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Topic: may i know your favorite headphone? (Read 56116 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #25
That'd be the stax sr-l700. :)

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #26
I  have many that I like, and it'd be hard for me to pick up a favorite.

Sennheiser HD 650
Sennheiser HD 800
AKG K702
AKG K712
Denon D2000
Bose QC25
Sony 7506
KRK 6400
KRK 8400

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #27

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #28
I’m a huge HD-650 fan, but I also love the new Hifiman HE-4XX, when properly EQ’d.

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #29
I recently switched to HD 660 S. I have tried pretty much every better known headphone out there and the sonic improvements get fairly insignificant above this point if you add some minor EQ adjustments. I would love to get a Focal Clear, though, which impressed me a lot with its accurate tonality. If I ever start feeling old and retire in a comfy music chair, I might invest in a Stax SR-009 (S). The Hifiman HE-560 is another good open headphone, which I probably prefer over the warm Audezes. Can't complain much about the MX4, other than the price. Fostex T50RP Mk3 is a good budget recommendation, IMO.

For closed, I still use an Oppo PM-3. If it weren't for PM3's superb build, comfort, isolation and portability, I would have upgraded to the MrSpeakers Æon Flow Closed. I'll get my hands on the HD 820 next month, but based on the forward treble of the open HD 800, I am still a bit reserved until I have actually spent some time with them.

For very critical listening, I usually grab IEMs. My favorite pick is the InEar ProPhile 8, which perhaps has the best tonal accuracy of any IEM from 20 Hz to 10 kHz. I mix it up with some CIEMs, including the qdc Gemini, but most of them are more fun-sounding. Doesn't have to be that expensive, though. The Etymotic ER4XR is a safe bet. I also like to recommend the Final E2000 and Sony MH1 which perform incredibly well for their low price.
headphone aficionado, tech fan, realist

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #30
I'm still using my HD 580s after more than 10 years, and have replaced all the pads exactly once, and the cables several times. They're plugged into my Blue Yeti microphone, and I keep forgetting to turn off the microphone monitoring.

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #31
Sennheiser HD650 (the HD600 are also good, no idea if they still sell them): I like using them around the house, etc.
Beyerdynamic DT 1350: Split head band, they're very comfortable at work, they don't fall off when you look up, etc.
Beyerdynamic DT 290 MK II: Headset. Just a good headset with a microphone.

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #32
My favorite is a tie between my Sennheiser HD 280 Pro's and my BeyerDynamic DT 770 Pro's. Both are excellent but the Senn's have a little more bass "punch". I think the Beyer's are more accurate, while the Senn's are more fun. If that makes any sense.  ;) 

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #33
I too love my AKG 702s. However, I think you could make a real case for the Etymotic ER-4s being the best all-around headphones of all time in the history of ever (or maybe not).

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #34
There are a lot of full-sized and IEM headphones I haven't tried, so my opinion is pretty worthless. My main headphones have been Beyerdynamic DT 880s for over 5 years or so now, and I've replaced the ear pads and head band already. I researched a lot of different kinds before I chose these and they won me over because of reviews/comments about head comfort. I have a huge cranium and am sensitive to pressures, so comfort was important. They've been great.

I recently splurged on Massdrop's HD-6XX which is basically Sennheiser HD-650. I've used them for over a month now and am convinced I made the right choice (for the Beyers) as far as comfort. I don't like the pressure around my ears or on the top of my head. They sound nice though, with a bit more "spaciousness" unless I'm imagining things. Still, not sure whether it's better or just different.

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #35
Philips Fidelio X2.
They combine the advantages of open headphones (which show up best with Grado cans IMO) with the ability to produce deep bass (missing with Grado cans).
lame3995o -Q1.7 --lowpass 17

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #36
Sennheiser HD-600, mostly used for mastering or mixing. 13 years old, have replaced the cushions 5 times, headband cushion just a few weeks ago. Exchanged the cable to the one from HD-650, much more sturdy. Over the years, I've learned to live with its few flaws. Always dependable.

For enjoyment: Philips Fidelio M1. Really not the best headphone (very sounded) but so damn comfy, love that. I linearize its sound with an EQ. Also use the Sennheiser Urbanite. Less comfy than the Philips but more sensitive (good for smartphone). More linear but needs to be equalized as well.

If I want something closer to my HD-600 (with louder frequencies below 80 Hz) I use the HD-380 Pro.

Used to listen to the HD-558... but I found it sounded too coloured after initially liking it a lot. Same goes for the ATH-M50x, would be a great headphone if not for the treble peak somewhere around 9 kHz which I can't correct and which makes the sound hissy. Also, comfort not the best. Still haven't got around to sell those two.

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #37
Beyerdynamic DT 1350: Split head band, they're very comfortable at work, they don't fall off when you look up, etc.
Underrated on-ears. Very good linear bass and fairly neutral midrange. For the price they perform quite well.
I have a pair for many years and used them to travel through China for a year. They had to take quite a beating but still hold up well. 
headphone aficionado, tech fan, realist

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #38
Previously I wrote
Sennheiser HD650 and HD800 here.  While HD800 is more expensive/advanced but HD650 still is more neutral and preferable for some genres as rock/metal.

I also tried HD 600 and strangely I love them not less than 650 and 800.  Its frequency response is how music should sound  as for my ears. I haven't buy them (yet?) because I already have 650/800.
Finally I got a pair of HD600 and they are my main pairs right now. I prefer them over my other phones HD650 and HD800.
HD650 has slightly recessed high frequencies (I guess it was done to keep THD lower than of HD600).
HD800 is a mixed bag. THD is considerably lower but they are far too colored to call them reference headphone and they have “V" shape frequency response. And drivers are positioned in angle what activates some sort of "hall" EQ. That's great but often I need just simpler and neutral presentation of sound. ::) 

As far as I know there were 3 generations of HD600. Last generation of HD600 is practically HD650 but obviously with different frequency response (signature).
I was worried about THD of HD600 and HD650 but in practice both have the same audible distortion. HD600 is a true reference headphone in comparison with HD650 and HD800 (though HD650 is very close to be it as well).

Philips Fidelio X2.
They combine the advantages of open headphones (which show up best with Grado cans IMO) with the ability to produce deep bass (missing with Grado cans).
Innerfidelity says Philips Fidelio X2 competes very well with HD600 in the same price range.

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #39
Beyerdynamic DT880s are my best pair! But in some mood I just find them to dry.
In that case, I’ll just use my Sennheiser HD600s that never fail me.
I also use my AKG/Massdrop K7XX for movies and general web browsing (they disappear on your head).
I also use ATH M40X and Beyer DT770 Pro on-the-go, although lately I find the latter (770s) too sibilant that I have to EQ them.

I no longer use my Alessandro MS1i and MS Pro headphones - they are just too ..

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #40
I use the ER4-PT & SE535 red

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #41
A pair of late-80s Stax Lambda Signature at home. I bought Etymotic ER-4 for portable use, but the mechanical noise from the cables means they are better off in my office.

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #42
HA folks are special and I was curious to know local preference for different headphones.

 I've counted owners (who have posted in this topic) per each headphone model:

Sennheiser HD650 – 7 owners
Sennheiser HD600 – 6 owners
Sennheiser HD580 – 4 owners
Beyerdynamic  DT770 – 4 owners
Sennheiser HD800 – 3 or 4 owners (it’s not clear from posts)
Beyerdynamic  DT880 – 3 owners

...memorable mentions (2 votes)  are Grado SR325e, AKG K701, AKG K7XX and AKG K702.

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #43
I built up my collection about ten to fifteen years ago and everything I have tried new since then at any price it hasn't given me much to choose from what I already have. I am not at all convinced the technology has progressed.

Sony MDR-V6
Sennheiser HD 580
Beyer DT880
Grado SR60
Grado SR80i
And a bit of an obscurity: Sony MDR-CD780s (definitely a case of function over form factor)

I'd be happy to grab any of them right this second to listen to.

Now that I think of it I'll add one more--My family got me a pair of Bose bluetooth headphones and I must say I was very surprised that they hold their own. I can't remember the exact model.

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #44
I've counted owners (who have posted in this topic) per each headphone model:

Sennheiser HD650 – 7 owners
Sennheiser HD600 – 6 owners
Sennheiser HD580 – 4 owners
Beyerdynamic  DT770 – 4 owners
Sennheiser HD800 – 3 or 4 owners (it’s not clear from posts)
Beyerdynamic  DT880 – 3 owners
I won't mind if I have to stick at my Sennheiser HD600s --- but I want a pair of HD800s, for their physical comfort, and for the fact that what is considered their fault seems to match that of my ears
If you counted me under HD600, please deduct and add one to HD800, as I now have a pair.

Thank you for going to the trouble of counting!
The most important audio cables are the ones in the brain

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #45
Stax SR-007A or Sennheiser HD800S.

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #46
If you counted me under HD600, please deduct and add one to HD800, as I now have a pair.
Well, it was just one time I've counted to get a big picture of local preferements. It's not big deal to recount maybe few months later :)
Anyway, have You sold your HD600? I'm not sure if it's correct to deduct HD600 once you still have or had it at some moment.
Thank you for  mentioning that.

Maybe Hydrogenaudio should have its own wall of fame like this one :)

As for Sennheiser HD800, they are extremely detailed and have a huge sound stage, but they sound thin, analytical and less engaging to my ears. To get any bass at all you have to play ridiculous high volume levels. They do not play music the way it's meant to be heard. They are however very useful as a tool to reveal differences in formats and bitrates.
Just for the record. Do You own / have owned HD800 or You've described your casual expirience with them? 
As far as i understand our ears can get used to some unbalanced (thin, analytical...) headphones after some prolonged time. Anyway I don't disagree with your description of 800s.

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #47
For the record, I didn't sell the HD600. I don't often actual sell stuff: I hoard it or give it away.
The most important audio cables are the ones in the brain

Re: may i know your favorite headphone?

Reply #48
Me too. While I don't hoard things :) I still keep a pair of HD650 after purchasing of HD800, even finally bought HD600 as I use different headphones in different occasions.