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Topic: difference between MPEG2-AAC and MPEG4-AAC ? (Read 7724 times) previous topic - next topic
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difference between MPEG2-AAC and MPEG4-AAC ?

AAC is used as the common name for MPEG4-AAC. But there's also MPEG2-AAC.

Is MPEG-4 AAC built on MPEG-2 AAC? or is it a completely new standard?
What are the advantages of each? main differences?

Thanks in advance.

ps. If this has been asked before, excuse me, I did use the search button but found nothing.

difference between MPEG2-AAC and MPEG4-AAC ?

Reply #1
MPEG4-AAC == MPEG2-AAC + PNS tool + AAC Long Term Prediction profile (AAC LTP)

For practical use, the availability of the PNS tool is useful for low bitrates. AAC LTP is basically never used.

difference between MPEG2-AAC and MPEG4-AAC ?

Reply #2
MPEG4-AAC == MPEG2-AAC + PNS tool + AAC Long Term Prediction profile (AAC LTP)

For practical use, the availability of the PNS tool is useful for low bitrates. AAC LTP is basically never used.
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So it should be safe to say that MPEG-2 AAC and MPEG-4 AAC are equivalent at average and higher bit rates (>128kbps)?

Also, is there a reason as to why AAC LTP basically never used?


difference between MPEG2-AAC and MPEG4-AAC ?

Reply #3
More complexity, fairly little gain.

difference between MPEG2-AAC and MPEG4-AAC ?

Reply #4
Will LTP ever be used?

difference between MPEG2-AAC and MPEG4-AAC ?

Reply #5
Will LTP ever be used?
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=288903"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

It probably has its niches, but I don't think it will ever be popular. At least, not as popular as LC.


difference between MPEG2-AAC and MPEG4-AAC ?

Reply #6
It won't help that HE-AAC's extensions are only specified for LC AAC.