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CD Hardware/Software / Re: EAC, freedb, and DATA?
Last post by gnudb -
You can modify and submit data as before. However, to view your submission, perform a query to retrieve the unique gnucdid assigned to it. This gnucdid enables you to access your submission's content. Queries always return the updated gnucdid. While older submissions may still be accessible via their original discid, using the gnucdid is the most reliable method to read your data, especially for new entries.

To address some weaknesses in the old discid used in the CDDB protocol, we introduced a new ID called gnucdid. The gnucdid retains the 8-character hex format but is unique to each set of metadata. Queries are performed using the CD layout as usual. The response from gnudb will include one or more gnucdids, sorted by the closest matching layout first. Currently, there are over 5,500,000 unique CD layouts with corresponding metadata. Categories have been removed, and we always return the category "data" to ensure compatibility with older programs.
General - (fb2k) / Re: How to do mass changes of "genre" tag
Last post by mjm716 -
Is there an automatic method that allows you to change the genre "Post-Rock" (with hyphen) to "Post Rock" (without hyphen) in one pass without changing the other genres in the various tracks?

components or mp3tag?! seriously?! you should all lose one of your forum "stars" ;)

Select library > Get Properties (alt-enter)

1. CTRL-click on genre > "Format from other fields..."

2. replace genre $replace(%genre%,'post-rock','post rock')

3. CTRL-click on genre again > "Split fields..."

4. make sure split char (, ; /) is there and confirm

If your library is extensive, you can firstly search for tags to change: %genre% HAS post-rock
General - (fb2k) / Re: How to do mass changes of "genre" tag
Last post by garym -
The way I would do it is use MP3Tag to export a table of the tags of interest, use a text editor to do global search-and-replace, then re-import the tags back into MP3Tag to update the files.  It's not necessarily the most efficient, but it is the way I am familiar with.

or just use mp3tag to filter, on for example, files containing GENRE = "Rock; Post-Rock; Techno-Pop" and then select all and change GENRE tag to "Rock; Post Rock; Techno-Pop".    You might want to use "Rock\\Post Rock\\Techno-Pop" as it uses \\ as multiple entry seperator for tags with multiple items.

You can also use mp3tag to create an action that uses REG functions to find any "Post-Rock" in your genre tags and change to "Post Rock"
General - (fb2k) / Re: How to do mass changes of "genre" tag
Last post by fooball -
The way I would do it is use MP3Tag to export a table of the tags of interest, use a text editor to do global search-and-replace, then re-import the tags back into MP3Tag to update the files.  It's not necessarily the most efficient, but it is the way I am familiar with.
General - (fb2k) / How to do mass changes of "genre" tag
Last post by Albicocche -

I have 1000 tracks that have the following "genre" tag: "Rock; Post-Rock; Techno-Pop" and another 1000 tracks that have the following "genre" tag: "Pop Rock; Electro Pop; Post Rock".

In the first 1000 tracks the term "Post-Rock" has a hyphen, in the other 1000 tracks the term "Post Rock" is without a hyphen. I want to unify the syntax of the term "Post Rock"

Is there an automatic method that allows you to change the genre "Post-Rock" (with hyphen) to "Post Rock" (without hyphen) in one pass without changing the other genres in the various tracks?
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Columns UI
Last post by Eva1 -
Hello. I have questions suggestions about Columns UI:
  • how to start foobar2000 with Columns UI in one icon on windows 10 taskbar command (parameter) /hide?
  • how edit text song in panel "Item details" and in playlist directly?
  • how change picture (cover) in "artwork view" directly transfer on panel?
  • how scroll "Item details" keys "page down/up" and "up/down" and autoscroll by middle button mouse?
  • can li disconnect all or only panel "artwork view" form foobar2000?

Moderator edit: window > panel (per OP request)
General - (fb2k) / Foobar 2000 and OpenHome UPnP
Last post by bladeraptor -

I use Foobar 2000 (64 bit) on my desktop (Windows 11 PC) to play out to my audio setup via a 'legacy' (non-OpenHome UPNP) UPnP compatible streamer / bridge - the HoloAudio Red. I am looking to upgrade this unit to a streamer made by Auralic - the Auralic Aries. However Auralic only support the OpenHome implementation of UPnP.

How does this work with Foobar 2000?

I have tried to investigate this by setting up Bubble UPnP on the same desktop to 'skin' the HoloAudio Red as an OpenHome UPnP renderer and this does not seem to work with Foobar 2000.

Foobar can see the OpenHome version of the HoloAudio via Bubble UPnP - but when I try to play out to that target (especially DSD files) nothing happens.

DSD plays very happily out to the 'legacy' UPnP renderer exposed directly by the HoloAudio - but not the OpenHome version 'proxied' by Bubble UPnP

Has anyone got any suggestions for getting Foobar 2000 working with an 'end point' that support OpenHome UPnP as opposed to 'legacy' UPnP?

Many thanks