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Topic: Playlist-Manager-SMP (Read 61816 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #150
Which version are you using?
I downloaded from the "v0.5.0-beta.12 - Playlist locks" page at

But I don't know how to check the version within Foobar2000. Is it possible?

I'm using foobar2000 v2.0 beta 21.

[10:24:43] Spider Monkey Panel v1.6.1 (Playlist Manager: Playlist Manager v0.5.0-beta13 by XXX): initialized in 366 ms
I don't know where that quote is from or really what it's referring to. Where's that "[10:24:43]" timestamp from?

Why does it talk about beta13, when beta12 seems to be the latest? Should I try and find beta13 instead?

download from repository instead
Instead of where? The only place I know where to download Playlist manager is here: and I thought that was the repository.

Drag n drop is not on the last "official" release as noted on the changelog
I'm so confused, lol. That changelog specifically says drag n drop does work: "tracks can now be sent to a playlist directly with Drag and Drop"

and then you seem to say the opposite:
Drag n drop works perfectly fine on all my setups (ignoring the SMP focus thing)
Do you see what I mean?
First you say: "Drag n drop is not on the last "official" release" and the you say: "Drag n drop works perfectly fine on all my setups". Don't those two statements contradict each other?

Perhaps I'm missing what "official" in quotes means? What does that mean? Is that different from the betas? I've got the beta (12) and drag n drop just doesn't work at all, as far as I can see.

Here's a gif of me adding tracks to a built-in Playlist manager panel and then failing to do the same with your Playlist manager:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

EDIT: 2. done it, will upload it on a few hours. (all the other export options already overwrite files without asking, but since this was a strict copy option I thought it made more sense to not allow overwriting)
Thank you!

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #151
Thank you!
Have you checked the image? XD All your 4 first questions are answered there. I also warned you about this some time ago on the other thread. I understand people not used to Github usually don't know they can download the latest files that way, but... that's why I put the image!

5. Changelog specifically says unreleased ;) (which includes drag n drop, the buttons bar configuration, etc.)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And beta 12 clearly states...
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

If you download beta 12, don't expect to see unreleased changes. Obviously, you have been using beta  12 all this time, which is missing a lot of "unreleased" functionality since I DID NOT create a new release yet. But you can test it, downloading directly from repository (see at top and the image I put on my previous message).

Hope this clarifies any possible confusion.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #152
I just downloaded the 'correct' version from here:

But when I looked in the file explorer, there's a file there called VERSION and when I click on it, it still says: v0.5.0-beta12

I copied all the files over to C:\foobar2000\profile\scripts\SMP\xxx-scripts anyway (is that how you're supposed to update it?) and replaced the existing files.

But then SMP threw up an error. So I removed the SMP panel and added a new one, then added playlist_manager.js but got this error:

Then I deleted everything in C:\foobar2000\profile\scripts\SMP\xxx-scripts, pasted everything from Playlist-Manager-SMP-main into C:\foobar2000\profile\scripts\SMP\xxx-scripts and tried to add a new panel and playlist_manager.js but got the same error:

So now I can't use it at all.

What's my next step?

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #153
I just downloaded the 'correct' version from here:

But when I looked in the file explorer, there's a file there called VERSION and when I click on it, it still says: v0.5.0-beta12

I copied all the files over to C:\foobar2000\profile\scripts\SMP\xxx-scripts anyway (is that how you're supposed to update it?) and replaced the existing files.

But then SMP threw up an error. So I removed the SMP panel and added a new one, then added playlist_manager.js but got this error:

Then I deleted everything in C:\foobar2000\profile\scripts\SMP\xxx-scripts, pasted everything from Playlist-Manager-SMP-main into C:\foobar2000\profile\scripts\SMP\xxx-scripts and tried to add a new panel and playlist_manager.js but got the same error:

So now I can't use it at all.

What's my next step?

This is right because version file is not supposed to be changed until a new release is created. Version points to the last release version, not an actual state of the files.

And that's an error on my side, you did nothing wrong, I missed to upload that file (only used on Foobar V2 which I don't use). Thanks ;) Solved now. (just download again and overwrite) -updated fgithub right now, also with the copy/overwrite change-

And yep, updating means overwriting files. Will add such instructions on the wiki for clarity.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #154
And updated the wiki to clarify those doubts

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #155

I was so happy to read your reply but then, after I downloaded the zip file again, I still get the same error:

Any ideas?

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #156
Maybe by putting the files in the Roaming folder ? (if it's a normal foobar installation, not a portable installation)
See on the wiki.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #157
Maybe by putting the files in the Roaming folder ? (if it's a normal foobar installation, not a portable installation)
See on the wiki.
Nope, again my fault. Missed the new dependency file when adding the previously missing file. XD

Fixed now. Just re-downloaded the v2 beta -so it will not happen anymore- and tested it on a new installation linking to github by myself.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

BTW I'm currently re-designing the UI (the buttons bar customization is one step), so open to comments or suggestions about it.
My current idea is to remove the current header as it is right now and put there some small icons (like the folder icon) to open the settings menu. Then add a search toolbar there, more in line with Library Tree/Album List UI.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #158
Maybe by putting the files in the Roaming folder ? (if it's a normal foobar installation, not a portable installation)
See on the wiki.
Nope, again my fault. Missed the new dependency file when adding the previously missing file. XD

Fixed now. Just re-downloaded the v2 beta -so it will not happen anymore- and tested it on a new installation linking to github by myself.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

BTW I'm currently re-designing the UI (the buttons bar customization is one step), so open to comments or suggestions about it.
My current idea is to remove the current header as it is right now and put there some small icons (like the folder icon) to open the settings menu. Then add a search toolbar there, more in line with Library Tree/Album List UI.
Thank you very much. All good now.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #159
When I drag n drop some tracks from e.g. Library viewer selection, they get removed from Library viewer selection.

It's 'moving' instead of copying.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #160
When I drag n drop some tracks from e.g. Library viewer selection, they get removed from Library viewer selection.

It's 'moving' instead of copying.
Obviously, it follows native windows behavior. Copy in windows is pressing Ctrl. This is stated at the tooltip.

 If you drag n drop a track -at the libray viewer selection-  within the same playlist,, it's moved, isn't it? If you pres ctrl it's copied. The explorer and most software follow the same rules.

Please read the readme next time you have a doubt and if you don't find the answer, then feel free to ask.

Anyway, as already told u from the start. Drag n drop is just UI eye candy.
You can copy selected tracks pressing shift + L. click on playlists, which is much faster than dragging things. keyboard modifiers are fully configurable. (and now that I think I will change the default modifier to Ctrl + L. Click to be consistent with the drag n drop modifier)

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #161
Gotcha, sorry.

I knew about shift + L. click but I thought drag n drop was a bit more intuitive for a newbie (I'm going to pass on my version of Foobar2000 to a friend, and I want it to be as straightforward to use as possible).

But you're right, I think I'll just use shift + L. click anyway.

I'll watch out for the change to Ctrl + L. Click.

Thanks again.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #162
Gotcha, sorry.

I knew about shift + L. click but I thought drag n drop was a bit more intuitive for a newbie (I'm going to pass on my version of Foobar2000 to a friend, and I want it to be as straightforward to use as possible).

But you're right, I think I'll just use shift + L. click anyway.

I'll watch out for the change to Ctrl + L. Click.

Thanks again.
Yep, that's right though. Problem with drag n drop is that I can not modify the tooltip, so there is no way to show shortcuts help other than what Windows puts there. Ctrl is copy, Alt is new playlist, standard is move. (note all shortcut actions are shown on the playlist tooltips though)

I could create a new config though, to disable "moving" and make any drag n drop action a copy action. Which may be easier for newbies. Not really sure about this though, if you want to completely disable all but copy on your friend install, let me know and I point you to the lines of code to change it.

About the shortcuts, you can fully modify them using the header menu (UI\Shortcuts).
The change has been uploaded some hours ago anyway, but it only applies in new installations as default values. Updating respects the current config.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #163
Absolutely loving this, thanks once again.

One thing though. I get an error seemingly whenever I play a song for the first time.

I get a box like this:

And when I close that box, I have to also close another box like this:

Can you think what might be causing it?

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #164
Ah. The only reason there are two error boxes to close is because I was running your Playlist manager in two separate SMP panels.

I've removed one temporarily and now I only get one error box.

I only seem to get the error when I play a track from the Library Viewer Selection playlist, not the other ones.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #165
1. Why are you saving the library viewer to a file? It makes no sense to do that in general, since the playlist is overwritten with every click on the library viewer.
2. The manager can track UI-only playlists too, there is no need to write them to files unless you have a reason to do so (for ex. loading only the ones you need on every session).
3.  2 panels are not supposed to work with the same playlist folder (and playlists), in general, unless you disable auto-saving in one of them. This is stated in the readme. Otherwise you are saving things 2 times with every change, which is sub-optimal (or may lead to problems).
4. Cant' reproduce it with any playlist, even doing (1) it works fine here.

I need more info about your config.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #166
UI-playlist tracked without file -> Play items -> Converted to M3U8 -> play Items
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Lock M3U8 playlist -> play Items
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #167
1. Why are you saving the library viewer to a file? It makes no sense to do that in general, since the playlist is overwritten with every click on the library viewer.
2. The manager can track UI-only playlists too, there is no need to write them to files unless you have a reason to do so (for ex. loading only the ones you need on every session).
I didn't know I was saving the library viewer to a file, lol.

I deleted the playlist_manager folder and reinstalled Playlist Manager (so presumably everything is set to default settings?) and the problem has gone. Thanks.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #168
I'm sorry to have to ask this but no matter how many times I read the pdf, I can't quite get my head around the "relative paths" thing.

Could you please tell me what I should set.

I have foobar2000 monitoring two music folders, so the setup is like this:

        -[Big Retro Hits 90s]
            -007. Chateau Pop - Maniac.mp3
    -Live music
        -[1999-01-02 - A Concert]
            -001. A song.mp3
        -My playlist.m3u8

where [C:] and [D:] are internal hard drives.

My friend's setup wil be:

        -[Big Retro Hits 90s]
            -007. Chateau Pop - Maniac.mp3
        -My playlist.m3u8

where [E:] is an external USB drive and [C:] is of course their internal drive.

We will both be using portable installations.

Should one or both of us set "Save relative paths to folder..." to "Yes"?

It seems from this: that maybe the answer is no for my friend (not sure about me because my music is in two different drives).

But is there a way to change the folder the playlists are saved in?

So instead of my friend using C:\foobar2000\profile\playlist_manager\My playlist.m3u8

they could use

E:\!playlist_manager\My playlist.m3u8

instead. Or something like that.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #169
1. Why are you saving the library viewer to a file? It makes no sense to do that in general, since the playlist is overwritten with every click on the library viewer.
2. The manager can track UI-only playlists too, there is no need to write them to files unless you have a reason to do so (for ex. loading only the ones you need on every session).
I didn't know I was saving the library viewer to a file, lol.

I deleted the playlist_manager folder and reinstalled Playlist Manager (so presumably everything is set to default settings?) and the problem has gone. Thanks.
Not sure what was going on, but it would have been interesting to find the problem (just to be sure it doesn't happen again). But yep, it may have been the installation was somehow corrupted.

The relative paths thing is simple in fact. Do you need to enable it? Only if you know you need to use it. i.e. you probably don't :)
An use case? You have your foobar installation on an external disk. Therefore, every-time it's plugged onto a PC the same disk letter is not assured. Here you would use relative paths to point to files on the same disk, and the paths would always work since they don't depend on an specific disk. (this may be generalized to any root). "IX Advanced tips\43 Portable ’plug&play’ installation" is about this ;)

Now... relative paths ONLY works when the playlist is on the same disk than the music. As simple as that. If you save the playlist to a different disk than the music it references, then it doesn't work.

      -[Big Retro Hits 90s]
            -007. Chateau Pop - Maniac.mp3
    -Live music
        -[1999-01-02 - A Concert]
            -001. A song.mp3
        -My playlist.m3u8

where [C:] and [D:] are internal hard drives.
In this case, only music on C could use relative paths. Since any track on D would need to use the full path "D:\Live music\..."

My friend's setup wil be:

        -[Big Retro Hits 90s]
            -007. Chateau Pop - Maniac.mp3
        -My playlist.m3u8
You would need to save the playlist on E  too to make use of relative paths.

But is there a way to change the folder the playlists are saved in?
Obviously XD Readme: "III Features\Tracking folder"
That's what this manager is for hahahaha Header menu, first entry "Set playlist folder".  ::)

I will edit the readme anyway to make it more clear on the installation section like "After installation REMEMBER to set the playlists folder [see section XXX]".

Btw just checked it and the first panel popup point users to set their desired folder, but I will make it clearer and also add a warning about it on the panel itself.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #170
Ok, reworked the popup:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The panel text:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And also a new popup on first install in case tracked folders are the same:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Better now? That should cover most situations where users may miss to check it..

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #171
Just updated it with a few fixes and small improvements for the UI:
- UI: keyboard modifier on L. Click + Ctrl is now set by default to 'Copy selection to playlist'. Shift + L. Click to 'Load / show playlist'. i.e. they are swapped; this is done to be consistent with drag and drop modifiers, since Ctrl is associated to copy.
- UI: initial popup and panel text (with empty tracked folder) now points more clearly to set the tracked folder as needed.
- UI: on first installation, in case another panel has the same tracked folder, a popup is thrown warning about setting another folder for the new panel.
- UI: fix to quick-searching / show active playlist not jumping to playlist in some cases (also appeared at [0.5.0-beta.8] and before). Method has been rewritten from scratch and now puts the result on the middle of the window whenever it's possible resulting in a more natural behavior.
- UI: loaded playlist indicator has been changed to '>>' which is adjusted better to different DPI settings.
- UI: selected and highlighted playlist rectangles did not match in size, neither were properly adjusted to playlist name text in some cases.
- UI: size not being shown when playlist name was too long. Now the name is sliced to accommodate the available width after the size info is taken into account. Example: "My too long playlist..." is now displayed as "My too long pl... (100)"

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #172
Thanks, regor. Excellent.

I still don't understand what I should do with relative paths but I'm not worried for now. I'll leave the default (absolute paths) and worry about it when something breaks.

Couple of other things:

1. I can't create a playlist by creating a new file from the active playlist. Whether I keep the same name, or type in a new one, I get this error:

2. Is it possible that Playlist Manager is adding a disc number to some tracks? It seems very unlikely but I can't work out what's doing it.

All my single-disc albums have no %discnumber% in the tags. But some tracks are mysteriously getting a 1 put in that field. I can't work out what the tracks have in common. But they have all definitely been in a standard playlist. And it only started happening recently.

If not, do you by any chance have any idea what could be doing this?

I only noticed because I sent a playlist of 158 tracks to my phone and only 154 showed up in the playlist, (which it took me ages to realise was) because the playlist is looking for a file called 1.01 - Title.mp3 when in fact the file is called 01- Title.mp3[/code

So it messes up the playlists, and when I go to move files in Foobar2000, all these tracks want to get moved to because of the new rogue, unwanted disc number.

3. Sending playlists to my phone is wonderful. I have a partial collection of tracks on my phone, but in the same folder structure (not sure if that's necessary or not but I did it so I can keep all the album covers ready to be accessed when they're needed).

So I send a playlist over and my music player (Musicolet) plays whichever of those tracks it can find, and in the correct order. Whoopee. But I guess that's what playlists are meant to do, lol. It just took me a while to get there.

But I can't get the other way round to work. I create a playlist in Musicolet and send it to my C:\foobar2000\profile\playlist_manager folder, but the tracks show up with completely blank metadata in Foobar2000.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #173
1. I can't create a playlist by creating a new file from the active playlist. Whether I keep the same name, or type in a new one, I get this error:
That seems similar to your other error. Is the folder actually writable? Do you have another playlist with same name? Does that folder exist? Other new playlist actions work?
Again this is non-reproducible by me (and no one ever reported something like this).

2. Is it possible that Playlist Manager is adding a disc number to some tracks? It seems very unlikely but I can't work out what's doing it.
Nop. Tracks are never touched by the manager in any way (unless you make use of some auto-tagging features which require user-explicit actions and that's not your case).

I only noticed because I sent a playlist of 158 tracks to my phone and only 154 showed up in the playlist, (which it took me ages to realise was) because the playlist is looking for a file called 1.01 - Title.mp3 when in fact the file is called 01- Title.mp3[/code
Why don't you strip the tag from the converter/copy logic? I mean, that doesn't solve your tagging problem, but at least it doesn't mangle your playlists anymore.

3. Sending playlists to my phone is wonderful. I have a partial collection of tracks on my phone, but in the same folder structure (not sure if that's necessary or not but I did it so I can keep all the album covers ready to be accessed when they're needed).

So I send a playlist over and my music player (Musicolet) plays whichever of those tracks it can find, and in the correct order. Whoopee. But I guess that's what playlists are meant to do, lol. It just took me a while to get there.

But I can't get the other way round to work. I create a playlist in Musicolet and send it to my C:\foobar2000\profile\playlist_manager folder, but the tracks show up with completely blank metadata in Foobar2000.
To be honest I am a bit lost with your usage. To help you, I need you to provide me exact details of disk letters involved in both devices, folder structure and also post the 2 playlist files as example (one from PC, other from Musicolet).

Is the playlist from Musicolet playable? I would say you don't get blank metadata but just no tracks, i.e. it tries to load a path which points to nothing.

Also I would really suggest you to investigate a bit more about how playlist work and paths, since I would say most of your usage doubts are related to that and you can no expect things to work just by copying files in most use-cases unless you replicate the entire file structure, including disk letters.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #174
Thanks. I'll get back to you about the other stuff, regor.

What is the black panel on the left in this screenshot of your pdf?

I only have the panel on the right (with the four playlists) and I don't understand what you're referring to when you talk about the "manager".

I have a big playlist in a particular order, handmade by me - not sorted by any column. The playlist is locked so I don't mess up that order.

I want to remove one track from the playlist. But I don't know where the track is in the playlist.

So I want to sort the playlist temporarily by title, find the track, remove it from the playlist and then revert to the original playlist order (but with that track now removed).

None of my efforts (involving unlocking then relocking the playlist) have managed to achieve that. Is it possible?

Alternatively, is it possible to search within a playlist, so I can find the track I want to remove without re-sorting the playlist?