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Topic: Ogg Vorbis Plugin for Winamp 3.0 (Read 6373 times) previous topic - next topic
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Ogg Vorbis Plugin for Winamp 3.0

An Ogg Vorbis plugin for the recently released Winamp 3.0 beta can be found here:

Here is an excerpt from the text file that comes with it:

known limitations:
- no tag editor. oh well. (this is a WA3 limitation)
- streaming _has_not_ been tested (might work)

if you used earlier version before, make sure to delete contents of db directory to avoid display problems

I am unsure if this only works on the Windows platform or if it also works on the Linux platform.  If someone gives this a try, please post your results.

Ogg Vorbis Plugin for Winamp 3.0

Reply #1
Originally posted by Dibrom
I am unsure if this only works on the Windows platform or if it also works on the Linux platform.  If someone gives this a try, please post your results.

Uh, AFAIK all Winamp stuff is Windows-only closed source, so no chance of getting it to work under Linux.

XMMS, the unix equivalent of Winamp has had Vorbis support for ages, and the plugin doesn't need to be updated if you upgrade Vorbis.


Ogg Vorbis Plugin for Winamp 3.0

Reply #2
Originally posted by Garf
Uh, AFAIK all Winamp stuff is Windows-only closed source, so no chance of getting it to work under Linux.

You seem to have missed the post about Winamp 3.0 here:

There is a linux version of Winamp 3.0, and it looks like Winamp 3.0 will be ported to other platforms now as well.

Apparently all of the important OS stuff is abstracted out and hidden so that when writing plugins the most you would ever likely need to do to get it to work on a different platform is recompile.  This is why I am unsure if this plugin will work on the Linux version as is, or not.

Ogg Vorbis Plugin for Winamp 3.0

Reply #3

Ogg Vorbis Plugin for Winamp 3.0

Reply #4
wa3 plugin sdk for linux isn't available yet, so there are no additional plugins working with linux version.

wa3 vorbis plugin works only in windows now, but source code doesn't contain any windows crap and should work under linux after simple recompiling (when linux sdk is done).

ps. i just love when people post quotes from my readme files.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Ogg Vorbis Plugin for Winamp 3.0

Reply #5
Frankly, I can't imagine why they even bothered with a Linux version. *NIX users already have XMMS, which is open source and VERY GOOD, so there would be little practical motivation to switch to Winamp in Linux.

Seems to me concentrating on simply making Winamp the best digital audio player for the Windows platform (which they have done, IMO), is a more plausible goal than trying to run on every platform (closed apps can rarely accomplish this, lest they be written in *blech* java).

(FWIW, the port of Macamp to Windows completely boggled my mind as well...)

Then again, I can't say that writing good, clean, _portable_ code isn't laudable and worthy of respect.  Viva Winamp!

Just my $0.02