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Topic: Smart Cross(fade) (Read 17270 times) previous topic - next topic
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Smart Cross(fade)

I have been always looking for a good crossfade solution that would work between any two songs. Some tracks start with a bang, some slowly fade in, some end with a long silence, some are loud until the very last moment. Any time-based crossfade solution must fail in many cases, so I figured I would like to have a DSP plugin that would scan volumes at the beginning and the end of each track and start the overlapping playback of a new song in the right moment rather than fade anything in or out.
Such DSP would have only two important parameters: mix-in and mix-out levels. DSP should scan a track to find a mix-in point at the begining of a track where volume reaches mix-in level and a mix-out point from where volume falls below the mix-out level. Then it should start the playback of the second track at the right moment so the first track reaches its mix-out point when the second gets to its mix-in.
Two additional parameters, fade-in and fade-out intervals shoul take care of tracks that have very long beginings or ends below tresholds. If they do, DSP should fade to long parts so they do not appear as a noise below the louder track.
I made a diagram to illustrate the idea, it is attached to this message.
Is there anyone around interested in coding this?

Re: Smart Cross(fade)

Reply #1
There is a smart crossfade for Winamp.   It's pretty much what you're asking for but it's only for Winamp and worse, I get glitches when I use it.

SAM DJ seems to have something similar built-in but I never got around to trying SAM DJ (and it's not free after the trial period).    There may be some other DJ programs with automatic smart crossfading but its a hard to find feature.

Re: Smart Cross(fade)

Reply #4
even smarter would be if it took the rhythm into account (bpm detection, etc)...
if someone could implement it, it would be really cool
a fan of AutoEq + Meier Crossfeed

Re: Smart Cross(fade)

Reply #5
I'm posting this because there seems to be a discussion on the exact same component I was hoping to get.
I agree with the first explanation of this discussion.
crossmixDSP is great, but it does not seem to calculate the mix-in point!
It is necessary to trigger playback ahead of time by the FADE IN INTERVAL in the explanatory diagram.
If someone could implement this, it would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Smart Cross(fade)

Reply #6
This is a repetitive comment, but since I did not receive a reply, I will fill it in again

crossmix is a great plugin, but it seems to only cross the back end of the song that is playing for the amount of time that the volume is below the threshold, which is only half of what I want to do!
I'd like to cross the next song for the amount of time the front end of the song is below the threshold as well.
I need to trigger the next song earlier by that amount

If this can be implemented, it will be a very high quality DJ plugin, so I request someone to address this!