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Topic: DUI Playlist View displays album art incorrectly? (Read 1864 times) previous topic - next topic
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DUI Playlist View displays album art incorrectly?

foobar2000 v2.24.1

I have attached a gif showing the issue. This seems to happen when ever I launch fb2k in windowed mode and when switching to full-screen the album art gets stuck until I move the column slightly, any idea what could cause this? I have the option "Auto-scale Columns with Window size" ticked as well.

Re: DUI Playlist View displays album art incorrectly?

Reply #1
Hmm there seems to be no replies, anyone facing the same issue? Or is it something from my end?

Re: DUI Playlist View displays album art incorrectly?

Reply #2
The issue is reproducible. I don't think there is much else anything other than Peter can comment.

Re: DUI Playlist View displays album art incorrectly?

Reply #3
Thanks for confirming, will wait it out.