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Topic: foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar (Read 162255 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #125
Well, you are persistent, aren't you?

I'm sorry - I didn't miss everything else. I just read those messages and think "oh yeah, sending him the sourcecode - will do that - but not now". I think that for 4 days and then I have forgotten all about it ^^.

But here it is:
Behold the mighty sourcecode:

This isn't stated anywhere else, but I'm hereby releasing the sourcecode under the condition that any modifications to it (that are part of a public release) have to be made available to the public.

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #126
Woo, this sounds as a very good plugin -  I just tested this one and works okay here on foobar 1.0 beta 4. Has someone already started coding a successor based on the source code?
I think Exaile (, a Linux based audio player) has a nice implemention of this feature: a small button on the bottom of the playlist to enable or disable the dynamic playlist. If it is enabled, it will make a queue of 5 items and keeps it that long (so if a song has finished, it sends a query to for a new song). The query is based on the last 10 played songs, I believe.

I would love to help programming this plugin, but C++ is not one of my favorite languages, to say the least...

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #128
I love(d) this plugin. Great idea and great work!

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #130
Two posts before yours:
Here is a similar plugin:

Not only that it has more features you also can save your money![/s]

You already saw it:
@any mod: feel free to delete my post

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #131
yeah but this thread should be alive after this impressive result in softplaylist thread...

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #132
What you name testing and requesting i would call trolling. But i'am not in the position to decide that.

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #133
maybe the author of this component may improve his own by the usage of the source code of the older component.
Might be interesting. What i did was a test with same conditions and a massive difference in efficency.

So i would prefer the older one if it works, but foobar2k 1.1.3 crashes with the old foo_scrobblecharts.

I wanted to show up the difference. And its not a smal one as u can see, i hope ure able see it...


In addition i have to say that the api latency is no argument for that difference. So this was defnitly wrong. The problem should be the architecture of the code. Maybe they can improve their component in future. Optimizing it. Maybe copy the similar artist function 1:1. I hope so!

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #135
Released the source code on github:
I was looking for a newer Version, because mine is from 2007 and keeps crashing...

Please excuse the maybe dumb question, but on the guthub-page, WHERE can I download a binary version of this component for use in foobar2000?

I see that ppl are contributed to the component the lasts months, but I cannot find any link to download and install it into foobar2000...

Am I blind, or did I understand something comletely wrong? Any hint would be helpful, hopefuly

Re: foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #136
Released the source code on github:
I was looking for a newer Version, because mine is from 2007 and keeps crashing...

Please excuse the maybe dumb question, but on the guthub-page, WHERE can I download a binary version of this component for use in foobar2000?

I see that ppl are contributed to the component the lasts months, but I cannot find any link to download and install it into foobar2000...

Am I blind, or did I understand something comletely wrong? Any hint would be helpful, hopefuly

Same problem-
Yes, the avatar it is the cover of «The City» by Vangelis.