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Topic: Columns UI (Read 4724018 times) previous topic - next topic
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Columns UI

Reply #3050
Small question, I wasn't able to find it as fast as I would like to because of the huge thread, sorry
How do I add a vertical separator line between all the columns? I've seen it in some layouts but I can't seem to be able to find the option for this.

Columns UI

Reply #3051
I had a play around and came up with this...

Will this work for v0.8.3 also, or just in v0.9 (obviously, I haven't tried it yet - don't have access to my machine at tthe moment...)?
voted 'Most likely to veer your thread' three straight years!

Columns UI

Reply #3052
Hi all,
I have a question about sorting items:
I use three panels of foo_browser and Column_UI (0.1.3 V5) : genre, artist and album.
So when i simple click on one genre, the *browser* playlist is modified with the songs having the genre i clicked on.
I would like the *brower* playlist to be sorted by artist, date, album, title. huh.gif
But it is sorted by artist, album, title. mad.gif
Is there a way to change this ?
I can see in Playlist View / Column things about sorting, but i don't understand how it work:
$if2(%album artist%,[%artist%])

Any help for this ?
Tks very much.

Columns UI

Reply #3053
so how about those question marks.

Columns UI

Reply #3054
Small question, I wasn't able to find it as fast as I would like to because of the huge thread, sorry
How do I add a vertical separator line between all the columns? I've seen it in some layouts but I can't seem to be able to find the option for this.

Try using:

Code: [Select]

in the "style" section of all your columns (don't forget to check "use custom style spec").  "Color" is the color you want to make the separator.  You might also need/want to use "frame-right", too.  Read more about the style string for Columns UI here.

Columns UI

Reply #3055
Will this work for v0.8.3 also, or just in v0.9 (obviously, I haven't tried it yet - don't have access to my machine at tthe moment...)?
I can't say for sure 'cause it's been ages since I've used 0.8.3, but I think the option was there to use titleformatting in the side panel. I think the code is quite basic, so it's likely to work. You'll just have to give it a go...

Columns UI

Reply #3056
Hi all,
When i play a song in shuffle mode, my playlist doesn't move to the position of this track.
I can't find the option in the columns settings to enable this.
Can anybody help me?

Columns UI

Reply #3057
I still have huge problems with the layout.

lately I got that:
(rather nice look but not very handy  )

I think it come from the toggle area option.. as it occured when I tried to understand how it works

And the preset system doesn't work, when I change a preset and try to recover it later it has been lost.

edit:Trying to recreate the layout I posted yesterday :
made the same bug: clicking on the left hides my second horizontal splitter : it checks hidden for the whole splitter.

I use  left  toggle area for foo uie explorer.

Not yet managed to recreate the first bug..

edit2: and now it works even when I click foolishly on my mouse everywhere.. (with a third attempt)

Columns UI

Reply #3058
Hi all,
When i play a song in shuffle mode, my playlist doesn't move to the position of this track.
I can't find the option in the columns settings to enable this.
Can anybody help me?
Playback > Cursor follows Playback

Columns UI

Reply #3059
I don't know if this has been brought up already but...

I can't seem to add any more panels after a certain point, I tried starting a new layout, and the same thing happened.

Columns UI

Reply #3060
@Snowsfall : Be sure you have all the last versions of AlbumArt Panel & ColumnsUI (redownload from there) then it should be fixed.

Columns UI

Reply #3061
ack, thanks Seldaek, I was sure I was up to date, but i guess not

Columns UI

Reply #3062
[quote name='foosion' post='387689' date='Apr 29 2006, 11:06 PM']
Perhaps I have been using to many autoplaylists recently, but I only now noticed that reordering tracks via keyboard or mouse in the Columns playlist is not undoable. I hope the omission of the relevant playlist_manager::playlist_undo_backup() calls is just an oversight and not due to a deep-felt aversion against the undo functionality.
[/quote]I think, it is the result of updating an old 0.8.x component with too much code to 0.9  I'll fix it for next build.

[quote name='Mangix' post='387709' date='Apr 30 2006, 12:56 AM']
i think i've found a bug with columns_ui. ok here's the deal. i have multiple splitters in my config. here's a picture. [a href="" target="_blank"] )
[/quote]That seems definite bug, can you upload the offending foobar2000.cfg? Thanks.

[quote name='Bachi-Bouzouk' post='388609' date='May 2 2006, 07:23 PM']And the preset system doesn't work, when I change a preset and try to recover it later it has been lost.
[/quote]it seems to work here. Can you note a set of steps to reproduce. Thanks.

[quote name='Snowsfall' post='388651' date='May 2 2006, 10:41 PM']
I don't know if this has been brought up already but...
[/quote]Update, update, update Columns UI..

[quote name='Lyx' post='387943' date='Apr 30 2006, 06:10 PM']
This approach comes from the most early days of columns ui where it was indeed a rather simple UI (compared to how the prefs and features are like today)[/quote]I don't really think so, considering the "Colours and Fonts" was only added in 0.1.3.

[quote name='Lyx' post='387943' date='Apr 30 2006, 06:10 PM']The problem is that the approach regarding color-schemes in columns ui is one of its most inconsistent behaviours. It is basically trying to pack two conflicting design-approaches under one hood.
Approach 1: Be a "simple UI"
Approach 2: Be a "poweruser UI" which allows formatting-string authors to beat the crap out of TAGZ and add all kinds of poweruser-features. Those would then create advanced FCSs with configuration-settings in the globals - less skilled users could then just import them, and configure them via the settings in the global-vars.

The Problem: Both conflict with each other regarding colors.[/quote]Do they? Default config uses both. As you can then see the relevant colours set in "Colours and Fonts" page are forwarded to the style string, but I don't know how well its documented.

In my words: Style string is a scripting interface which gives you more control over colours, if you are prepared to learn the syntax.

[quote name='Lyx' post='387943' date='Apr 30 2006, 06:10 PM']But even in that regard the behaviour is inconsistent: You can set stuff with the color pickers which you cannot set via strings.[/quote]Only one colour, exposed background colour. But I think you know why that is, it has nothing to do with each track so how or why should it be setable in style string there is beyond me. I think the only reason you want it is for colour schemes, nothing to do with conflictingness.

[quote name='Lyx' post='387943' date='Apr 30 2006, 06:10 PM']At the same time, you can set stuff with strings which you cannot set via color-pickers.[/quote]I guess you are refering to cell borders. You would really want them set per-cell, so it doesn't make sense to have them on "Colours and Fonts" page.

[quote name='Lyx' post='387943' date='Apr 30 2006, 06:10 PM']Thus, neither strings nor color-pickers have full control - as soon you want control over ALL colors, the user needs to switch back-and-forth between the two approachs - with the result that the whole thing becomes more difficult and complex to use, than "Approach 2".[/quote]
But like I said, I only expect user to be able to use "Colours and Fonts" page. I can't exactly vouch for every FCS out there either.

Columns UI

Reply #3063
I could upload my .cfg file but both buggy layouts have disappeared.

And the preset system doesn't work with buggy layouts.
Actually it makes something like this:
buggy layout -> can't supprese the bug changing the layout -> going to another preset with a new name to make again a layout-> trying to go to the previous layout shows another layout, not the buggy one

Otherwise it works. I will try to recreate those bugs but it's not that easy.

the next time it happens, I save my .cfg file and give it to you.

But the real graphic bug seems to be very hard to reproduce and was very weird.. The panels where making ugly things..

Columns UI

Reply #3064
Make sure you are using the latest version. The move up/down bug could cause your layout to get mangled, and you won't see the full effect of that in the tree until next time you open prefs. But I don't think it would cause anything like that wierd screenshot.

Columns UI

Reply #3065
musicmusic, any luck figuring out whats cauing the high cpu usage or anything I can do to help debug the issue?

0.1.3 b5 seems to have pretty high CPU usage.

It had been awhile since I have updated it. The version before this one I was using pav17 I think. I also added albumart and trackinfo but they are not the culprits as I removed them to see if usage dropped. I also removed the visualisation and cpu usage was still high hovering around 20% on my P4 3ghz.

Default UI has no such problems and I am pretty sure none of the previous versions of Columns UI I tried had such a problem either.

Columns UI

Reply #3066
I don't see any such issue and I don't see anything obvious changed in b1 from pa16 that would cause that.

Please try a clean install of foobar with only Columns UI added and with default config and see if it persists. There are simply too many "external" variables different from Default UI and Columns UI (obscene columns formatting, 3rd party panels etc.).

If it doesn't then I would advise you to try and reconfigure it how it was and see at what step it starts.

If it does then can you describe the problem a bit more detailed (when do you see high CPU usage - during playback?)

I know you said you tried without track info but you admitted you use it and from track info thread it seems to have some kind of CPU usage problem so I would double check that too.


Columns UI

Reply #3067
With a fresh 'normal' install and Columns UI, standard config, visulisation turned off, the CPU still flicks between 5 - 10% when playing compared to the standard GUI which rarely moves from 0%.

Seems I may have found the culprit though. When I disable my second monitor the cpu usage drops back to 0%. With both on doesn't matter which its on the CPU usage is still high.

I've just started using UltraMon to manage my monitors instead of the default NVidia tools, but with it closed it still does the same thing. I may update my drivers again and hope it helps.

EDIT: Apparently it was my video drivers. Must have had a bug in dual view or something. *shrugs* Who woulda guessed.

Columns UI

Reply #3068
You're a really lucky man:

with the weird graphic bug, I changed my presets and got it!! I keep it as long as you need to study this bug, my whole computer is really slow now..

foobar now uses 55% of a 2,8ghz processor and 127Mo of RAM  who does better?

edit I've got a 2nd 0.9 version to use as long as you need to study the bug  So you can take your time

Columns UI

Reply #3069
foobar use more cpu, when i enable bars mode in Spectrum analyser configuration
i use foo_ui_columns-0.1.3-beta1v5, foo_uie_albumart v164a, and last foo_uie_trackinfo v0.8

Columns UI

Reply #3071
With a fresh 'normal' install and Columns UI, standard config, visulisation turned off, the CPU still flicks between 5 - 10% when playing compared to the standard GUI which rarely moves from 0%.

Seems I may have found the culprit though. When I disable my second monitor the cpu usage drops back to 0%. With both on doesn't matter which its on the CPU usage is still high.

I've just started using UltraMon to manage my monitors instead of the default NVidia tools, but with it closed it still does the same thing. I may update my drivers again and hope it helps.

EDIT: Apparently it was my video drivers. Must have had a bug in dual view or something. *shrugs* Who woulda guessed.
Strange  let me know if it happens again.

You're a really lucky man:

with the weird graphic bug, I changed my presets and got it!! I keep it as long as you need to study this bug, my whole computer is really slow now..

foobar now uses 55% of a 2,8ghz processor and 127Mo of RAM  who does better?

edit I've got a 2nd 0.9 version to use as long as you need to study the bug  So you can take your time
I tried your config with the panels you had installed (you have quite a few ): immediately it ate my CPU, but I tracked that back to foo_uie_trackinfo...

After removing that, there's still some other problem with a splitter being too wide, Im looking into that..

Columns UI

Reply #3072
And the preset system doesn't work, when I change a preset and try to recover it later it has been lost.

confirmed. is seems that you need to save your Columns_UI profile after you modify a preset, otherwise the changes won't be preserved when you switch to another preset

[feature request] and when talking about presets, a copy command to duplicate settings (edit: preset settings) would be NICE... [/feature request]

Columns UI

Reply #3073
I tried your config with the panels you had installed (you have quite a few ): immediately it ate my CPU, but I tracked that back to foo_uie_trackinfo...

It tends to eat cpu if you have it set to scroll mode with a lot of scroll steps.