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Topic: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)  (Read 184353 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #25
So, Foobar2000 has no streaming support other than UPnP?  If I want to access my music when I am not at home, I need a different solution?
The feature set is not frozen yet.

Feel free to suggest what streaming protocol you'd like us to support, it will be looked into.

Icecast + Shoutcast (enough to cover the bases).

Not sure how the client side works for these.  Although it be nice if there was another streaming protocol in existence that supported multi-channel audio like 7.1 and functioned as a broadcasting stream like Icecast and Shoutcast do.  Seems only UPnP allows it but it's not really a broadcast type of thing as a device getting disconnected stops the streaming which is impractical for multiple devices in different rooms.

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #26
iOS public preview is ready
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #27

..... except I'm Android only. :( ;)

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #28
hmm will the iOS version be available on 6.1.6 once the beta is over?

edit: just tested the windows 10 version. album art for most of my music does not show up. i probably know why. most of the JPEGs are progressive. guess it's only the baseline ones that show up.

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #29
So, Foobar2000 has no streaming support other than UPnP?  If I want to access my music when I am not at home, I need a different solution?
The feature set is not frozen yet.

Feel free to suggest what streaming protocol you'd like us to support, it will be looked into.

Not exactly streaming but it would be really interesting to be able to use google drive; dropbox; etc. servers as content providers to listen to music; reading the files directly from the user accounts. There are other android players out there featuring that although really limited in other fields.

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #30
hmm will the iOS version be available on 6.1.6 once the beta is over?
I had problems submitting 6.1.6 compatible build to the appstore due to some nonsensical startup screen compliance issues and moved up to 8.0 which simplifies things. I'll figure it out eventually, it's just an extremely tedious task, as the error messages are cryptic and every submission attempt requires full recompile of the app which takes quite a few minutes.
edit: just tested the windows 10 version. album art for most of my music does not show up. i probably know why. most of the JPEGs are progressive. guess it's only the baseline ones that show up.
If your album art is folder.jpg and marked as hidden+system, Universal Windows Apps cannot access it, and there's no way around it becuase someone at Microsoft thought it was a cool idea.

Honestly, I was a long-time Microsoft supporter before I wrote this app, now I'm a sworn enemy of Microsoft and anything they released after 2010.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #31

If your album art is folder.jpg and marked as hidden+system, Universal Windows Apps cannot access it, and there's no way around it becuase someone at Microsoft thought it was a cool idea.

Honestly, I was a long-time Microsoft supporter before I wrote this app, now I'm a sworn enemy of Microsoft and anything they released after 2010.

maybe that and some other new things is why not so many UWP applications came up :(

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #32
Funny, because all my album art is embedded.  I removed Windows Media Player from my system (Windows Features) because I was sick of it messing with my tags and creating hidden+system album art thumbnails with every embedded image.

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #33
Funny, because all my album art is embedded.  I removed Windows Media Player from my system (Windows Features) because I was sick of it messing with my tags and creating hidden+system album art thumbnails with every embedded image.

Disabling automatic library update/auto tag webupdate in WMP 12 options would have been enough ....

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #34
Android version is up.

We're compatible down to as old as Android 2.3, so everyone should be able to try it.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #35
Many thanks, Peter.

Installed on my Leagoo Shark 1 - did a decode speed test on lossyFLAC (c.180x); MP3 (c.80x) and Opus (c.55x).

Loving the simplicity of the UI - looking forward to finding out more as I further investigate it! :D

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #36
Great to see the android version. Thanks to Peter and everyone else who worked on it.

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #37
Wow this is very exciting. The internet should have blown up by now... why doesn't this get more coverage?
Thank you very much.

(Now my hope for a Mac-Version is growing again... :)  )

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #38

great, thanks.

What I noticed:
In settings/Media Library I can't scroll down when I have more directories than the display height can show
(in my case I have different library folders for: Deutsch, Krautrock, Klassik, Folkrock, Rock, Ital./Franz., Soundtracks, Eigenes Zeug, Hörspiele.)
I have spread them over two cards, that is the reason I made spearate entries for each style, otherwise I had two groups, one for the internal card and one for the external)

A question: is it possible to go back to the playing screen from the library without playing another file ?


Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #39
Does it support adding a network (smb) drive folder to the media library?
Is there a way to shuffle play all songs within a specified genre?

Thanks so much for the preview... looking pretty good so far.

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #40

I used the Android version for about an hour and had 3 or 4 dropouts so far.

this is an Samsung Galaxy S3 with Android 4.1.2, 64 GB internal memory and an external 200 GB sd card. I was listening to something from the external card. I have not listened so far to something from the internal card, so I can't say if that happens there too.


Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #42
The Android app is nice.  Good job!!

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #43
I've noticed that the decode speed test auto-detects the number of cores - and ignores cores that were disabled at some point in the installation process (I guess). enabling all 8 cores on my phone increases all of the decode rates by a factor of between 9 and 10, I have not conducted a "proper" test yet though.

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #44
I'm also in anticipation for Android version and internet audio streaming support for that matter.
Will I be able to listen to my favorite radiostations?
Here are the streams:

Thanks to silence I'll let myself answer my own question then. Android version can play these streams, but one have to go to "Tools" => "Playback controls" => "Play location". Hopefully in the future I will be able to manage streams in the playlists and not play them in this very odd way.

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #45
hmm will the iOS version be available on 6.1.6 once the beta is over?
I had problems submitting 6.1.6 compatible build to the appstore due to some nonsensical startup screen compliance issues and moved up to 8.0 which simplifies things. I'll figure it out eventually, it's just an extremely tedious task, as the error messages are cryptic and every submission attempt requires full recompile of the app which takes quite a few minutes.
edit: just tested the windows 10 version. album art for most of my music does not show up. i probably know why. most of the JPEGs are progressive. guess it's only the baseline ones that show up.
If your album art is folder.jpg and marked as hidden+system, Universal Windows Apps cannot access it, and there's no way around it becuase someone at Microsoft thought it was a cool idea.

Honestly, I was a long-time Microsoft supporter before I wrote this app, now I'm a sworn enemy of Microsoft and anything they released after 2010.
oh all of my album art is embedded.

honestly, if the iOS app store gives you trouble, there's always Cydia.

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #47
Just trying it now.

Android 4.1.2 on an old Samsung SIII Mini and a 32GB SD card. ~3200 tracks in different formats. (mostly mp3 and m4a)
Library scan was quite fast and seems to appear correctly, except one thing:
- In the Genre category, it seems that I cannot see any track that doesn't belong to an album. Basically, that option only lists albums and tracks of those albums. I tend to use this option to play random tracks of a style, depending of my mood.
In contrast, the advanced search for year (btw, nice that it also groups by decades), has the option to see "all tracks" and then these no-album tracks appear.

Also, I would like to mention that I initially didn't know how to return to the playback controls when going back to the browser while the song is playing. It seems the correct option is going to the tools screen, and there locating the "show playback controls". But since the launching screen is the browser, and that it's the place where one usually is, I missed it.
Maybe it is that I am used to the Android version of Rockbox where the initial screen is a menu with several options, including going to the playback controls.

And since I'm mentioning Rockbox, another feature that I use a lot is changing the song speed. In foobar2000 desktop i have the soundtouch dsp (UI could be better but it generally fulfills my needs). Do you think that a similar DSP could be built into foobar2000 Mobile? (And being able to access it in as few clicks as possible).

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #49
I found a way to get random tracks of a genre by loading a track of that genre, and then going to the "..." button and select "more from genre". Then, on that screen one can select random tracks and "voilà", random tracks from a genre playing nicely.

I posted other comments i found in the android thread in foobar's forum.