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Topic: Reference convention (Read 4383 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reference convention

Ok, what kind of references should I be using?

I can see that people are using the citation reference (square brackets) for some definitions but internal hyperlinks for links to other things which could also be considered definitions.

I have used the citation reference for links to FAQ answers. This seems to be wrong now that I look at other people's entries.. is it?

Reference convention

Reply #1
WikiWords (the prefered way; should be used as often as possible):
Code: [Select]

Single words with in the case you want:
Code: [Select]

Single words in different case:
Code: [Select]

.. _codec: Codec

Single word external links:
Code: [Select]

.. _something:

Multible words external links:
Code: [Select]
`some text`__



Reference convention

Reply #2
Added wikiwords which is the prefered way to link.