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Topic: foo_discogs (Read 1466236 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #675
Every now and then when I want to tag some files I observe some issues with the data from I cancel the tagging and go over to to fix those issues. But when I then want to tag my files, the discogs plugin uses cached information. I need to restart foobar in order to fetch the updated release data. I would appreciate an enforceable refetch of data.




Reply #676
On a release with multiple artists like:
The %artist% field is formatted like "Acquaviva _ Navas _ Amo" instead of "Acquaviva; Navas; Amo" when special characters like "_" and "/" are used on discogs to seperate their names.
Ideally the artist names should be split in the tags with semicolons no matter what seperator is used on discogs.
Same goes for the "&" character like in this release:

This is normal as "Artist" always keep the join artist field (be it &,  /,  -, or whatever) as set in the release. You may want to use "Artist multi" in the Tag mapping configuration. That will write all the atists as a multi-value tag.
Then with the masstagger you can convert it to a single value tag  with whatever separator you like.


Reply #677
Every now and then when I want to tag some files I observe some issues with the data from I cancel the tagging and go over to to fix those issues. But when I then want to tag my files, the discogs plugin uses cached information. I need to restart foobar in order to fetch the updated release data. I would appreciate an enforceable refetch of data.


I'll add a "clear cache" button somewhere.


Reply #678
great plugin,especially tagging with label and catalog is really awesome


Reply #679
Can't connect to discogs.

Temporary glitch or are we blocked?


Reply #682
ps: Your plugin is a little bit too awesome. It makes it very hard to move to OS X.

+1, its by far the best thing i've used on my pc for the last years... in combination with a useful costumized foobar unbeatable!


Reply #683
I just thought of another request: perhaps if there is to be a "refresh" button on the release dialog, there could be a "fit to tracklengths" button as well...

I generally don't want to use the tracklength fitting option, but it might be VERY handy in specific instances. Thanks again!

PS: is this project at all open-source?


Reply #684
Quote from: bubbleguuum link=msg=0 date=
- Filter in Find Release dialog is populated with %ALBUM%

Sweet, this saves a lot of TAB keystrokes ;-)

This feature leads to another suggestion: "Artist" in "Find Release" dialog is populated with $swapprefix(%ARTIST%).
Search for "The Beatles" vs "Beatles, The" to see what I mean :-)



Reply #685
Quote from: bubbleguuum link=msg=0 date=
- Filter in Find Release dialog is populated with %ALBUM%

Sweet, this saves a lot of TAB keystrokes ;-)

This feature leads to another suggestion: "Artist" in "Find Release" dialog is populated with $swapprefix(%ARTIST%).
Search for "The Beatles" vs "Beatles, The" to see what I mean :-)


Would be nice alright! I love the new Find Release filter populating


Reply #686
hi, i use foobar2k / foo_discogs 1.19 (also I tried the foobar2k / foo_discogs 1.15) and get an error -
Code: [Select]
discogs error: release id=[i]#123 (as example)#[/i]: problem connecting to

gdiplus.dll in a foobar plugins dir. os - winxp, firewall - outpost 4, but network settings is ok. what can I make with this error?

ps i have translated my message from russian into english on a site


Reply #687
Same problem there. I installed foo_discogs 1.19 yesterday and I've been able only once to retrieve information from discogs (search button). But not further, and when I type a release id manually (a real one, from online discogs site) and click "next", I receive:

discogs error: release id=535335: problem connecting to (this release id is "Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here", but it's the same with others...

Is someone aware of general problems (firewall, dependancies,...) related to db retriving? I ask that because I got a similar problem with foo_freedb2 and my ripper (EAC) when trying to retrieve info from FREEDB. I had to install a workaroud.

and this thread:

But foo_musicbrainz work fine (but not enough infos for me...)

Help would be appreciated

... and thanks for all these beautifull toys which take us so much time to work with 

This is my first post, so I hope it's "compliant" with this site's pratices. Tell me if there's something wrong.

Precision: I'm running fb2k v0.9.6.5


Reply #688
discogs error: release id=535335: problem connecting to (this release id is "Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here", but it's the same with others...

No problem here..check if you have a proxy configured in foobar's Configuraton/Network. If that's the case, try without the proxy.
There are also nasty paranoid firewalls that do evil things when they see http headers with gzip encoding.


Reply #689
discogs error: release id=535335: problem connecting to (this release id is "Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here", but it's the same with others...

No problem here..check if you have a proxy configured in foobar's Configuraton/Network. If that's the case, try without the proxy.
There are also nasty paranoid firewalls that do evil things when they see http headers with gzip encoding.

No proxy in fb2k, stopped my firewall (both on my WLAN router and McAfee Security Center on my PC), but still the same. I know there are sometimes tricky issues, but it's difficult to fix when you don't have any clue to help... No log, no relevant message. And I must admit I'm not a network specialist. Thank you anyway. Not so serious... I can still listen to music and that's the reason we're here, no?


Reply #690
I wish to notice that under windows 2003 all work


Reply #691
discogs doesn't respond to my computer, even in MP3tag, it worked a week ago but now i get no results.
its not firewall, already checked it.

someone have a clue why?
when i tried to enter a album manualy i get this:
discogs error: release id=401560: XML parse error


Reply #692
Same problem there. I installed foo_discogs 1.19 yesterday and I've been able only once to retrieve information from discogs (search button). But not further, and when I type a release id manually (a real one, from online discogs site) and click "next", I receive:

discogs error: release id=535335: problem connecting to (this release id is "Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here", but it's the same with others...

I've fixed this issue (at least for me). I share my solution here for those who use "Windows Live  Parental Control" (not sure it's the right name, mine is in french). Yes, that's it! I use it to filter my kids activities on the internet and it also filters mine! Even if you check all the boxes in the filter (on the parental control page), which theorically means "authorize all", it seems to block something in the discogs flow and you get nothing when you click search and get an error message when trying to go "next" with a release id. To make it work, simply deactivate the Parental Control filter (right-click on the icon). As a parent, you normally don't need it, right? 

And, btw, same problem happened in EAC when retrieving tags from FREEDB. Same problem and... same solution.

Bah, in fact, perhaps I'm the only stupid to have this one...

Have a nice week-end


Reply #693
This is normal as "Artist" always keep the join artist field (be it &,  /,  -, or whatever) as set in the release. You may want to use "Artist multi" in the Tag mapping configuration. That will write all the atists as a multi-value tag.
Then with the masstagger you can convert it to a single value tag  with whatever separator you like.

Oh, thanks!

Would it be possible to have the option to populate the %discnumber% and %totaldiscs% even though multi-disc release is unchecked? I always populate these fields even for 1 disc releases and as it is now I have to check that box of every time.

It would also be neat to have a field like "Vinyl tracknumber" and "Vinyl side" which is just the splitted value of "Vinyl track number" just like we have "Artist multi" to split the "Artist"s fields value.


Reply #694
discogs doesn't respond to my computer, even in MP3tag, it worked a week ago but now i get no results.
its not firewall, already checked it.

someone have a clue why?
when i tried to enter a album manualy i get this:
discogs error: release id=401560: XML parse error

I have the same problem. Whats happenning guys? Nothing is searching! I use foo_discogs.dll 1.13 version and foobar2000 v. Before this moment everything worked fine and excellent.
The new one 1.19 version of foo_discogs cant add, The foobar warnings that this dll couldnt be added becourse of wrong version.-"new version of foobar".
But I dont need new version of foo_discogs.dll, 1.13 works fine for me.. at least worked fine before this moment.


Reply #695
Another request:

Some way to deal with Index Tracks... Ideally, they'd be treated as any other field, but perhaps with a "filter", so we could get rid of "-" and such.



Reply #696
Something that I think would be great is the possibility to save tag mappings to a tag mapping profile, in order to have different tag mappings for different situations.

For example, I'd like to have one tag mapping profile for completely tagging a release, but also one for just adding the genres and styles. Right now whenever I switch I have to completely adjust the tag mappings.

Maybe there is a handy way to do domething like that though, and have I just not noticed.


Reply #697
ps: Your plugin is a little bit too awesome. It makes it very hard to move to OS X.

I'm currently using fb2k 0.9.5 inside Crossover on OS X.  Works like a charm, with a small few issues I can live with.  I'm using foo_discogs with absolutely NO issues.  Updating tags over WiFi to the HDD attached to my Airport Extreme router is a bit slower than it would be if it was attached directly via USB, but it works.  I've pretty much ditched Windows now.

Oh and one of the best things is that the "View Release Page" works so well, it's almost like I'm working totally in OS X, it feels integrated.  Very impressed bubbleguuum


Reply #698
Is there a chance that we can get a preview feature? Something like when you move files with foobar, in order to see what is going to be changed.
That would be perfect!


Reply #699
Is there any way to specify the artist art prefix? Specifically to make it easier to set that location for Album Art and Graphical Browser panels. Right now foo_discogs just saves it as the discogs artist id, and i don't know how to tell the different art panels to look for that.