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Topic: foo_uie_single_column_playlist (Read 764397 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #775

latest foo_input_matroska says that attachment can be accessed for example with matroska://%path%|cover.jpg.

I tried in foo_uie_albumart and it's working, but when I try:

$imageabs2(85,85,,,,,16,4,'matroska://'%path%'|front.jpg',) in single_column_playlist it doesn't show the file. Is my syntax right or foo_ui_single_column_playlist just won't work for some reason with that new feature ?

I don't think this plugin uses the fb2k API for reading streams, which is why no file:// is normally used.


Reply #776

I"ve uploaded a new verison. Please let me know if it makes the glitches better. also, pressing enter should start playback now.

Thank you for fixing this. However, now keyboard shortcuts that involve enter, e.g. Alt-Enter, do not function.

works fine over here...

Actually, in my case, Alt-Enter starts playback, but Enter alone does nothing. Odd. I'm using version 0.3.2 beta [Oct 16 2006 - 12:21:19].


Reply #777
excellent.  With the latest version 'enter' now begins playback of the selected file for me.

Seems to be working better overall... Great work.


Reply #778
First thanks to CepiPerez for a great and easy to mod config.

I have some questions about image cropping. I tried implementing a "walker" variable like columns_playlist but it didn't work. I believe because there is no concept of "global" variables and an "event model" in single_column_playlist. Basically, I think, it is a one time rendering. Correct?

The problem shows up when there are fewer then the required number of tracks to fill the image, for instance:

[image removed]

I can, sort of make it better by not showing the image if %disc% is equal to 2:

[image removed]

This is not quite what I would like for a few reasons. the problem also shows up when generating a custom playlist:

[image removed]

To solve the first problem I need to add empty rows or space of some kind to finish the image. To solve the second problem I need to start the first line on the first track of the playlist on the album, regardless of the tracknumber. As I mentioned I was hoping a "walker" variable could solve, at least the the playlist (second) problem, but I don't think that is an option.

Is there a solution for this?



Reply #779
The entire item code gets re-evaluated for every item so your "walker" code will not work.

What many of us do is something like:

$ifgreater(%totaltracks%,4,CODE TO DISPLAY ART,)

so that the art only displays if there are enough tracks to accomodate the image. I've also seen implementations where different sizes are used based on the number of total tracks.


Reply #780
I want to group my tracks based on directory, but I can't get it to work. For some reason it is just grouping them as individual tracks. Here's the grouping code:



Reply #781
Hello I am trying to make my single columnplaylist look like I want
but I don't know how to start can somebody help me?
I want to ad pictures of the codec.png
How should I do that ?


Reply #782
I want to group my tracks based on directory, but I can't get it to work. For some reason it is just grouping them as individual tracks. Here's the grouping code:


have you tried %directory% ?
Nothing is so good that somebody, somewhere, will not hate it.


Reply #783
have you tried %directory% ?

Yeah, but I'd rather have it check the entire path just in case there is a duplicate folder name or something.


Reply #785

So I'm having trouble getting that little image in the middle of my group headers to resize vertically/horizontally. When I specify a size in the resizew part of imageabs2, it just moves the image that many pixels to the right, and if I use %_width% it just centers it horizontally. Same deal with resizeh.

So, am I doing something wrong? Here's the code:
Code: [Select]
... $imageabs2(%_width%,%_height%,0,0,%_width%,%_height%,0,0,C:\playlist\ovrly.png,alpha-90) ....


Reply #786
single colums cannot currently resize - it can only scal an image I am guessing u want to stretch the image horizontally but I dont think that it can be done yet...


Reply #787
One bug report 

There are two bug that just occur if ColumnUi Playlist and Single Column Playlist are in one tabbed panel stack:

1. Fresh restart of foobar -> change from ColumnsUi view to Single Column Playlist View by clicking the tab. You will see the result: Some parts of the view still belong to ColumnsUi. The only thing you can do is either scrolling the SCPlaylist or switching back to ColumnsUi and then back again to SCP.

2.Create a playlist with one album -> select several tracks in SCP -> switch to ColumnsUI. The result is that you see the same tracks more than one time


Reply #788
@Tool ++

This is really good, but I want to know the code, because I want this layout, butI wnat to change the arrow with the picture of the codec (the .icos) (I changed them into PNGs)


Reply #789
Code: [Select]

That's basically the same as what I was trying, but for some reason it still isnt working. It just keeps setting each track as its own group. It seems like maybe one of these variables just doesnt work with this plugin.



Reply #790
alphaex32, is that all you are using for the code?  Or is there more that you haven't posted?


Reply #791
alphaex32, is that all you are using for the code?  Or is there more that you haven't posted?

In terms of my grouping code, I have tried that exactly how it is there. Obviously I have a lot more in my header and item display code, but that shouldnt have any affect on grouping, as far as I know.

I think I just realized what may be going on, though. The problem (grouping of each track) is only happening when I have duplicate albums. What is happening is that the tracks are being sorted by album and then tracknumber automatically, which is causing this:
Group: track#1 in first folder
Group: track#1 in second folder folder
Group: track#2 in first folder
Group: track#2 in second folder folder

The only way I could think to fix this would be to have it sort tracks by album, then path, and THEN by tracknumber. I have no idea if this is possible, though.


Reply #792
Should be able to sort by album, then path, then by tracknumber.  This is my group by code:

%codec%|%date%|%album artist%|%album%

Works just as you would expect.  First it groups by codec, then by year, then by Album Artist, then by album.  Hope that helps.


Reply #793
Nope, still won't work. If there is a duplicate album and any of the sorting factors are different, it causes the tracks to get grouped individually. I explained why above, and I dont think there is any way to get around it simply because the playlist will always sort by tracknumber. For example, try duplicating an album folder and putting it in two different places on your computer. Load both folders into a playlist and then try getting them to be recognized in two different groups. I've tried everything I can think of to get it to work, but they either get lumped together or put into individual track groups. This really isnt a huge problem anway, since this situation rarely arises (I have one or two albums that are doing it), but it'd be nice to figure out a way around it.


Reply #794
Maybe you can fix it with you sort order? Edit > Sort > Sort by file path


Reply #796
hi. Some sorting problems here too.

I'm using single column playlist
group by: $if($stricmp(%comment%,'single'),!noheader!,%album artist%)


My problem is that when I start foobar or when I change the playlist, everything is fine EXCEPT the various artists albums. In those, the tracknumbers are completely messed up. but when I do Edit>sort by>%ALBUM ARTIST%|%DISCNUMBER%|%ALBUM%|%TRACKNUMBER%, they get in order. I mean, for this albums I have to refresh the sorting string every time.. Anybody know how to fix that?

And another thing... as you see I group by artist (album artist, in fact), and then album. Is there a way to sort the albums insiden a "artist group" by date? how could I do that?

thanks in advance


Reply #797
is there a way to set an image as the background for the whole panel?


Reply #798
to use a background image for the entire panel, simply specify the image toward the top of your code so that all other code gets drawn on top of it. For an example of how to tile an image vertically see this post.


Reply #799
to use a background image for the entire panel, simply specify the image toward the top of your code so that all other code gets drawn on top of it. For an example of how to tile an image vertically see this post.

I know that, but that only works for the background of the items. I want the whole panel to have a background (sometimes my playlists don't reach the bottom of the panel)