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Topic: foo_upnp (Read 1715769 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #400
I'm having the same problem as boombaard in post #109: although the track names are initially loaded correctly, each track that is played is replaced with a gibberish hash file name. If I right click on the track, choose Properties, click on Tools and choose Reload Info, the file metadata is restored, but that's time-consuming and tedious. I'm using Simplify Media as the remote UPNP server, if that makes a difference.


Reply #401
Hi Bubbleguum,

great Job. I've seen in your new release 0.99.14 you've addressed, hopely solved, some of my problems using the WAP-4500 with the "send play again command". I'll be testing the new version the coming days and will post my finding in whether this change has solved my issues where the WAP-4500 could suddenly stop after playing 1 to 2 songs in the queue list.

As for my other request:

[/indent]QUOTE (bavan @ Sep 27 2009, 16:26)
Secondly I always need to quit Foobar and restart it again to make my media renderers to load new playlists created in the uPnP queued playlist after I have loaded a first one. Maybe if you can have a look into that it would already increase useability. Note that not loading a uPnP server queued playlist the second time, after playing the first one, is happening on both my WAP-4500 as the NP2900.

I don't understand what you mean. What are you trying to achieve ?

What I'm trying to achieve is the functionality where you can load a Foobar uPNP controller playback queued playlist by using the media renderer and once you've finished playing all the songs you can create a new list of songs in the uPNP queued playlist and reload the new list into the media renderer. What is happening is that after playing a uPNP queued list a first time you can clear it and load new songs into the queue, which by the way is working fine in Foobar, but the media renderer remembers still the previous queue and doesn't load the new queued songs. Note that all control for loading and selecting the uPnP queued playlist is done via the media renderer remote by selecting Foobar server / playlists / uPNP queued playlist. The PC is only used to select songs into the uPnP playlist queue and stream content on request of the media renderer.

I'll try to summary actions step by step:
1. PC: Start Foobar & Load songs into uPnP queue
2. WAP: Select Foobar server name / Playlists / uPnP Controller Playback Queue / Start playing songs in this queue till all songs in the queue are played
3. PC: Clear uPnP Controller Playback queue / Load new songs into uPnP queue
4. Repeat step 2 so you have a new list of songs loaded to the media renderer
Step 4 is the point where a media renderer doesn't refresh the list. The first one loaded remains actif until you quit and restart Foobar between step 2 &3 to make step 4 work.

The big advantage of loading a queue directly from a media renderer instead of using the PC is that you have control to select which song can start playing or is next or can be skipped instead of returning to the PC to do this from within Foobar. Also if you start playing songs in the list by using the PC Foobar uPnp control panel the songs will be streamed one by one and you can't see the queue playlist on the media renderer and don't know what's coming next or what's in the queue without returning to the PC.

I hope this explanation makes it more understandable, if not let me know.


Reply #402

How do I access the UPnP server from a browser from work? I can't even access it from a browser locally (yes, I've configured the Internet settings for the plugin).
I do get the HTTP Auth inputbox, but in the foobar console the component tells me that Auth has failed even though that my login credentials are correct.

It does seem to work from foobar itself though. Any ideas?

Also, are there any docs on "Streaming Profiles" page in the settings, it's a little confusing.



Reply #403
Many thanks for implementing the configurable TITLE option -- works a charm!

On an unrelated note, I sometimes use the foo_lastfm_radio component to listen to radio streams in foobar.  Do you happen to know if these streams should be compatible with foo_upnp?  They don't seem to work in my Philips hardware renderer at present (NP1100/37), but I don't know if the problem is fundamental or whether it can be addressed with a simple runtime variable setting somewhere...

Thanks again - Itazura


Reply #404

How do I access the UPnP server from a browser from work? I can't even access it from a browser locally (yes, I've configured the Internet settings for the plugin).
I do get the HTTP Auth inputbox, but in the foobar console the component tells me that Auth has failed even though that my login credentials are correct.

It does seem to work from foobar itself though. Any ideas?

Also, are there any docs on "Streaming Profiles" page in the settings, it's a little confusing.


For Internet access you need to set your *public*  ip or hostname which may or may not be the same as you PC running the server.
If it is not the same, you're probably using a router and you need to configure it to forward incoming connections on port 56923  (HTTP) (or the port you specified if you changed it)
to your PC running the server. If all settings are correct you should be able to test that it works locally, connecting with "View->Add remote foobar2000 server", and have
the server appear in the browser postfixed with [Internet].

There no real doc on Streaming Profile but to summarize it goes like this:
- the mp3 transcode rules determines if the file will be streamed transcoded to mp3
- if that's not the case the PCM rules determines if the file will be streamed as PCM.
- if the file is not streamed as PCM the file is streamed as is in whatever its native format is: mp3, ogg, etc.

There's some cases where PCM is forced (if mp3 transcode rules didn't apply):

Among others:

- files with subsong, mpc, some protocols (unpack://).
- if replaygain is enabled
- to honour the samplerate or bitdepth limitation set in the profile (for example a PS3 can only play 44.1 or 48Khz content, 16 bits)


Now for your title problem with WMP (long URL appearing in place of the title), it is a bug introduced in 0.99.14 and that manifest only if you didn't have a previous version installed or if you delete
foo_upnp.xml containing the configuration. Until I release a fixed version, a quick fix is to set "Format title track using:" to %title%  in the Server's Advanced Settings page.


Reply #405
Many thanks for implementing the configurable TITLE option -- works a charm!

On an unrelated note, I sometimes use the foo_lastfm_radio component to listen to radio streams in foobar.  Do you happen to know if these streams should be compatible with foo_upnp?  They don't seem to work in my Philips hardware renderer at present (NP1100/37), but I don't know if the problem is fundamental or whether it can be addressed with a simple runtime variable setting somewhere...

Thanks again - Itazura

Some time ago I disabled lastfm:// items because I coudn't make them work for streaming.
I'll give a look again as I don't remember the exact specifics.


Reply #406
Thanks for the reply bubbleguum, note that I've edited my post before your reply because I figured out the custom title workaround on my own

I do see the remote connection in foobar properly! Although trying to access it from the web browser gives an Auth fail, but I suppose that it does not matter since you cannot do anything from a browser anyway, right?

Does this mean that the only way to access my media library remotely would be through foobar + this plugin?


Reply #407
Thanks for the reply bubbleguum, note that I've edited my post before your reply because I figured out the custom title workaround on my own

I do see the remote connection in foobar properly! Although trying to access it from the web browser gives an Auth fail, but I suppose that it does not matter since you cannot do anything from a browser anyway, right?


Does this mean that the only way to access my media library remotely would be through foobar + this plugin?

Yes. But it is also possible to access it from a iPhone/iTouch using PlugPlayer with 3G or wifi.


Reply #408
I haven't tested real exhaustively as of yet but after updating foo_upnp to 0.99.14, browsing on the 360 looks to be exactly what I was looking for now.  Thank you!


Reply #409
Any news on implementing "folder" view in to the server?  Or is there any way to configure the current version to view the music by the folders that they are stored in?  I would love to use the server portion of the plug-in.  But i can't as my large collection relies on the music being sorted by folder instead of tags.

Thank you


Reply #411
Any news on implementing "folder" view in to the server?  Or is there any way to configure the current version to view the music by the folders that they are stored in?  I would love to use the server portion of the plug-in.  But i can't as my large collection relies on the music being sorted by folder instead of tags.

Thank you

I will definitely implement a folder view rather sooner than later as it has been requested a lot.
However the browsing will probably be restricted to the directories declared in the Media Library.



Reply #412
That sounds great thank you!  I can't wait till its ready to try!



Reply #413
I still have constant crashes with the latest version. I submitted again now some bug reports using foobar's bug report utility. Am I the only one having trouble with this plugin?


Reply #414
I still have constant crashes with the latest version. I submitted again now some bug reports using foobar's bug report utility. Am I the only one having trouble with this plugin?

I saw your submitted crashes. They are all identical and happen in the UPnP library I'm using, when sending a http request to an UPnP client.
I really have no clue yet why it crashes at this place but I'll investigate but it's not going easy to find why.
Another guy submitted the same crash with 0.99.12. 


Reply #415
I see. I thank you for taking the time to look into it. 

I do not know if this is relevant but I am using tversity media server and the regular windows ssdp service in the same machine. I tried disabling both but foobar still crashes.

Another thing: version 0.99.8 does not crash.

Anyway, thank you again.


Reply #416
Thanks for the great plugin!

I'm using it to play music served with mediatomb running on my NAS.

It works just fine with playing plain files from my server, but fails for server entries that use mediatomb's transcoding feature. When trying to play such an entry I receive:

[blockquote]Opening track for playback: "upnp://aHR0cDovLzE5Mi4xNjguMTI4LjI2OjQ5MTUyL2NvbnRlbnQvbWVkaWEvb2JqZWN0X2lkLzUzNC9yZXNfaWQvbm9uZS9wcl9uYW1l
Could not read info (Unsupported format or corrupted file) from: "upnp://aHR0cDovLzE5Mi4xNjguMTI4LjI2OjQ5MTUyL2NvbnRlbnQvbWVkaWEvb2JqZWN0X2lkLzUzNC9yZXNfaWQvbm9uZS9wcl9uYW1l
Unable to open item for playback (Unsupported format or corrupted file):

I think the error message is missleading; When I use wget to fetch the transcoded file, I can play the wav-file. So neither the format (audio/x-wav) is unknown nor the file corrupted.

Comparing the HTTP-header for a standard-file request, I suspect the missing CONTENT_LENGTH header in combination with the chunked encoding used by mediatomb for serving the transcoded entry is causing the troubble:

This is the header for a transcoded entry request that fails
[blockquote]  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  CONTENT-TYPE: audio/x-wav
  DATE: Sun, 11 Oct 2009 09:00:46 GMT
  LAST-MODIFIED: Tue, 03 Mar 2009 20:09:24 GMT
  SERVER: Linux/, UPnP/1.0, MediaTomb/0.12.0
  CONNECTION: close[/blockquote]

This is the header for the same file as standard-file  (by adding the transcoded file back to my servier)
[blockquote]  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  CONTENT-LENGTH: 45083180
  CONTENT-TYPE: audio/x-wav
  DATE: Sun, 11 Oct 2009 09:01:51 GMT
  LAST-MODIFIED: Tue, 03 Mar 2009 20:09:24 GMT
  SERVER: Linux/, UPnP/1.0, MediaTomb/0.12.0
  Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="lala.wav"
  Accept-Ranges: bytes[/blockquote]

I think it's obvious, that a on-the-fly trancoding server doesn't know in advance how big the result will be. So is this a bug of the plugin or something where mediatomb would have to provide additional information? Any known workaround?

BTW: I can play the transcoded files successfully with XMBC, so the behaviour of mediatomb doesn't seem to be completely wrong


Reply #417
BTW: I can play the transcoded files successfully with XMBC, so the behaviour of mediatomb doesn't seem to be completely wrong

The error messages you see is from the foobar2000 http decoder. For some reason it doesn't like the stream from mediatomb.
If you tried to play the base64 decoded upnp:// location (which decodes to a standard http url), you'd get the same error.
I'll try to get more info. You may want to disable "Allow seeking over http" if foobar's advanced settings, in the the Networking section, to see if it fixes the problem.


Reply #418
Thanks for your quick reply.

You may want to disable "Allow seeking over http" if foobar's advanced settings, in the the Networking section, to see if it fixes the problem.

This didn't help. The only effect I realized so far, is that now foobar can't even play the static wav-files on mediatomb anymore and complains: "Unable to open item for playback (Object is not seekable):"

The transcoded dynamic entries are still: "Unable to open item for playback (Unsupported format or corrupted file)"


Reply #419
Thanks for your quick reply.

You may want to disable "Allow seeking over http" if foobar's advanced settings, in the the Networking section, to see if it fixes the problem.

This didn't help. The only effect I realized so far, is that now foobar can't even play the static wav-files on mediatomb anymore and complains: "Unable to open item for playback (Object is not seekable):"

The transcoded dynamic entries are still: "Unable to open item for playback (Unsupported format or corrupted file)"

What happen if you try to play  direclty in foobar2000 ? Do you have the same error ?
this is the decoded upnp:// location you provided in your post. Not sure it is still valid, but you can try with another one that you'd have previously decoded with


Reply #420
What happen if you try to play  direclty in foobar2000 ? Do you have the same error ?

Same error! I realized that the error message popped up, even before the harddisk of my NAS had a chance to spin up (was in sleep mode). So it really seems to be something in the http-header processing, because before spinning up, mediatomb has no chance to send something.


Reply #421
some more details:

I managed to configure mediatomb not to use chunked encoding. No change; still "Unsupported format or corrupted file"

So I see two possible explanations: either it's just the missing CONTENT_LENGTH or the fact that mediatomb sends the http headers long before the first byte of the stream is available.

BTW: by just playing around with other players: also real-player is not able to play the transcoded stream. So foobar is not the only one having problems with mediatomb 


Reply #422
Great component!
Would it be possible to add a feature to replaygain processing? To process volume normalization only when transcoding regarding the rules.


Reply #423
So I see two possible explanations: either it's just the missing CONTENT_LENGTH or the fact that mediatomb sends the http headers long before the first byte of the stream is available.

It may well be the missing Content-Length. Another possibility is that the 44 bytes WAV header is somewhat invalid or incomplete.


Reply #424
first: hello everybody from switzerland
to the topic: wow, what a great plugin!!! there is just one thing to fix that it would be perfect (in my opinion):
when transcoding files to mp3, the %discnumber% and the %compilation% tag is not transmitted. then it is not really sorted in my songlist, like it should. also when I don't transcode or decode a file, the %discnumber%-tag is not transmitted until I play the song. It would be great, when it is possible to transmit every tag from the beginning, when I select an album. But anyway, a really great job, thanks!!