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Topic: foo_youtube (Read 558731 times) previous topic - next topic
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This component adds possibility to play Youtube, Vimeo and Dailymotion clips directly by their URL.

Other features: channels support (Youtube, Dailymotion), search on Youtube within the program, clip thumbnail as album art, clip subtitles as lyrics, multitrack album from the single clip, video playback.


Re: foo_youtube

Reply #2
This is great! Thanks..  finally that someone make this plugin, and sound quality is excellent.
One future request, if possible, would be good that you have search box in view>youtube window, and when enter song and title you recieve list of videos , and when click on selected video it starts play.
Anyway, this is the plugin i've been looking for years, thank you, i appreciate your hard work..

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #3
Amazing! Ive just registered to foobar forum, to thank you your hard work. Everything is just working fine, waiting for the next release!

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #4
Not working here.

I always get "Unable to open item for playback (Unsupported format or corrupted file):""" error or "Unable to open item for playback (Forbidden (403)):"3dydfy://"" error.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #5
Not working here.

I always get "Unable to open item for playback (Unsupported format or corrupted file):""" error or "Unable to open item for playback (Forbidden (403)):"3dydfy://"" error.

Your link work..
You may have this problem: In preferences>advanced>networking check, allow seeking over HTTP.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #6
This is how it looks, i also have images and bio text for Youtube video

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #7
Not working here.

I always get "Unable to open item for playback (Unsupported format or corrupted file):""" error or "Unable to open item for playback (Forbidden (403)):"3dydfy://"" error.

Your link work..
You may have this problem: In preferences>advanced>networking check, allow seeking over HTTP.

Have it checked... I have no idea why it doesn't work on my machine. <-- this one works <-- this one doesn't

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #8
Thanks to all for feedback!

Not working here.

I always get "Unable to open item for playback (Unsupported format or corrupted file):""" error or "Unable to open item for playback (Forbidden (403)):"3dydfy://"" error.

For now plugin adds Youtube clips, recognized by it, with custom protocol string 3dydfy://. This is done to prevent foobar2000 to download page before it passes link (and downloaded page) to plugins - plugin anyway downloads page again by itself using canonical url, which content may differ with provided. In conclusion, for now (v0.0.1) if you have in playlist Youtube link started with http:// then it was not recognized by the plugin (so foobar2000 just added the link to playlist as is) and when you will play it - plugin will ignore it (because expects only 3dydfy:// links). Yep, not good decision, so this behaviour will be fixed in next version - http:// links also will be accepted.

About Unable to open item for playback (Forbidden (403)). Sometimes this really happens, Youtube rejects requests to media files (maybe it thinks there was too much requests for media files for one computer (and not without a reason :) )). Usually this is temporary effect and after few seconds all is ok. Ensure that you've selected Playback Start slider in Presefences to Fast - this will download only page and don't request any info about media files from Youtube. Also some info may give plugin log which can be found in plugin info window, tab Log (plugin info window shows by menu View -> Youtube Source). To see log, you should have this window opened before start playback (bug, fixed in next version)

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #9
It is possible to implement direct search within foobar2000?

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #10
It is possible to implement direct search within foobar2000?

This is good question, already mentioned in earlier messages. Yes, this is possible, but not sure is this really needs. Really, this can be done using one more tab in Youtube Source window (let call it Search tab), where you'll get edit box for search request, Search button and list of founded clips. But Youtube already has all this by itself, with many search filters and personalized search results, so is this really needed?

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #11
It would be a quite useful feature, if i could stream my favourite music directly from foobar without a browser. Personally i didnt like youtube`s interface at all. For some users with low-end computers it could be a welcomed feature.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #12
It is possible to implement direct search within foobar2000?

This is good question, already mentioned in earlier messages. Yes, this is possible, but not sure is this really needs. Really, this can be done using one more tab in Youtube Source window (let call it Search tab), where you'll get edit box for search request, Search button and list of founded clips. But Youtube already has all this by itself, with many search filters and personalized search results, so is this really needed?

That would be really useful,i also don't like youtube interface, if you have this option, you don't have to leaving foobar, and go to browser (It's frustrating to use another program for this).
Also copy-paste url is difficult somethimes if you want many videos from diferent artists. It would be good if you have time to do it. Thanks..

Something i found, you can download mp3 from video with convert

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #13
Can you send it to the official components page so it updates automatically?

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #14
Temporary having problem to edit main post so for now leaving this only here:

New version:

- added Youtube Adaptive Streams using. Enabled by default which means that if page has acceptable adaptive streams then only those streams will be used at selecting which media to play
- selection of which media to play configured to use only formats supported by foobar2000 out of the box. And this list excludes FLV format and adaptive AAC stream (Youtube uses DASH codec unsupported by current foobar2000 version). In addition to those excluded also WebM format - Youtube usually provides qualities in both WebM and MP4 formats, so this ignoring in most cases will not result in quality loss, but most likely will result in playback speed up - looks like WebM needs more seeking though file
- Clips History tab now shows info about all media files founded on the page. Youtube page always contains more than one media with different qualities. This info tab provided for clean understanding which quality was selected to play and which was ignored due to plugin preferences
- plugin does not ignore now links started with usual protocol (http) or links without protocol at all. However it still uses own 3dydfy:// protocol to speed up playback start

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #15
@outwork, @mire777
Ok, if Search needed, then it will be.

I'll try.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #16
Trying out right now! Thanks.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #19
Can you send it to the official components page so it updates automatically?

Only components that are proven to be stable and well developed tend to end up there.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #20
Can you send it to the official components page so it updates automatically?

Only components that are proven to be stable and well developed tend to end up there.

Well, thanks for feedback. Actually point is not in placing this component to the official components list. Point is to have updates or at least be notified about new version if component already installed by the user. Or this feature available only for official components?

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #21
Well, thanks for feedback. Actually point is not in placing this component to the official components list. Point is to have updates or at least be notified about new version if component already installed by the user. Or this feature available only for official components?

Not even the Components page have only official components. The auto updates come from that page though yes.

Check here at the bottom of the page: Official components are only the ones made by Peter.

Browse official components
Browse all components

mudlord specified the components must at least be stable not official.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #22
Great plugin, but i a have problem, its crashed over over again.
log here:

Illegal operation:
Code: C0000005h, flags: 00000000h, address: 06BA2C1Ah
Access violation, operation: read, address: 00000000h

Call path:
EAX: 00000000, EBX: 02BE1EA0, ECX: 00000000, EDX: 0029F69C
ESI: 00000001, EDI: 00000021, EBP: 0029F640, ESP: 0029F5F4

Crash location:
Module: foo_youtube
Offset: 2C1Ah

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #23
Ough, difficult to learn from others' mistakes whatever says opening quote of this topic.

New version:

- tuning of playback quality selection improved. Youtube Adaptive Streams now used always but still preferred by default due to 'Prefer Adaptive Streams' setting. Example: 'Preferred Quality' set to 'Best available' (as by default) and analyzed clip has best quality '1080p, 192 kbps AAC, 666 MB' and best adaptive stream 'OGG 128 kbps, 10 MB'. By default adaptive streams are preferred regardless of quality of video clips i.e. will be selected 'OGG 128 kbps, 10 MB'. If uncheck this setting then adaptive stream will be compared with other available audio streams and will be selected best available which is '1080p, 192 kbps AAC, 666 MB'. If you worry which quality selected, check 'Clips History' tab from main menu 'View- > Youtube Source', it shows available qualities, quality selected for playback and qualities ignored due to preferences. This should help to understand quality selection strategy. I remind, particular streams (including adaptive) can be disabled through 'Formats to ignore' edit box in component preferences
- added debug info (helps with crash analysis). @room302, please use 'Send Report' from foobar2000 crash window (maybe i'll get it somehow) or send crash dump directly to
- few minor changes regarded to UI

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #24
New version:

- fixed crash on start in several cases. Thanks to @room302