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Topic: Drag & Drop Track Creates Large White Square Obscuring Info (Read 1094 times) previous topic - next topic
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Drag & Drop Track Creates Large White Square Obscuring Info

Hello all! Newbie so first post. I have a ton of Playlists and anytime I try to drag and drop a track anywhere I have this LARGE square that is so large i cannot see the playlists underneath to drop it into unless I hover around and find it instead of dropping right in.

I've looked everywhere to try and resolve this including completely re-install/re-configure one plug in at a time and it seems to be the default.

Is there any way to get rid of this VERY LARGE SQUARE when dragging and dropping??

I appreciate any help!

Re: Drag & Drop Track Creates Large White Square Obscuring Info

Reply #1
It's Microsoft that have decided to make it a solid white square in (the current version of) Windows 11. You'll see the same thing in File Explorer. If you check Windows 10, it was semi-transparent then.

I may review it in Columns UI. Default UI doesn't enable that overlay, so you don't get that there (or the track count).

Re: Drag & Drop Track Creates Large White Square Obscuring Info

Reply #2
Thanks @musicmusic At least I know I'm not crazy. I also went into try and modify some settings in sysdm.cpl to see if it would help and Nada!