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Topic: foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar (Read 162255 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

What does it do?
This component allows you to generate a playlist from an artist's chart. It also allows you to sort a selection in the playlist by the artist's charts.

If you're feeling funky you may also generate a playlist full of songs (hopefully ) similar to the selected one. The component uses the similar artists list for this.

It downloads the data feed from the server, looks for these tracks in your Music Library and puts these into a new playlist.

Download here

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #1
Very Cool.

Thank you!

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #2
sounds very interesting


foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #3
I've been waiting for something like this very long. If you made it this far, may it be possible to grab the list of similar artists too? I'd love to get randomized playlist with similar artists.

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #4
Fantastic. Thank you so much for this.

Edit: looks like it pulls info from the "top tracks last week" chart. Would it be possible to add an option for the "top tracks in the last 6 months" chart? That would make this plugin even more amazing.

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #5
It would be cool to be able to pull user charts also.

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #6
It is possible to grab all kinds of charts and generate playlists out of them. But I'm a very lazy person, and don't need that - so I can't promise anything .

looks like it pulls info from the "top tracks last week" chart. Would it be possible to add an option for the "top tracks in the last 6 months" chart? That would make this plugin even more amazing.

Well, that on the other hand is not very easy since this data is not available as a data feed. I'd have to extract it from the webpage. This is a lot of work and would be very slow (the site is a lot slower than the data feeds). So I don't think I will ever implement this. You could ask the people of to provide a data sheet for this, though.

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #7
Please don't make me beg for the similar artist playlist!
Just kidding, take your time. We really have to thank you for that component!

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #8
It is possible to grab all kinds of charts and generate playlists out of them. But I'm a very lazy person, and don't need that - so I can't promise anything .

looks like it pulls info from the "top tracks last week" chart. Would it be possible to add an option for the "top tracks in the last 6 months" chart? That would make this plugin even more amazing.

Well, that on the other hand is not very easy since this data is not available as a data feed. I'd have to extract it from the webpage. This is a lot of work and would be very slow (the site is a lot slower than the data feeds). So I don't think I will ever implement this. You could ask the people of to provide a data sheet for this, though.

I'm sorry for my poor phrasing.

I meant: For a given artist, you're using the Weekly chart, but just below that (in the web page), there's a 6 month chart. I was asking if you could use that.

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #10
I understood your request - you didn't understand my answer .
I don't get the charts from the web page, but from a data feed:

Read my post again.

oops.  . I thought you were scraping the webpage or something. but the web services page does have a lot of nifty charts . The possibilities are mind boggling.

Thanks for your work... it's really enhanced my music listening experience.

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #11
It would be cool to be able to pull user charts also.

I am in full agreement.  I just see a few problems...

1) You'd need a username input method
2) I think the only feed for users is recent tracks... which doesn't always give you much choice and leads to the problem of needing...
3) report the 'error' of no recent tracks when the feed is empty.

Not that it's anything insurmountable but I'm not sure Chronial wants to do it.  I wonder, Chronial, would you release the source for someone else to work on if you don't plan on doing much.  Ideally I'd like to figure out a way to play their longer charts and also concatenate users so I could play the combined recent tracks of three or four of my friends.

But, thanks for this  It's definitely a good way to listen to artists I haven't heard much music from.

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #12
Just request it by mail and I'll send you the sourcecode (but be warned - it's quite a mess at the moment ^^).

I really like the idea of doing something with the similar artist playlist - but I don't quite know what . So if something has a good concept for this I will implement it.

Except of that there are feeds left for single users:
  • Top Artists
  • Top Albums
  • Top Tracks
  • System Recommendations  -- this is quite useless since this is only interesting for yourself - but you don't have the music listed there in your library.

For all users (overall charts):
  • Top Artists
  • Top Albums
  • Top Tracks
And the group charts - but I don't think anyone actually uses them.

For the Artist and Album charts: I don't quite know what do them, since generating a playlist out of them would result in an extremely large / gigantic playlist. There's no use in doing that.

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #13
I would absolutely LOVE this if I could use this for TAGS (there are web services for this  )

Perhaps some sort of Greasemonkey script for use on could interact with fb2k when browsing the site, "create playlist from this tag"

I'd like to have my STYLE mp3 tag fetch the top-most used tag on also.

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #14
I really like the idea of doing something with the similar artist playlist - but I don't quite know what . So if something has a good concept for this I will implement it.

It should look up for the similar artists in the library and create a shuffled playlist with these. It would be so much easier to create playlist of certain genres. I have seen an option like this in a linux player a long time ago and have been waiting for something similar for foobar for a long time. Maybe you could even add an option for creating shuffled playlists or ordered by starting with the most similar artist etc..

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #15
There you go
Version 0.1.1 (beta)

With da new similar artists feature - check it out .
At the moment it generates the playlist by sorting by Similarity*TrackReach. This means that you might get an unbalanced playlist with too many popular tracks on top. Needs more testing. *edit: fixed - now the formula is Similarity*(TrackReach / ArtistTopTrackReach)

Wow - this feature rocks ^^. I wouldn't have thought that it might work this well.

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #16
There you go
Version 0.1.1 (beta)

With da new similar artists feature - check it out .
At the moment it generates the playlist by sorting by Similarity*TrackReach. This means that you might get an unbalanced playlist with too many popular tracks on top. Needs more testing. *edit: fixed - now the formula is Similarity*(TrackReach / ArtistTopTrackReach)

Wow - this feature rocks ^^. I wouldn't have thought that it might work this well.

Really, freakin, awesome plugin.

Could you make it so that the playlists created don't automatically start playing though? Or is this already an option elsewhere?

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #17
I'm sorry but you'll have to wait some time till you get options. I hate the Win32 UI stuff.

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #18
I love this plugin too. One very little request, could you put the name of the artist in the playlist name that way we could have mutiple playlists opened.

Thanks for your awesome work

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #19
This was the way it behaved in the beginning - but once it made me open >70 playlists, I decided to deactivate it ^^.
sry, but you'll have to wait for the preferences page.

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #20
This is great, building it into my layout now, a nice "sort by popularity" button.

EDIT: What is track-reach?

EDIT 2: Wow, these playlists are awesome.

EDIT 3: An option to include the original artist in the playlist would be good.

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #21
Wow this plugin rocks especially the playlist generated from similar artist!

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #22
thanks for regarding my suggestion

this totally rocks! I tested it with various genres and it really makes creating genre based playlist easy. Of course it depends on how much music you've got in your library, but this shouldn't be a problem for most people here I guess.

Thank you very much chronial, you realized an old dream of mine :x

foo_scrobblecharts - play Charts in foobar

Reply #23
awesome concept and look forward to using it.
I am really feeling like a noob - how do I use this component - I cannot find it in any of the menu's or preferences - what am I doing wrong..


Who would of thought right clicking? hahah im a noob indeed - I just woke up - using it already love it


I also suggest adding original artists name to the playlist eg #Similar Artist To The White Stripes
Just makes things a little tidier - but as you have said I imagine this will be more of a preference option