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Topic: Playback Statistics Questions (Read 4030 times) previous topic - next topic
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Playback Statistics Questions

  • Can I add Playback Statistics's Recently Played to a Columns UI Tab?
  • Is Playback Statistics the only way to add editable rating to a Columns UI Playlist window?  I know you can create keyboard shortcuts with component like Quick Tag, I only want to do it in the playlist window.

Automatically Synchronize File Tags
  • What happens when I select Automatically Synchronize File Tags?  I know Playback Statistics will automatically save all of its unique fields to the file.  Will it overwrite existing information such as my ratings that are saved under the <RATING> tag?
  • If I use Automatically Synchronize File Tags, with all the <RATINGS> tags b 1-5, or will FLAC be 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and only MP3 will be 1-5?  I only have FLAC and MP3 files.
  • Can I choose which fields are saved to the tags?  I'd prefer to only save the Rating.
Windows 10 | Foobar2000 v2.0 Portable | Columns 2.1.0 | SQLite Utilities 3.0.4 | SQLite Tree 4.0.6

Re: Playback Statistics Questions

Reply #1

Do I have to use Automatically Synchronize File Tags to use Played Count in SQL Tree?

Thanks for any help!
Windows 10 | Foobar2000 v2.0 Portable | Columns 2.1.0 | SQLite Utilities 3.0.4 | SQLite Tree 4.0.6

Re: Playback Statistics Questions

Reply #2
Hi there, I'll answer in order...

1. Sure, what were you thinking the tab would look like? You can make a dedicated "Recent" tab using an auto-playlist and view it with EsPlaylist (DUI/CUI, 32-bit only) like I outlined over here. (Since EsPlaylist can lock view to any playlist besides the active one)

2. If you mean clicking stars in the playlist, the playlist viewer has to support a click-able rating column. Not sure the CUI playlist viewer has that feature yet. DUI playlist viewer does as of foobar v2.0. Older stuff like SimPlaylist (DUI, 32-bit only) and EsPlaylist also have click-able ratings (to tags). And of course the javascript ones, JSPlaylist and Smooth Playlist with JSP3.

3. Yes, most likely it overwrites tags, since they have to be updated with every play. However you should be able to import tags to database first, on the right-click tracks > Playback Statistics menu. Then your tag ratings would also be in the database and get written back to tags. (Test it first on one track to be safe)

4. It only supports ratings of 1-5.

5. No, it writes all statistics fields.

6. No idea for sure, but statistics fields are available to use everwhere else, so I guess SQL can read them too.

Re: Playback Statistics Questions

Reply #3
Thanks for the detailed reply!

3. Yes, most likely it overwrites tags, since they have to be updated with every play. However you should be able to import tags to database first, on the right-click tracks > Playback Statistics menu. Then your tag ratings would also be in the database and get written back to tags. (Test it first on one track to be safe)

Apologies, I wasn't clear.  I meant to ask if this will replace all of my existing ratings with nothing when I select Automatically Synchronize File Tags.  Meaning, will all of the ratings I already added be replaced with an empty value?

Windows 10 | Foobar2000 v2.0 Portable | Columns 2.1.0 | SQLite Utilities 3.0.4 | SQLite Tree 4.0.6


Re: Playback Statistics Questions

Reply #4
Yes I think it would (when the track is played) if the database has no rating set. Unless you import tags to database first like I said...

It might be useful to add a couple playlist columns - one for %rating% (database) and one for $meta(rating) (tags) - so you can compare.

After you right-click a track > Playback Statistics > 'Import statistics from file tags', and once you can see the two columns match (so database and tags have the same rating), and once you have done that for every track in the library, then it would be safe to enable Synchronize Tags option. (It only syncs when tracks are played, not immediately)

Side note: To display stars for ratings, use a display script such as %rating_stars_fixed% (database) and $pad($repeat(★,$meta(rating)),5,☆) (tags)