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Topic: Help with foo_input_sacd and latest Foobar2000 (Read 1189 times) previous topic - next topic
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Help with foo_input_sacd and latest Foobar2000

hi all,
    I've had for years dozens of SACD/DSD albums and had been using fb2k for library maintenance and conversions for portable players (phone, cars etc).
    As my players support replaygain I was checking converted files and it seems that on all files converted (to either FLAC or Opus or other compressed formats) from DSF files irrespectively of the  SACD preferences Volume setting is not considered.
    If I put it to 0dB and to +6dB resulting files (either FLAC or even WAV) have exactly the same loudness, shape etc.

I have tried latest standard foobar (1.6.14 ) as well as  2.0beta17 - i've also tried foo_input_sacd v 1.5.1 as well as 1.4.13 - all with the same outcome (no change in Volume).

Does anyone know what else should i be trying (to change) in my settings ?

In Converter setup there is no DSP just conversion to WAV or FLAC.

Thank you !!!

Re: Help with foo_input_sacd and latest Foobar2000

Reply #1
Missing step: after conversion you need to scan the converted files for replay gain (right-click selected files in the playlist and pick the desired option under ReplayGain).

Re: Help with foo_input_sacd and latest Foobar2000

Reply #2
Missing step: after conversion you need to scan the converted files for replay gain (right-click selected files in the playlist and pick the desired option under ReplayGain).
hi @PleasantSounds - agree with your comment -  that is what i had done.
 i've also double checked with bs1770 and r128gain and metaflac (replaygain) - scanning output PCM or FLAC files - irrespectively of the 'dB' settings in SACD plugin i get exactly the same waveform as the output. I do NOT have processing of replaygain turned on in converter .... not sure what else to look into ?


Re: Help with foo_input_sacd and latest Foobar2000

Reply #3
I've done some more investigation.
My DSD files are in DSF format. They are tagged with foobar2000 and they do include ReplayGain tags as well. Here are 3 scenarios and behaviour is different:

  • If i convert to PCM from those DSFs or scan again for ReplayGain those source DSF files - settings in SACD plugin (Volume dB) - make NO difference.
  • If i remove replaygain tags from those DSF files - scanning again with ReplayGain (irrespectively of the Volume dB settings in SACD plugin) - i get same results as if Volume settings make no difference (tried 0db, 3db and 6dB).
  • However , when i try to 'convert' DSF files where i removed ReplayGain tags - then Volume settings from SACD plugin is applied correctly.

I am not sure if this is bug in fb2k or in SACD plugin... does anyone have any clue ?
Thank you all !