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Topic: A strange audio file can't be played correctly. (Read 2324 times) previous topic - next topic
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A strange audio file can't be played correctly.

Windows 11
foobar2000 v2.24.1 x64

Recently, I've download a music pack rip from the game "Aliens versus Predator 2"
Inside the 7z package, there are two "mp3" can't be played correctly and with wrong playback length.
Code: [Select]
I know foobar2000 maybe determine format and codec using extention name and these two audio file maybe not MP3,
So I open them with MPC-HC and it claim these two audio are:
Code: [Select]
Audio: PCM 44100Hz stereo 1411kbps [A: pcm_s16le, 44100 Hz, 2 channels, s16, 1411 kb/s]
Now, at least I know what the codec these two audio are, but still don't know the format.
I tried to rename the extension to wav from mp3, but foobar2000 can't open or enqueue it.

Re: A strange audio file can't be played correctly.

Reply #1
.wav except someone has attached ID3 tags to them. Not ID3 as RIFF chunk, but prepended an ID3 in front just like for MP3.

Open in Mp3tag, Ctrl-x to remove, then rename file to .wav, drag that into Mp3tag, select it, and paste tags back (Ctrl-v)

Re: A strange audio file can't be played correctly.

Reply #2
.wav except someone has attached ID3 tags to them. Not ID3 as RIFF chunk, but prepended an ID3 in front just like for MP3.

Open in Mp3tag, Ctrl-x to remove, then rename file to .wav, drag that into Mp3tag, select it, and paste tags back (Ctrl-v)
Thank you Porcus. This worked.