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Topic: Columns UI (Read 4662847 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Columns UI

Reply #7875

I've been absent from using foobar2000 for a while, but I picked things up today, trying out the new v2 (beta) version.
Things are looking good (for my purpose), but there is one thing I am not able to get right.

It's about the header bar of the playlist panel.
I managed to make the panel dark, but its header bar remains white:

I am using the latest v2.0 beta (Win x86), and for components I have added Columns UI 2.0.0 alpha5 and Panel Stack Splitter alpha.

Let me know if I need to provide more details? Any clues are appreciated!

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7876
And something else that looks strange/incorrect and I am not able to fix:

When I load an album, at first the tracks are not displayed using the colouring that I have set.
Only after I click somewhere in the panel, the correct colouring gets applied:

At first the selected track is black and the other tracks are bright white.
Only after clicking somewhere in the panel the correct colouring gets applied. (orange for the selected track, the others light gray)

Is this a software bug? Should I post this as a foobar2000 bug somewhere?

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7877
Carino il tema, come lo hai fatto? Carini anche i VU-Meter  ;)


Re: Columns UI

Reply #7878
where can I find this vu-meter SPL in this color. Thx

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7880
a big thank you jistme  ;)

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7881
a big thank you jistme  ;)
You are welcome IP974

Back to the issues I raised in this thread.
(quoting myself):

"It's about the header bar of the playlist panel.
I managed to make the panel dark, but its header bar remains white:"

"When I load an album, at first the tracks are not displayed using the colouring that I have set.
Only after I click somewhere in the panel, the correct colouring gets applied:"

By now I am wondering if these aren't issues with foobar2000 itself, and not related to this Columns UI component.

Issue #1 also occurs when changing the colours of a panel using a boiler plate install of foobar2000.
  The panel will adhere to the colouring that you set, but the header of that same panel just stays as it was.
  In my opinion it should use the colouring that you have set for that panel?

Issue #2 seems to be related to the fact that foobar2000 by default selects (highlights) all the tracks when you are simply opening a playlist or an album using foobar2000.
  That explains the brighter white for all tracks, except for one; which is the playing track. I've set it to display in orange, but for some reason it shows up in black instead.

To me, both of them seem undesired behaviours. Maybe even bugs.
Any advice on how to raise these issues properly so they have a chance of getting addressed and/or fixed?

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7882
a big thank you jistme  ;)

"It's about the header bar of the playlist panel.
I managed to make the panel dark, but its header bar remains white:"

If you have Foobar2000 v2 (32-bit) installed to obscure the columns titles you just have to select the Dark mode (Image).

The rest of the problems do not tell you, but I have never had those problems with UI columns and I have installed the 32-bit version and 64-bit.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7883
If you have Foobar2000 v2 (32-bit) installed to obscure the columns titles you just have to select the Dark mode.
Trying that out:
While it makes things 'dark' in general, the header bar of a panel will still not adhere to the colouring you have set for the panel.

The rest of the problems do not tell you, but I have never had those problems with UI columns and I have installed the 32-bit version and 64-bit.
So to be sure: if you select some files in Windows Explorer, and you select 'open with foobar2000', for you it opens with all the tracks unselected/highlighted?

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7884
If you have Foobar2000 v2 (32-bit) installed to obscure the columns titles you just have to select the Dark mode.
Trying that out:
While it makes things 'dark' in general, the header bar of a panel will still not adhere to the colouring you have set for the panel.

The rest of the problems do not tell you, but I have never had those problems with UI columns and I have installed the 32-bit version and 64-bit.
So to be sure: if you select some files in Windows Explorer, and you select 'open with foobar2000', for you it opens with all the tracks unselected/highlighted?

In Windows Explorer I have marked 2 tracks and in the context menu I have selected "Open in Foobar2000"

Image4:  foobar2000 v2 [64-bit] are loaded on the playlist and the first track is played
Image5:  foobar2000 v2 [32-bit] exactly the same

If in the context menu I selected "Enqueue in Foobar2000" behaves the same except that no track sounds.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7885
If in the context menu I selected Enqueue in Foobar2000 behaves the same except that no track sounds.
Thanks a lot josemescud for replying this thoroughly.
It's much appreciated.
Looking at your screenshots, it looks like you have a more advanced setup going on?
Perhaps it is some component(s) you are using that make things behave differently compared to a plain vanilla foobar2000 install?

I usually find it very hard to pinpoint issues regarding foobar2000.
Either it is foobar2000 itself doing things, or it may be some component.
So for issues like these I try to replicate them (also) using a clean portable install.
And on a clean install to me it seems like foobar2000 is selecting/highlighting tracks.

Hm, perhaps I am asking too much,
But it's not that big of a deal, (for reasons like this) foobar2000 is not my main music player/manager.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7886
If in the context menu I selected Enqueue in Foobar2000 behaves the same except that no track sounds.
Thanks a lot josemescud for replying this thoroughly.
It's much appreciated.
Looking at your screenshots, it looks like you have a more advanced setup going on?
Perhaps it is some component(s) you are using that make things behave differently compared to a plain vanilla foobar2000 install?

I usually find it very hard to pinpoint issues regarding foobar2000.
Either it is foobar2000 itself doing things, or it may be some component.
So for issues like these I try to replicate them (also) using a clean portable install.
And on a clean install to me it seems like foobar2000 is selecting/highlighting tracks.

Hm, perhaps I am asking too much,
But it's not that big of a deal, (for reasons like this) foobar2000 is not my main music player/manager.

Lo que te pasa a ti no creo que se deba a algún componente. Pero desde luego sin verlo no puedo ayudarte más.

Yo soy español y vivo en Madrid. No entiendo nada de inglés y necesito el google traductor.

Si por casualidad tú vivieras en Madrid no tendría ningún problema en ayudarte.

Si tú hablaras español podríamos comunicarnos mejor en el foro.

Desde luego para mí Foobar es el mejor reproductor con muchísima diferencia.

Pero para hacerlo a tu medida es necesario tener experiencia en programación y dedicarle muchas horas.

Yo llevo más de 10 años usando foobar2000 y no he parado de modificarlo continuamente para adecuarlo a mis necesidades.

Y además en foobar hay mucho oscurantismo como si de una secta se tratara.


MOD edit: TOS 10 All members must post in English.  Content in other languages are allowed as long as full English translations are provided, or otherwise at the discretion of the staff.

Google translation:
I don't think what's happening to you is due to any component. But of course without seeing it I can't help you more.

I am Spanish and I live in Madrid. I don't understand any English and I need the google translator.

If by chance you lived in Madrid I would have no problem helping you.

If you spoke Spanish we could communicate better in the forum.

Of course for me Foobar is the best player by far.

But to do it to your needs it is necessary to have experience in programming and dedicate many hours to it.

I have been using foobar2000 for more than 10 years and I have not stopped continuously modifying it to adapt it to my needs.

And also in foobar there is a lot of obscurantism as if it were a sect.


Re: Columns UI

Reply #7887
I'm not a native English speaker also. (also not Spanish ;-)
And I have also spent many years perfecting–another–player. So I fully understand what you are saying.
Perhaps somebody else has some wisdom to share on this.
Else, not a biggie. Nothing in this world is, or should be perfect.
(or maybe everything already is)

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7888
Y además en foobar hay mucho oscurantismo como si de una secta se tratara.
Firefox translated this to:
... in foobar there is a lot of obscurantism as if it were a sect.
I laughed out loud that this painful truth.  :))

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7891
If not, then show us.

I'm sorry, my tolerance for bullies is probably a bit low tonight:

1. "PEBCAC?"
Is that intended as some insult towards me?

2. "Then show us."
Are you a forum member giving orders to other forum members?

3. "Then show us."
Who is the group of people that have appointed you as their spokesperson exactly?
Or is that just in your head?

Please, this is my thread.
Either respond to it in a friendly manner. (and then I'm o.k. when it's not completely on-topic)
Or provide to the point useful information.

If you are not capable of that: please f...o..

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7892
1) It was a question. See the ? on the end. It's just that I can easily reproduce the issue by setting my own inactive item colour to black and make it go away by changing it to some other colour. If this is definitely not the case then simply say you aren't the problem and then go to to expand on that by providing some evidence.
2) I'm not giving orders, I'm asking for more detail. Just saying it doesn't work is not sufficient. If you're going to take offence at that, get off the internet.

And this is not your thread. It's been around for 19 odd years. :/

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7893
Just saying it doesn't work is not sufficient. If you're going to take offence at that, get off the internet.
I did not simply say 'it does not work'.
It looks like you did not even read, or understand what I have been explaining here.

MOD edit: Some content removed as not "work safe" language

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7894
Message for Music Music:

I just discovered by chance that there is a new version of columns IU: 2.0.0-beta.1

However, the Menu: Help / Check for Updated Components offers the following message: No Updates Are Available AT This Time.

I suppose it will sorporate 32-bit & 64-bit.

However, when I downloaded it, what I suppose will be a mistake: Supported Processor Architecture: X86 32-bit (image)

If this is so, it would be important to correct the error.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7895
Thanks, seems I didn't upload the component file to the site. Should be resolved now.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7896
I have updated to the beta 21 and now if it offers me in help / check for updated components Columns IU: 2.0.0-beta.1

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7897
Any chance for the following improvements? Image attached. Thanks in advance.

1. CUI Playlist view: Ability to set the whitespace amount on the left. This whitespace is always present, not user configurable and is drawn before the cover image and all the playlist columns. Would like to set it to 0.

2. CUI Playlist view Groupings: Ability to set the indentation amount when multiple groupings are present. Currently each additional grouping is moved further and further towards the right. Would like to set it to 0 (don't indent).

3. CUI Filter search UI element: Ability to set the border (currently 1 px grey) to None so it's not visible.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7898
Any chance for the following improvements? Image attached. Thanks in advance.

1. CUI Playlist view: Ability to set the whitespace amount on the left. This whitespace is always present, not user configurable and is drawn before the cover image and all the playlist columns. Would like to set it to 0.

2. CUI Playlist view Groupings: Ability to set the indentation amount when multiple groupings are present. Currently each additional grouping is moved further and further towards the right. Would like to set it to 0 (don't indent).

3. CUI Filter search UI element: Ability to set the border (currently 1 px grey) to None so it's not visible.

I fully support your requests.

I take this opportunity to ask music music once again that if a grouping is not fulfilled, it does nothing, while currently it leaves a blank line.

I have several groupings and for each one there is an indentation:
1- For the artist
2- To make a separating line between albums
3- For the album
4- For the discnumber (if the metadata is empty I get a blank line) (image1)

I take this opportunity to ask music music that the grouping that makes a line of separation between albums would not be necessary if he included it in the configuration of the columns ui. Something like this: (image2)

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7899
Message for music music:

I have foobar2000 v2 64-bit beta 23 installed.

I have with the buttons this problem:

Each button has a path like this:
C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000-v2\images\1. Izq\1-1.png

I have several configurations (fcl) and every time I import a fcl the path changes:

This causes the creation of multiple subfolders: (image)

Is there any way to fix this problem?