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Topic: Columns UI (Read 4662862 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Columns UI

Reply #8075
Album list panel / Columns UI panel looks very interesting - but unfortunately not available for the fb2k M-CPU (Apple Silicone) Mac version!
Like so many interesting fb2k extensions.

I use fb2k v2.6 beta for Mac.
nice greetings
Fred (Fritz) - on M1 Mac, macOS Ventura

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8076
Hi. In Default UI, it's possible to add playlist from Classic UI without switching to Classic UI, so it's possible to combine Default UI with playlist from Classic UI, or both playlist at the same time.
Is it possible to make the playlist from Columns UI compatible with Default UI too, without switching to Columns UI completely? Please make playlist from Columns UI compatible with Default UI. I need only playlist, but the other components I use from Default UI.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8077
Hi. In Default UI, it's possible to add playlist from Classic UI without switching to Classic UI, so it's possible to combine Default UI with playlist from Classic UI, or both playlist at the same time.
Is it possible to make the playlist from Columns UI compatible with Default UI too, without switching to Columns UI completely? Please make playlist from Columns UI compatible with Default UI. I need only playlist, but the other components I use from Default UI.
But not for Mac foobar2000 v2.6
nice greetings
Fred (Fritz) - on M1 Mac, macOS Ventura

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8078
I pressed ESC (my intention was to close the popup) and the log vanished, but the popup stayed empty on the screen.
It took a while to find the reason for this... The very old (technical) answer is here:

A popup panel window is actually a dialog so it's affected by this. I will at least stop the panel from destroying itself (as it should never do that).

Album list panel / Columns UI panel looks very interesting - but unfortunately not available for the fb2k M-CPU (Apple Silicone) Mac version!
Columns UI is entirely based on Windows technologies so there'll never be a macOS version (on top of that, I m not a Mac user).

now playing / pause button with columns ui in playlist view

Reply #8079
hi . this was propably talked about often enough in this forum but i just the search function and couldnt find anything
im having my 7 or 8th foobar install with columns ui right now and no i have no now playing / pause button again in front of my artists name like i used to .
i tried to mark where it was before , sorry for the not so good picture and my not so good english for not being able to describe it better

also i just remembered i have another problem i had before . when i directly try to open a mp3 or flac data even if its asociated with foobar it doesnt open it . i only can open music via my media library or open with it via foobar filebrowser.

hope someone can help me out thx :)

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8080
Message to music music:

This message is to report what I believe may be a bug in the indentation system.

/ Let's see a comparison between image 1 & image 2:

Image 1: indentation enabled, Custom: 1. The playlist view is displayed correctly.

Image 2: indentation disabled. The playlist view shows correctly the same number of tracks as image 1.

/ Let's see now the problem in the comparison between image 3 & image 4:

Image 3: indentation enabled, custom: 1. The playlist view is displayed correctly.

Image 4: indentation disabled. The playlist view should show the same number of tracks however it shows 3 tracks less at the bottom.
After several tests I discovered that this problem occurs when one or more of the displayed discs have less than 6 tracks (I suppose that this number will depend on the size of  the cover).
In these cases the separation between discs is bigger and therefore the number of tracks displayed is reduced.

/ Let's look at another problem:

With indentation enabled, custom= 1: 
If the disks have more than 5 tracks there is no problem (Image 5). If we increase the value of the custom box progressively, the columns move to the right without losing lines below (Image 6).
If some discs have less than 6 tracks (Image 7) then increasing the custom value will progressively lose lines at the bottom as we increase the value (Image 8).

/  Finally I would like, if possible, to add an improvement to the indentation system when indentation is disabled. In this case all the information is glued to the left panels without any separation.

To solve this problem I had to insert a panel with background equal to the one millimeter wide playlist view (Image 9). With this I got a vertical line attached to the left panels of one millimeter wide to separate them from the playlist view.

I wonder if it would be possible to create in the indentation configuration, when it is disabled, a box that would allow to choose the spacing (Image 10)

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8081
There is padding both to the right of and below artwork. The custom indentation value also changes the size of that padding (to try and keep things in proportion). When custom indentation is not used, that padding is instead a default value (same as the default indentation amount). So there is no bug as such, just various linked parameters that aren't individually configurable.

In relation to the request, with indentation disabled there should still be some spacing to the left of group titles and artwork (roughly 5px at 100% DPI). Are you not seeing that?

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8082
There is padding both to the right of and below artwork. The custom indentation value also changes the size of that padding (to try and keep things in proportion). When custom indentation is not used, that padding is instead a default value (same as the default indentation amount). So there is no bug as such, just various linked parameters that aren't individually configurable.

In relation to the request, with indentation disabled there should still be some spacing to the left of group titles and artwork (roughly 5px at 100% DPI). Are you not seeing that?
Thanks for your quick answer.

But I don't understand how the number of tracks to show is not the same with indentation enabled (custom=0) than with indentation disabled. They are only the same if all disks have more than 5 tracks. If a disc has less than 6 tracks the spacing between albums increases, however, this does not happen with the indentation enabled (custom=0).

With respect to the disabled indentation it is true that it leaves to the left a space that seems to me too small. And if the groupings could be brought to the right by means of its script, in the case of the cover there is no way to do it. However I proposed this modification to help people who do not master foobar. I have solved it with the narrow vertical panel attached to the left panels. Anyway if the space between the disks with less than 6 tracks can't be solved I won't be able to use the disabled indentation which is what I would like.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8083
But I don't understand how the number of tracks to show is not the same with indentation enabled (custom=0) than with indentation disabled. They are only the same if all disks have more than 5 tracks. If a disc has less than 6 tracks the spacing between albums increases, however, this does not happen with the indentation enabled (custom=0).
That's because there is padding below the artwork. If you have several tracks in the group, you won't see that padding, because those tracks will make the group taller than the height of the artwork plus padding. The padding stops the artwork being too close to the next group title when you have a small group.

Are you saying for these small groups you don't want space below the artwork, or to the right of it, but you do want space above the artwork and to the left of it? Or that you just want the spacing below the artwork reduced?

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8084
But I don't understand how the number of tracks to show is not the same with indentation enabled (custom=0) than with indentation disabled. They are only the same if all disks have more than 5 tracks. If a disc has less than 6 tracks the spacing between albums increases, however, this does not happen with the indentation enabled (custom=0).
That's because there is padding below the artwork. If you have several tracks in the group, you won't see that padding, because those tracks will make the group taller than the height of the artwork plus padding. The padding stops the artwork being too close to the next group title when you have a small group.

Are you saying for these small groups you don't want space below the artwork, or to the right of it, but you do want space above the artwork and to the left of it? Or that you just want the spacing below the artwork reduced?

Once again thank you very much for trying to understand me.

I recognize that it is a difficult matter to explain and even more if we take into account that I don't speak English and I use a translator.

I will try to explain as best I can:

I understand perfectly the issue of padding in the case of small groups, but I understand that this padding has to appear whether the indentation is enabled or not.

What I really need is that the playlist view shows the same number of lines whether the indentation is disabled or enabled (Custom = ?).

This does not currently happen when there are small groups.

Perform the following test:
1º/ Choose an artist that has no small groups. When it is displayed in the playlist view disable indentation. You will see a certain number of lines. Now activate the indentation (custom = 0).
The same number of lines will be painted. If you now increase for example custom = 30 the columns will move to the right but you will see the same number of lines.

2º/ Now delete tracks leaving a couple of disks with 2 or 3 tracks. Disable the indentation. You will see a certain number of lines. Now activate the indentation (custom = 0). And you will see one or several lines less (it depends on your layout and screen).  If you now increase for example custom = 30 the columns will be shifted to the right but you will see several lines less.

I hope I have explained myself.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8085
I think the only real solution is to make it possible to configure the padding around the artwork separately. I'll consider it...

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8087
Minor visual bug report:
The dropdown boxes in the toolbar do not match selected colors for the rest of the theme in Columns UI. Apparently it's a Columns UI problem and not Default UI like I originally thought. (screenshot provided)

Even more minor visual bug report:
When the playlist view is next to another panel in Columns UI, upon selecting a track and hitting a key (shift, for example) a dotted outline appears around the selection. I believe this is standard Windows behavior, and I am using Windows 11. The bug is that the dotted selection box extends beyond the bounds of the playlist view into a panel next to it (in my case, to the left of the playlist view). It might be hard to notice depending on your colors, and I can't capture the dotted outline in a screenshot.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8088
I only just now realized I forgot to provide the screenshot for my last post. Here it is.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8089
The dropdown boxes in the toolbar do not match selected colors for the rest of the theme in Columns UI. Apparently it's a Columns UI problem and not Default UI like I originally thought. (screenshot provided)
I thought this has been discussed before but can't find such a message... The relevant Windows common control doesn't allow those colours to be overridden in the same way as the other colours, so the only way to change them is for Columns UI to handle the drawing of the items instead of Windows. So far that's been avoided for those drop-down toolbars – custom drawing them has other implications, and there's the question of whether it's worth it for something only temporarily on screen...

Even more minor visual bug report:
When the playlist view is next to another panel in Columns UI, upon selecting a track and hitting a key (shift, for example) a dotted outline appears around the selection. I believe this is standard Windows behavior, and I am using Windows 11. The bug is that the dotted selection box extends beyond the bounds of the playlist view into a panel next to it (in my case, to the left of the playlist view). It might be hard to notice depending on your colors, and I can't capture the dotted outline in a screenshot.
For me it is inside the bounds. Is the rectangle thicker than 1px on your machine? You should be able to take a screenshot if you use the PrtScn key (basically take a screenshot without the focus being lost).

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8090
It had been discussed in a bug thread in the context of Default UI I seem to recall, but not for Columns UI. For the second one, I have it set to default size. Print screen doesn't seem to capture the outline extending into the other panel even though it is clearly visible outside the screenshot.

These seem like pretty minor things and I'm not bothered by them. I just wanted to report them in case it was something you wanted to fix.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8091
Could it be a illusion created by the monitor e.g. different subpixels being lit up? (Although I assume we are talking about greys here...)

You could take a photo with a camera in any case (ideally one close enough to see pixels or subpixels).

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8092
Okay, so this is somewhat unbelievable, but the problem definitely isn't in your plugin. I took a screenshot of it and it finally showed up. However! It only shows up at 100% scaling, and when I move the image left so there is space to the right of it in, it extends beyond the edge of the screenshot too! This has to be either a Windows bug or a driver bug. It's not a monitor thing, either, because it disappears completely on a second screenshot (lossless) even though the normal dotted line is still there around the track.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8093
Based on your description the problem is with the monitor. I think it's called ghosting. You can try for example these test patterns to see how badly affected you are:

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8094
I don't want to get too far off topic, but it's really weird. When it is visible, even if I interrupt it with a 20-pixel-wide pure black or pure white column, it still extends past all the way to each edge of the monitor. It disappears if I remove the part of the image containing the selected track with the outline. I wonder how that works... Monitor is Asus ROG Swift PG279QM if anyone cares.

At least we figured out it's not a problem with the component.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8095
In playlist view: The first grouping level is not displayed, if it contains only text or empty fields or $tab(). I want to increase vertical padding above of the groups.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8096
In playlist view: The first grouping level is not displayed, if it contains only text or empty fields or $tab(). I want to increase vertical padding above of the groups.
Im trying to make same thing and its only working for first group in playlist view, rest groups are unaffected.
Padding option by pixel would be great.
Also, is there a way to group by, for example %artist% but the group name would be %album%?

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8097
In Windows 11 taskbar, foobar2000 icon context menu shows the last used files in foobar2000. Click on a fcl file opens as audio file in foobar2000. Should import the configuration. No problem with fth file. Do I have to add a file type association in Windows 11?

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8098
Hmm, I'll have to check if there's a way to get that working for .fcl. You can import FCL files via the command line (run foobar2000 /columnsui:? for the available commands), so you may be able to manually create a file association (or your own shortcuts).

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8099
Ok, I hacked the registry and it works.

Here my proposal for the reg file for foobar2000 64 bit:
Code: [Select]
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="Columns UI Configuration File"



@="\"C:\\Program Files\\foobar2000\\foobar2000.exe\" /columnsui:import \"%1\""

@="Columns UI Configuration File"



@="\"C:\\Program Files\\foobar2000\\foobar2000.exe\" /columnsui:import \"%1\""