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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: [REQUEST] foo_tidal
Last post by regor -
No idea about a streaming component, but seeing the official tidal API and other wrappers it's certainly possible to download full lossless tracks as long as you have a paid account and it can be integrated easily into JS.

i.e. it could be included in the foo_youtube component as an alternative to youtube streaming which is lower quality, or in Find & Play SMP script, etc.
foobar2000 for Mac / About the caption buttons in the "About foobar 2000" window.
Last post by sh0931 -
The caption button of the "About foobar 2000" window has the "Close" button as well as the "Maximize" and "Minimize" buttons enabled, and the window size can be changed. However, pressing the "Maximize" button breaks the layout, so I think the caption button should be modified to only show "Close."
Scientific Discussion / Re: AudioWorklet-based multichannel peakmeter visualization
Last post by TF3RDL -
small changes I've forget to post:
  • made K-weighting optional for LUFS metering, not recommended to be disabled as a decision to made it an opt-out feature is just for fun :D
  • patched up the regression introduced in a change that made "fancy" coloring optional for loudness peakmeter bars; the color of main bar now use color gradient (instead of solid blue color) again when only the peakmeter (no RMS or infinite average) is shown
General - (fb2k) / Configure the order that songs get queued/playlisted from ReFacets
Last post by Nickfa92 -
Hello, new here, forgive me if this is posted in the wrong place.

Just a small issue: when queuing or making a playlist from ReFacets, the tracks are sorted in a way that I'd like to configure, say by disc number and track number first rather than the album artist first. A reddit thread showed that setting up the shell integration's "sort incoming files by" option does do the trick, but it doesn't apply to doing this from ReFacets. Is there any way to have that kind of functionality from ReFacets?

Thanks for your time!