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Topic: foo_vis_shpeck (Read 767230 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #750
I have a zero byte file named winamp.exe. My folder structure is Programs (x86) -> Foobar -> Winamp -> Plugins. Is there suppose to be a difference between the actual exe file and the zero byte one?

Hmm, tho I probably should have put things down another level in folder named Winamp, I misread the original instructions.  Now I see that I could have used a Winamp folder and set the proper location in the Shpeck foobar2000 options.  Anyway, do you have the zero length in the Winamp folder?  If so I'm out of suggestions.

What do you mean by the zero length in the Winamp folder?

Sorry, I meant "zero length file".  You need a winamp.exe file in the winamp folder.  Any file will do, it doesn't need to be the real winamp.  Since I had my winamp stuff in my main foobar2000 installation folder I have my zero byte winamp.exe file there.  Anyway I'm probably confusing things more than I'm helping so I'll go away

I got that covered as well. I created a zero length file for winamp.exe from a text file. That file is located in Winamp folder, outside of the Plugins folder. I have also tried setting my directory to my actual Winamp installation and I still get the same results.


Reply #751
I got that covered as well. I created a zero length file for winamp.exe from a text file. That file is located in Winamp folder, outside of the Plugins folder. I have also tried setting my directory to my actual Winamp installation and I still get the same results.

I suggest you to start from scratch and follow my guide. The original, unaltered Winamp files will not work anyway, that's why you have a guide with a working MilkDrop package.


Reply #752
I got that covered as well. I created a zero length file for winamp.exe from a text file. That file is located in Winamp folder, outside of the Plugins folder. I have also tried setting my directory to my actual Winamp installation and I still get the same results.

I suggest you to start from scratch and follow my guide. The original, unaltered Winamp files will not work anyway, that's why you have a guide with a working MilkDrop package.

Thanks alot! Finally got it working.


Reply #753
For some reason it viktor's package fails to work under Windows 7 64bit.

Console output and directory structure follows.

Code: [Select]
[Shpeck] Searching for plugins, file mask = "C:\Users\ferongr\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\winamp\Plugins\vis_*.dll"...
C:\Users\ferongr\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\winamp\Plugins\vis_milk2.dll - could not load the DLL (probably caused by unresolved DLL dependencies).
[Shpeck] Plugin search done.

Code: [Select]
Folder PATH listing for volume Remilia
Volume serial number is <redacted>
│  readme.txt
│  vis_milk2.dll.manifest
│  winamp.exe
    │  msvcr90.dll
    │  vis_milk2.dll
        │      blur1_ps.fx
        │        <snip>
        │      warp_vs.fx
        │      milkdrop.html
        │      milkdrop_preset_authoring.html
        │      q_vars.gif
        │      t_vars.gif
        │      3dRaGoNs & Unchained - Dragon Science.milk
        │    <snip>
        │      Zylot - Star Ornament.milk


Reply #754
For some reason it viktor's package fails to work under Windows 7 64bit.

Console output and directory structure follows.

Code: [Select]
[Shpeck] Searching for plugins, file mask = "C:\Users\ferongr\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\winamp\Plugins\vis_*.dll"...
C:\Users\ferongr\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\winamp\Plugins\vis_milk2.dll - could not load the DLL (probably caused by unresolved DLL dependencies).
[Shpeck] Plugin search done.

Code: [Select]
Folder PATH listing for volume Remilia
Volume serial number is <redacted>
?  readme.txt
?  vis_milk2.dll.manifest
?  winamp.exe
    ?  msvcr90.dll
    ?  vis_milk2.dll
        ?      blur1_ps.fx
        ?        <snip>
        ?      warp_vs.fx
        ?      milkdrop.html
        ?      milkdrop_preset_authoring.html
        ?      q_vars.gif
        ?      t_vars.gif
        ?      3dRaGoNs & Unchained - Dragon Science.milk
        ?    <snip>
        ?      Zylot - Star Ornament.milk

I got it to work. I'm using windows 7 64 bit


Reply #756
Seconding Dr. Strangelove's report. It appears to have started happening with version 1.3.0 of foobar2000. The copy of 1.2.9 I have installed on my iPod (to use when plugged into my laptop) works fine, but when I try to run 1.3.0 on my laptop, an empty shpeck error window opens and foobar2000 crashes.

I have not been able to test this behavior on my desktop installation yet (which I generally keep updated with the betas), as I have not had need or opportunity to adjust the settings on that install since I noticed this issue.


Reply #757
I just confirmed that this is happening with 1.3.1 Beta 1. I have not changed any Milkdrop or Shpeck files since the last foobar2000 version this worked with (1.2.9).

Again, the crash is only when trying to open the Milkdrop configuration. Otherwise, the plugins function properly (as far as I can tell).


Reply #758
The issue persists in foobar2000 1.3.1 stable. When clicking the "Configure" button in the Shpeck options window, foobar2000 locks up before the "Submit crash report" window can display.


Reply #759
I wonder why people use a component which is obviously deprecated.


Reply #760
may be in default of having another up to date ;-)

(by the way, shpeck work  fine for me on win8.1  intel HD4000 with  milkdrop v2.25 package found in older post)


Reply #762
I wonder why people use a component which is obviously deprecated.

What's the alternative? I'm not aware of one.

Unless someone else makes a completely new alternative, using up to date code....
Would be nice to fix the bugs Shpeck has, pity Yirkha vanished off the face of IRC since 2012.



Reply #763
Correction: Off the face of the forums.

He disappeared off the face of IRC many months ago, leaving behind his IRC bouncer and title bot for a while, before that vanished as well.


Reply #764
Either way, his presence is gone, which spells death for this component.


Reply #765
I wonder why people use a component which is obviously deprecated.

What's the alternative? I'm not aware of one.

I agree with Zarggg, mudlord. Accepting your line of reasoning would mean that I had to uninstall Yirkha's other plugin, Autosave & Autobackup, as well. But I will keep both components, that are still offered in foobar2000's official plugin repository, as long as possible.

Correction: Off the face of the forums.

He disappeared off the face of IRC many months ago, leaving behind his IRC bouncer and title bot for a while, before that vanished as well.

Yirkha was alway very kind and I appreciated his support and help very much and often. I do hope it's all okay with him.
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.


Reply #766
i have bad news... winamp visualization page gone. question is, how can i find winamp visualizations, plugins etc...
"thnk u Radionomy !!"


Reply #767
there's plenty of 'clone' sites which popped up where everything was scraped off (which was the AOL hosted site) so it's not hard to find things. and if the new owners are sane, they're not going to blindly put up anything and everything that was on the old site since most of the plug-ins are broken / only work up to a specific OS (especially so when it comes to a lot of the vis plug-ins).


Reply #770
I wasn't trying to be sarcastic. If there is an alternative to this that allows me to use the MilkDrop2 library, I'll gladly look into it.


Reply #771
there's plenty of 'clone' sites which popped up where everything was scraped off (which was the AOL hosted site) so it's not hard to find things. and if the new owners are sane, they're not going to blindly put up anything and everything that was on the old site since most of the plug-ins are broken / only work up to a specific OS (especially so when it comes to a lot of the vis plug-ins).

What makes me wonder, is why there is no foo_vis_milk2. I am currently working on some visualization stuff, but a MilkDrop 2 port is definately not one of them.

Saves all the hassles, and hopefully the source isnt too global heavy. (I know AVS is messy as heck and relies on DirectDraw)


Reply #772
because the people with the skills don't generally have the interest to do something like and the people who want it generally don't have the means to realise it (that fun old supply vs demand issue).

and with the Milkdrop 1 source code having being available for years and even Milkdrop 2 source code publically available for almost a year, if it was going to happen i'd have expected to see it by now, hence being stuck with the only option of using a plug-in wrapper to use a plug-in not intended for this client *shrugs*

and AVS is a mess as that's just how it was developed and was worked on by the people doing it (which was fine for their style of working at the time but i suspect like everything, things would be re-done in a far better option than how it is if it all could be done over again). i found Milkdrop better than AVS to try to fix at times but there's a lot of code in there whichi suspect only Ryan understands.


Reply #773
I got it to work. I'm using windows 7 64 bit

It runs for me, but it crashes if I try to open the configuration.  Running Win7 64 here, too.

I am having the same issues, can't config the plugin. I'm using v1.3.1 of foobar and I've also tried using 1.2.9 version like suggested above and no change. I'm on Windows 8 x64. Everything I've tried ends up in "Submit crash report" window when trying to config the plugin. So is there a fix for this? Like using a even older version of foobar or maybe an older version of milkdrop? Or maybe is there a way you can use an external way to configure the plugin? I'm a new user to this component so i don't have all the knowledge i'm sorry if my questions have been already answered. Thank you.


Reply #774
i found Milkdrop better than AVS to try to fix at times but there's a lot of code in there whichi suspect only Ryan understands.

Just had another look at the MilkDrop 2 source code and by comparison to AVS, its a dream. Each bit of code is nicely divided into its seperate classes, especially pluginshell.cpp (which can be written to use FB2K specific namespaces and code), which at least helps for UI element implementation.