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Topic: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme (Read 87557 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #200
is it possible to change these frequencies as shown in the photo?
By the looks of it you'd have to edit 'themes\eole\js\WSHnowplaying.js' in a decent text editor and find around line #102 that looks like this -

Code: [Select]
allinfos: fb.TitleFormat((globalProperties.use_ratings_file_tags ? "$meta(rating)" : "%rating%") + " ^^ $if2(%title%,) ^^ $if2(%artist%,) ^^ $if(%album%,  |  %album%,) ^^ $if2(%date%,?) ^^ %codec% ^^ $if2(%play_count%,0) ^^ $if(%codec_profile%, | %codec_profile%)$if(%bitrate%, | %bitrate%K)"),

Add the other tech info fields you want to the part that just says %codec% (these parts in between ^^ use standard title formatting).

For an example, I added %__encoding%, %__bitspersample%, %samplerate%, and $caps(%channels%) at the end, etc-

Code: [Select]
allinfos: fb.TitleFormat((globalProperties.use_ratings_file_tags ? "$meta(rating)" : "%rating%") + " ^^ $if2(%title%,) ^^ $if2(%artist%,) ^^ $if(%album%,  |  %album%,) ^^ $if2(%date%,?) ^^ %__encoding% %codec% [%__bitspersample% Bit ]%samplerate% Hz ^^ $if2(%play_count%,0) ^^ $if(%codec_profile%, %codec_profile%)$if(%bitrate%, %bitrate% kbps) $caps(%channels%)"),

When done, save the file and mouse over the panel in Eole, hold Shift key > right-click > Reload, and hopefully you got it right. You'll have to experiment a bit playing various file types to see how it displays, because for some strange reason the string order does not match the display order (%play_count% shows up last) - so if you move things around, perhaps keep the string in the same order.

Oh fantastic , thank you

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #201
Hi, it may be a stupid question, how do I change the background transparency? The transparent background looks too busy for me. Thx

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #202
^ Did you set window transparency in CUI? - (Preferences > Display > Columns UI > Main tab, 'Use transparency...')

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #203
Hi, it may be a stupid question, how do I change the background transparency? The transparent background looks too busy for me. Thx
In JStheme_common.js, in function get_colors_global

You can change those 2 variables line 489/490 and 570/571
      colors.wallpaper_overlay = GetGrey(25,230);
      colors.wallpaper_overlay_blurred = GetGrey(25,200);
They are defined 2 times, once for the light theme, once for the dark theme. The grey tone defined there is painted over the background, and as you can see, there is a different grey used depending of the blurred state of the background image. The first parameter is the lightness 0 = full black, 255 = full white. The second parameter is the transparency 0 =  invisible 255 = fully opaque.

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #204
Hi Ottodix,

I just noticed that there is (at least on my end) a crash in one of your modules (the mini-player) that you should be able to replicate by holding left-click on a track, then right-clicking.

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #205

i'm so glad to know this nice theme!
i have question about font size
how to change upper one to lower one ? (in attached picture)

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #206
Hi. Thank you for the theme, i love it.

One question - Right now when i click library - genres and choose specific genres, it shows me all albums of that genre. Can i somehow set it so it will group these albums by artist, and when i choose specific artist it would show me their albums?

If i set custom grouping and leave first line %album artist%, but empty the second line it groups songs by artist - almost like i need, but when i choose particualt artist, it shows me all of their songs combined, and i want it to show me list of their albums. Wondered if i can do it, it would help to navigate my library a lot. Thanks!

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #207
Why do I see the image blurry? every time to see it well I have to refresh, isn't there a way to always show it well and not blurry?

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #208
Not sure, but maybe you've got a max value too small in Foobar menu > skin settings > Covers & memory usage > thumbnail max width.

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #209
OK now it works great.

Is that right?

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #210
Well, with such an high value, you may experience out of memory error / or foobar may take a lot of ram, as I didn't implement any limit on the size of the cover cache. But maybe depending of the power of your computer / size of your library, everything will be fine. You'll see !

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #211
My images are 1200x1200 jpg large and weigh 300MB
I have a Ryzen 5 5600g with 32GB of ram

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #212
And foobar2000 can use at most 2GB of it, because it's a 32-bit application.

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #213
So is it okay with how I set it up?

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #215
I didn't understand, however I'm Italian and I don't speak English, I use a translator.
I tried it at 1000px and the image that is at 1200x1200 jpg I always see it a bit blurry, but if I put it at 2000px I see it very well.

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #216
It's up to you to find the right balance between image quality and memory usage, and if you are happy with your current settings, then it's perfect

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #217
I did a lot of tests, and in the end I put it at 1000px and it's perfect, thank you very much for this skin, I modified it a little bit.  :))
It's up to you to find the right balance between image quality and memory usage, and if you are happy with your current settings, then it's perfect

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #218
this only happens to me with albums Motley Crue

itemValue[2] is undefined

File: WSHbiography.js
Line: 3903, Column: 21
Stack trace:

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #221
what changes between these 2 versions?

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #222
If you're in a hurry and have the repo cloned locally, you can:

Code: [Select]
git log 6b23513..cc9d5df

Oh, crud, that's right, most Windows users won't have Git installed. You can also check those commit hashes on the Github commit log for the project, I hope.

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #223
It is a pity that this skin loads the covers on this "eole-img-cache" folder, but wasn't it better to show the covers in real time without storing anything in the folders?

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #224
Of course, but it would be a lot slower. Here on the library panel, the covers loads almost instantly, without, well, just try the sample script called JS smooth browser and you will see