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Topic: foo_uie_panel_splitter cover with rounded corners? (Read 592 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_uie_panel_splitter cover with rounded corners?

How can I make the foo_uie_panel_splitter cover show rounded corners?

Re: foo_uie_panel_splitter cover with rounded corners?

Reply #1
How can I make the foo_uie_panel_splitter cover show rounded corners?
I wonder if my answer to your question of blurring art helped you out?

Imageabs and Drawimage do not support rounded corners. You can mimic it again, but you will lose a couple of pixels of the displayed cover and it doesn't work that well if the background on which you painted the cover  has no solid color.

Method 1:
Paint the cover on a solid (or light gradient) background.
Then paint some alternating drawrects and roundrects with outer color of the original background and inner color of 0-0-0-0 on top of the outer edges of the underlying cover. Depending on how much you want to round the cover you lose some 4 pixels around of the original cover.

Method 2:
Paint the cover.
Then paint some alternating drawrects and roundrects with dark outer color shading  (0-0-0-192 for instance) and inner color of 0-0-0-0 on top of the outer edges of the underlying cover. Depending on how much you want to round the cover you lose some 4 pixels around of the original cover.

Second method works better if the background where you painted the cover on is an (shaded) image .

Re: foo_uie_panel_splitter cover with rounded corners?

Reply #3
I'd use PSS for showing/hiding panels only.

For image manipulation, you can do all sorts of silly things with javascript-y panels.
I'm using a couple of your(?) (modified) scripts too for displaying art. JSP3 Thumbs and a JSP2 Artwork Panel (which has a nice timeout textoverlay).

However I also want to be able to select and control shown backgrounds underneath overlaying SMP/JSP3/Visual plugins.
Only way to do that is from within PSS as far as I know.