, colour:colours.white }, null, function () { fb.RunMainMenuCommand('Library/Search'); }, 'Library Search');
this.buttons.preferences = new _button(x + (bs * 8), y, bs, bs, { char : chars.preferences, colour:colours.white}, null, function () { fb.ShowPreferences(); }, 'Preferences');


function on_colours_changed() {

function on_font_changed() {

function on_item_focus_change() {
if (panel.selection.value == 0 && fb.IsPlaying) return;

function on_metadb_changed(handles, fromhook) {
if (!fromhook) {

function on_mouse_lbtn_dblclk(x, y) {
if (albumart.img && albumart.containsXY(x, y)) {

function on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y) {
seekbar.lbtn_down(x, y);

function on_mouse_lbtn_up(x, y) {
if (seekbar.lbtn_up(x, y)) {
if (buttons.lbtn_up(x, y)) {
text.lbtn_up(x, y);

function on_mouse_leave() {

function on_mouse_move(x, y) {
if (seekbar.move(x, y)) {
if (buttons.move(x, y)) {
text.move(x, y);

function on_mouse_rbtn_up(x, y) {
if (buttons.buttons.stop.containsXY(x, y)) {
fb.StopAfterCurrent = !fb.StopAfterCurrent;
return true;

if (buttons.buttons.replaygain.containsXY(x, y)) {
fb.ReplaygainMode = 1;
return true;

return panel.rbtn_up(x, y, text);

function on_mouse_wheel(s) {
if (seekbar.wheel(s)) {

function on_paint(gr) {

gr.FillRoundedRectangle(seekbar.x, seekbar.y, seekbar.w, seekbar.h, _scale(2), _scale(2), colours.slider_background);

if (fb.PlaybackLength > 0) {
gr.FillEllipse(seekbar.x + seekbar.pos(), seekbar.y + _scale(3), _scale(6), _scale(6), colours.white);

var time_width = seekbar.x - _scale(12);
gr.WriteText(tfo.playback_time.Eval(), font, colours.white, 0, seekbar.y - _scale(4), time_width, _scale(12), 1, 2);
gr.WriteText(tfo.length.Eval(), font, colours.white, panel.w - seekbar.x, seekbar.y - _scale(4), seekbar.x, _scale(12), 0, 2);

function on_playback_order_changed() {

function on_playback_dynamic_info_track(type) {
if (type == 0) text.metadb_changed();
else if (type == 1 && ( || > 0)) albumart.metadb_changed();

function on_playback_new_track() {

function on_playback_pause() {

function on_playback_seek() {

function on_playback_starting() {

function on_playback_stop(reason) {
if (reason != 2) {


function on_playback_time() {

function on_playlist_items_added() {

function on_playlist_items_removed() {

function on_playlist_items_reordered() {

function on_playlist_stop_after_current_changed() {

function on_playlist_switch() {

function on_playlists_changed() {

function on_size() {

seekbar.x = _scale(60);
seekbar.y = window.Height - _scale(44);
seekbar.w = window.Width - (seekbar.x * 2) - _scale(12);
seekbar.h  = _scale(6);


function on_replaygain_mode_changed(new_mode) {

function _rg(x, y, flags) {
var menu = window.CreatePopupMenu();
var arr = new Array("Disable", "Set to Track", "Set to Album", "Set to Track/Album by playback order");
var active = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, i + 1, arr[i]);
if (arr[i].active) active = i;

menu.CheckMenuRadioItem(1, arr.length + 1, fb.ReplaygainMode + 1);

var idx = menu.TrackPopupMenu(x, y);

if (idx > 0) {fb.ReplaygainMode = idx - 1; };

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1540
Excellent script.

Made some modifications I kinda like and will use myself.

   ReplayGain   - Dropdown to ReplayGain modes: Disable, Track, Album and Playbackorder

   Previous   - Seek back 10 sec
   Play      - Starts Random track
   Next      - Seek forward 10 sec
   ReplayGain   - Reset to ReplayGain Track

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1541

I modified the script so mousewheel on art cycles through available art. Works fine, but when I change the album I'm playing it does not reset to the first option (Cover) and tries to show the prior chosen Art (CD/Back/Artist).

How can I achieve that upon playing another album (folder) the art display resets to Cover?


Adding = 0 before albumart.metadb_changed() does the trick but it resets to cover every track change. What I would like to achieve is only reset = 0 when the album changes and in the new situation for the current no art is found.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1542
Cool ! Would it be possible to add a ReplayGain button ?

Try this ...

   Mod 2024-03-06 v3
   Optional ReplayGain button (rg_enable):
   ReplayGain   - Dropdown to ReplayGain modes: Disable, Track, Album and Playbackorder

   Choose (mod_version) between two different versions of ReplayGain button behavior
   2= Every mode has different char/icon (all white)
   3= Same as above but Disable mode has same char/icon as Track mode with contrast colour (red)

   Stop      - Stop after Current (same as the original script - not modified)
   Previous   - Seek back 10 sec
   Play      - Starts Random track
   Next      - Seek forward 10 sec
   ReplayGain   - Reset to ReplayGain Track mode

   Mousewheel on Art:
   Cycles through Album Art - Cover/Back/CD/Icon/Artist - Resets every trackchange to Cover

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1543
Cool ! Would it be possible to add a ReplayGain button ?

Try this ...

   Mod 2024-03-06 v3
   Optional ReplayGain button (rg_enable):
   ReplayGain   - Dropdown to ReplayGain modes: Disable, Track, Album and Playbackorder

   Choose (mod_version) between two different versions of ReplayGain button behavior
   2= Every mode has different char/icon (all white)
   3= Same as above but Disable mode has same char/icon as Track mode with contrast colour (red)

   Stop      - Stop after Current (same as the original script - not modified)
   Previous   - Seek back 10 sec
   Play      - Starts Random track
   Next      - Seek forward 10 sec
   ReplayGain   - Reset to ReplayGain Track mode

   Mousewheel on Art:
   Cycles through Album Art - Cover/Back/CD/Icon/Artist - Resets every trackchange to Cover

Thanks a lot ! I like It ! 👍👏

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1544

Two questions.
1) I've implemented fallback images in case of no Cover, Back, Disc and Artist by adding the location of these pictures at the various bottoms of Preferences - Display - Album Art. There is no definition though for Icon. So if Icon is not included in the containing audiofile the Art displayer shows nothing. How can I set the location for the Icon fallbackimage?
2) In case of streaming no Art is displayed (I did activate Per second updates both in the scripts JS3 config and in the parent PSS panel. In case of streaming in per second %artist% is known. I attached a screenshot of my debug panel. Could this be activated in the JS3 panel script as well?


Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1545
Text display doesn't officially support anything other than front cover art but I guess can you replace the existing on_playback_dynamic_info_track with this....

Code: [Select]
function on_playback_dynamic_info_track(type) {
if (type == 0) {
if ( == 4) {
} else if (type == 1) {
if ( == 0) {

Now %artist% from streams should be recognised.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1546
Text display doesn't officially support anything other than front cover art but I guess can you replace the existing on_playback_dynamic_info_track with this....

Code: [Select]
function on_playback_dynamic_info_track(type) {
if (type == 0) {
if ( == 4) {
} else if (type == 1) {
if ( == 0) {

Now %artist% from streams should be recognised.

Doesn't do the trick unfortunately. Text display has no issues and shows the actual %artist% like before,

Just like I asked for no Icon, can a fallback image be defined for no Cover in case of streaming? The defines in Preferences - Display - Albumart only accept patterns for $findfile.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1547
When I ignore stuff like the icon thing, it means I don't give a shit. Asking again isn't going to get you anywhere.

I guess I misunderstood the artist/stream thing. I thought you wanted to display local images you had saved with %artist% from radio streams. /shrug

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1548
When I ignore stuff like the icon thing, it means I don't give a shit. Asking again isn't going to get you anywhere.

I guess I misunderstood the artist/stream thing. I thought you wanted to display local images you had saved with %artist% from radio streams. /shrug

Good we agree. I don't give a shit about Icon too,
Can you remove it from the Albumart cycle?