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Topic: FB 2,24,1 crashes on spectrum analyzer activation (32bit version) (Read 865 times) previous topic - next topic
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FB 2,24,1 crashes on spectrum analyzer activation (32bit version)

Hello @Peter ,
just to let you know that my 32bit version of FB 2.24.1 crashes on spectrum analyzer activation.
Crash reports already sent as usual.
Kind regards, Andrea

Re: FB 2,24,1 crashes on spectrum analyzer activation (32bit version)

Reply #2
Not sure there are magic tricks left for Peter to do. I see recent crashes from a 32-bit OS that are caused by player running out of memory.

Re: FB 2,24,1 crashes on spectrum analyzer activation (32bit version)

Reply #3
Hello @marc2k3 , no, I am referring to the default Spectrum component, The 3rd party is working fine on my system.