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Topic: lossyflac v1.2 released (uses lossyWAV and flac) (Read 21900 times) previous topic - next topic
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lossyflac v1.2 released (uses lossyWAV and flac)

lossyflac v1.2 converts between WAV/FLAC and lossy.flac/lwcdf.flac
Resulting lossy.flac and flac files store tags and picture art from input.

Usage: lossyflac inputfile... [lossywav-options] [@ flac-options][/b]

This tool makes it easy to convert back and forth between FLAC and lossy.flac + lwcdf.flac files, while maintaining tags and picture art. Required tools are flac.exe, metaflac.exe and lossyWAV.exe somewhere in %PATH%. Un-comment the line: REM set "dir=%~dp0" to use tools placed in the same folder as lossyflac.cmd instead of PATH.

Some examples
1) Convert all flac and wav files in current folder to lossy.flac files (keeps flac tags and art).
  lossyflac *.flac *.wav -o outdir -s o @ -6

2) Convert all flacs in folder into tagged lossy.flac and correction files (lwcdf.flac)
  lossyflac *.flac -o lfdir -C -f

3) Reconstruct (merge) all the original tagged flac files from lossy.flac and correction flac files.
  lossyflac lfdir\*.lossy.flac -M -o flacdir

- fixed argument parsing of - for stream in.
- option -o outname corrected. Will now work with dBpoweramp and others.
- temporary files now in %TEMP% folder, not output.
- fixed handling of special characters in file names.

Re: lossyflac v1.2 released (uses lossyWAV and flac)

Reply #1
Thanks for creating this useful script.

Do you take feature requests? I'm not able to extend the script as I wish.
It would be great to be able to specify a folder and it will convert all lossless FLAC files in the sub folders.

Re: lossyflac v1.2 released (uses lossyWAV and flac)

Reply #2
Thanks for creating this useful script.

Do you take feature requests? I'm not able to extend the script as I wish.
It would be great to be able to specify a folder and it will convert all lossless FLAC files in the sub folders.
That's possible. I'll look into when I get some time.

Re: lossyflac v1.2 released (uses lossyWAV and flac)

Reply #3
Attached lossyflac v1.3.

This should not be a development thread, but the suggested feature was important also for for my own usage. Do not post more feature requests, only bugs.
Changes since v1.2:
  • Added recursive convertion of a directory trees when giving a single folder as input. It finds all flac files, but excludes .lossy.flac and .lwcdf.flac file. Reverse when merging; it only selects the lossy.flac+lwcdf.flac files as input. As usual, if no output folder is given, the target is placed in the input folder.
  • Output folders are now created if they don't exist, also in non-recursive mode.
  • Some minor tweaks.

Re: lossyflac v1.2 released (uses lossyWAV and flac)

Reply #4
Thank you very much!  :)

Re: lossyflac v1.2 released (uses lossyWAV and flac)

Reply #5
Nice one! Well done Tycho.

lossyflac 1.4.0 released

Reply #6
lossyflac 1.4.0

  • Added multiprocesssing. Spawns additional minimized command windows (default # cpu cores in parallel)
  • Bug fixed: Path or filename with % character failed.
  • Now possible to do a clean cancel by hitting q in the main command window.

Previous changes
  • Added recursive convertion of a directory trees when giving a single folder as input.
  • fixed argument parsing of - for stream in.
  • option -o outname corrected. Will now work with dBpoweramp and others.
  • temporary files now in %TEMP% folder, not output.
  • fixed handling of special characters in file names.

This is likely the final version of this script. The features added in 1.3 and 1.4 are somewhat redundant as they could (and still can) be achieved by setting up lossyflac.cmd in foobar2000 as an encoder. The script should also be useful as a template for any similar converters, though.

Re: lossyflac v1.2 released (uses lossyWAV and flac)

Reply #7
nice one.  :)

Re: lossyflac v1.2 released (uses lossyWAV and flac)

Reply #8
lossyflac 1.4.1

Unfortunately, a minor bug sneaked into the last version. Sorry about my sloppy testing. Hope this is the final.
  • Bug fixed: encoding in non-recursive mode, e.g input *.flac was broken

Re: lossyflac v1.2 released (uses lossyWAV and flac)

Reply #9
Please change the file extension used , so as to not confuse with flac
(the free lossless audio codec) .
Maybe use fwac (the free lossy wave audio codec) .
V for Vote

Re: lossyflac v1.2 released (uses lossyWAV and flac)

Reply #11
You're nearly ten years too late ;-),55522.msg498343.html#msg498343


Indeed he is....

.... plus, changing the file extension affects the file association.

.... plus, a FLAC file is a FLAC file - there's no guarantee (unless one created it from source) that it does, indeed, contain lossless audio (the FLAC encoding being lossless in and of itself, of course).

Re: lossyflac v1.2 released (uses lossyWAV and flac)

Reply #12
verse_n_chorus could maybe consider ".fla", which was frequently seen for FLAC files on Windows in old days when people liked to stick to 8+3 filenames. It seems to be decently supported still. And dropping a letter from ".flac" does hint at some kind of lossiness, doesn't it? ;-)

Check first if one has other files with that suffix, e.g. Flash files.

Re: lossyflac v1.2 released (uses lossyWAV and flac)

Reply #13
These days flac even is dsd or MQA!
Is troll-adiposity coming from feederism?
With 24bit music you can listen to silence much louder!


Re: lossyflac v1.2 released (uses lossyWAV and flac)

Reply #14
What is lwdir? This abbreviation doesn't tell me anything.
Also, how do I create lossyFLAC+corr from WAV? This case is not explained.
• Join our efforts to make Helix MP3 encoder great again
• Opus complexity & qAAC dependence on Apple is an aberration from Vorbis & Musepack breakthroughs
• Let's pray that D. Bryant improve WavPack hybrid, C. Helmrich update FSLAC, M. van Beurden teach FLAC to handle non-audio data