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Topic: Foobar Update messed up some things (Read 1288 times) previous topic - next topic
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Foobar Update messed up some things

Hey there, I just updated from the 2.0 13 to 2.0 beta 24.
However it seems some of the third party components got removed or reset.

1. Playlist organizer lost its organization. So all my (1000+) Playlists are totally unsorted and messed up now.
2. The component TagBox seems to stopped working. It does not show any Tags from the selected track at all and is just empty.
Yes, I use the 32 Bit version and no I have not changed any configs or settings whatsoever so it must have something to do with the update and therefore I do believe this is the right place for that.
Besides TagBox does not have its own discussion forums anymore. If anyone else has a replacement for TagBox, I am all up for an update but I have not found anything like it yet.
So, I can sort my playlists again. Not fun but at least it works. But how do I get TagBox to show the tags of the current track?
And why did it break in the first place?

Thank you all for any tips you might have  ♥

Re: Foobar Update messed up some things

Reply #1
Besides TagBox does not have its own discussion forums anymore. If anyone else has a replacement for TagBox, I am all up for an update but I have not found anything like it yet.
The thread's there thread's on page 1 of the 3rd Party subforum. It's basically an antiquated component abandoned by the author and not work in V2

how do I get TagBox to show the tags of the current track?
And why did it break in the first place?
Tag box is generally used to affix/edit tags more than read them. Selection Properties displays any combination or metadata, location data, general data, or replay gain. There are also numerous JScript / SMP scripts that offer a more customized presentation / displaying of your tags.
Neither an audiophile, nor album snob. Why do ratings threads always have a poster saying 'I don't believe in rating music'?
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Re: Foobar Update messed up some things

Reply #2
Hey, thank you VERY much for your answer. Somehow I missed the discussion of TagBox then somehow, sorry for that! :)
And it was working perfectly fine with V2 before I updated to the newest version of foobar. So I guess I will just downgrade again to an older beta version :/

I use TagBox to edit Tags. I have a few custom tags that I can add to every track and depending on the tag it will go to an auto playlist and I can easily search for custom tags which is basically the skeleton of my Library setup. So I NEED to be able to see AND quickly edit Tags and Custom Tags for the song that is selected. And selection properties does not include the custom tags AND almost all the tags it does display are irrelevant to me and I can not customize which one to display and which one not.
I will see if I can just downgrade again or if I find a replacement for TagBox somehow.
Thanks already

Re: Foobar Update messed up some things

Reply #3
La actualización foobar2000_v2.0_beta_24, daña la instalación de foobar2000_v2.0_beta_20 que tengo instalada en Windows 11, esto está pasando con algunas de las últimas actualizaciones. Reinstalé foobar2000_v2.0_beta_20 y volvio a funcionar. Gracias

Re: Foobar Update messed up some things

Reply #4
The update foobar2000_v2.0_beta_24, breaks the installation of foobar2000_v2.0_beta_20 that I have installed on Windows 11, this is happening with some of the latest updates. I reinstalled foobar2000_v2.0_beta_20 and it worked again. Thanks


Re: Foobar Update messed up some things

Reply #5
And selection properties does not include the custom tags AND almost all the tags it does display are irrelevant to me and I can not customize which one to display and which one not.
You can customize it actually, but still does not allow editing of tags. If you add custom fields they are always shown in right-click Properties, and if tagged, they are also shown in Selection Properties.

In Preferences > Advanced > Display > Properties Dialog > Standard Fields - add custom fields in the same format you see - Name=FIELD; - separated by semi-colon. You can also change the order fields are listed.