is it possible to change these frequencies as shown in the photo?
By the looks of it you'd have to edit 'themes\eole\js\WSHnowplaying.js' in a decent text editor and find around line #102 that looks like this -
allinfos: fb.TitleFormat((globalProperties.use_ratings_file_tags ? "$meta(rating)" : "%rating%") + " ^^ $if2(%title%,) ^^ $if2(%artist%,) ^^ $if(%album%, | %album%,) ^^ $if2(%date%,?) ^^ %codec% ^^ $if2(%play_count%,0) ^^ $if(%codec_profile%, | %codec_profile%)$if(%bitrate%, | %bitrate%K)"),
Add the other tech info fields you want to the part that just says %codec% (these parts in between ^^ use standard title formatting).
For an example, I added %__encoding%, %__bitspersample%, %samplerate%, and $caps(%channels%) at the end, etc-
allinfos: fb.TitleFormat((globalProperties.use_ratings_file_tags ? "$meta(rating)" : "%rating%") + " ^^ $if2(%title%,) ^^ $if2(%artist%,) ^^ $if(%album%, | %album%,) ^^ $if2(%date%,?) ^^ %__encoding% %codec% [%__bitspersample% Bit ]%samplerate% Hz ^^ $if2(%play_count%,0) ^^ $if(%codec_profile%, %codec_profile%)$if(%bitrate%, %bitrate% kbps) $caps(%channels%)"),
When done, save the file and mouse over the panel in Eole, hold Shift key > right-click > Reload, and hopefully you got it right. You'll have to experiment a bit playing various file types to see how it displays, because for some strange reason the string order does not match the display order (%play_count% shows up last) - so if you move things around, perhaps keep the string in the same order.
Oh fantastic , thank you