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Topic: foo_musicbrainz (Read 303792 times) previous topic - next topic
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Allows tagging files using data from MusicBrainz.

  • Fetches data by automatically calculated MusicBrainz Disc ID, existing Artist/Album or MusicBrainz Album ID tags;
  • Uses the latest version of MusicBrainz web service, which corresponds to the NGS data model;
  • Supports many different tags, including artist, album, date, tracknumber/totaltracks, discnumber/totaldiscs, label, catalognumber, barcode etc.;
  • Supports MusicBrainz-specific tags: Artist ID, Album ID, Release Group ID, Disc ID, Track ID, album type, album status;
  • Missing TOCs can be submitted to MusicBrainz from the context menu.

For the list of planned features, see issue tracker.

Any feedback or suggestions are appreciated!

Download foo_musicbrainz 0.3.1 | Join group | Get source on Github

Note regarding TOC submission:
Submit new TOCs to MusicBrainz only if you know what you are doing. Use only full rips from trusted sources (so, most likely, the files should orignate from a CD of your own). Choose release wisely — if your version of an album doesn't exist, add a new one. That means, if you don't know the version, don't submit.
To submit TOC, select all tracks belonging to a single disc and choose “Tagging → Add TOC to MusicBrainz” from the context menu. This feature is available only for registered MusicBrainz users.

Version history
Code: [Select]
v0.3.1 (2015-12-07)
* Fix ORIGINAL RELEASE DATE tag (thanks lvqcl for the build)

v0.3 (2012-06-24)
* Fixed crash when metadata has different track count
* New tag: original release date

v0.3 beta 2 (2011-06-03)
* NGS support;
* New tags: musicbraiz_releasegroupid, label, catalognumber, barcode, totaldiscs;
* Proxy support;
* Option to convert punctuation to ASCII;
* Open-sourced.

v0.2.1 (2011-05-21) (requires foobar2000 1.1 or newer)
* Added ability to submit new TOCs from the context menu;
* CDStubs are excluded from search;
* Preferences page is now using latest API;
* foo_musicbrainz has been added to the components repository, so from now on in can be updated automatically.

v0.2 (2009-04-10)
* Added preferences page;
* Added ability to edit queries.

v0.1 (2009-03-23)
* Initial release.


Reply #1
I have been using Picard for a long time...integration with foobar is great...

EDIT: This is very good and simple...excellent job sir. My only suggestion would be to use proper message boxes instead of text boxes for messages like files have different musicbrainz tags...but that is a very very minor thing


Reply #2
Interesting!  Thanks!


Reply #3
Very nice. Thank you.


Reply #4
Looks very good, thank you. Though I had never heard of MusicBrainz, I just tried a few artists, which weren't on discogs and MusicBrainz had them in the database. Very nice.


Reply #5
this is so great, thanks a lot! hopefully this will replace picard.


Reply #6
Would it be possible to add just the year to date? Having the full date prevents Kameleon from displaying the year :[


Reply #7
What do TOC and MBID mean?


Reply #8
Nice plugin! Thanks.

Would it be possible to add just the year to date? Having the full date prevents Kameleon from displaying the year :[
(1973 instead of 1973-12-20)

Another suggestion: Would be nice to tag more than one single album at once.


Reply #9
Really useful plugin. I like the interface alot, nice and simple and clean. You might want to look at the discogs plugin for some ideas for further development.

For me, it would be nice if you could support custom tag mapping including not saving certain information as tags. For example, I like putting the full date in the %release date% tag and keeping the default date tag a four digit year value.



Reply #10
Would it be possible to add just the year to date? Having the full date prevents Kameleon from displaying the year :[
If falstaff changed the date display code to
Code: [Select]
// ----> date (year) -1 

it would solve all the issues.

I have asked a couple of times but as yet gotten no response.


Reply #11
Would it be possible to add just the year to date? Having the full date prevents Kameleon from displaying the year :[
This is Kameleon's problem, not foo_musicbrainz's. The format foo_musicbrainz is returning is the standard foobar2000 date format, and is superior to the 4-digit format. Fixing the longer version is as easy as "Format from Other Fields" using $left(%date%,4) in the Properties dialog.

Yet another reason to stick with the Default UI...


Reply #12
Very nice, thank you!

The plugin seems to use slightly different tags than picard, e.g. MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID instead of MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUM_ID. Is this intentional? I'd prefer to keep it consistently.

Another suggestion: Would be nice to tag more than one single album at once.



Reply #14
I have asked a couple of times but as yet gotten no response.
I just asked for you. This bug is making users want silly misfeatures.

my answer :

btw, not very complicated to change in K for those who can't live without a full date format.



Reply #15
I use picard, but I use it starting with only the simple song information of the artist and song name, and it works fine for me that way.  It would be nice if this component would be able to do this as well, without requiring an album name or other information.  That's the main ability (for me anyhow) that's missing from other info grabbers as well, and the reason why I have been using picard to tag my songs.


Reply #16
Great plugin, MB is easily my favorite database (it actually has classical music tagged in a standardized way for most releases!)

One suggestion I have is to make a custom search function, since a lot of the stuff I need to tag have no tags to start with or I have to sift around the site to find the right album.


Reply #17
I couldn't get any result (using the 'by tags' method) on properly tagged files. It always return "No Release". Disabled the firewall just in case. Any idea ?


Reply #19
Regarding the date thing, I would rather have the option of tagging as year only. There is an inconsistency across the musicbrainz database where some albums have year only and others have year-month-day. This leads to a lot of problems in mobile music players. Also can you keep the tag names same as Picard please.


Reply #20
Thank you very much for this component, it is something foobar has been missing, IMO.

Also can you keep the tag names same as Picard please.
Meh, Picard does some rather stupid things like creating nonstandard ID3 frames for an iTunes-like Band-as-Album-Artist. AFAIK, a foobar2000 component couldn't do this if it tried.

I'd say the best thing to do would be to keep the field names the same where reasonably possible.


Reply #21
Hey all, just registered here (and started using foobar a few days ago),

Something I noticed with this plugin, it's very temperamental in regards to finding artist/albums. I had a bunch of discs that were missing track numbers, but otherwise were correct tagged... or so I thought.

Turns out, if for example, you have "System Of A Down", musicbrainz has this as "System of a Down". It wouldn't find it with the "improper" title. Changing the capitalization allowed it to be found via musicbrainz. I would think capitalization would be something to easily overcome when searching.

Still, even with that, beat manually adding track numbers.


Reply #22
tehfuzz, I take it you've never noticed the Tools button on the Properties dialog? There's an option to Auto Track Number, which reasonably intelligently adds track numbers.


Reply #23
Well crap. So there is. Thanks.

This plugin was still useful some ones that needed some more help, but yeah, that would have made it a lot easier.


Reply #24
I have asked a couple of times but as yet gotten no response.
I just asked for you. This bug is making users want silly misfeatures.

give a look to Kameleon v1.2.2 (just released) :

Change log :

1.2.2 :
- Bug fixed : sometimes playlist switcher left panel had bad refresh (very annoying) => no more now (btw no more reproduced with the fix)
- Bug fixed : buttons + / - to expand or collapse the playlist ativated too the 'Show now playing command' => removed
- YEAR display in the playlist header : now, long dates are accepted but it still display only the Year (it take by default the 4 digits on the left : 2005-07-24 => 2005)
- Tweaks