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Topic: DSP settings for USB/TOSLink output to Magnat HR750 (Read 1244 times) previous topic - next topic
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DSP settings for USB/TOSLink output to Magnat HR750


Until recently I used an old laptop as my main content source + streamer, connected via HDMI to an AV amp. That amp died and was replaced by a "regular" receiver/amp (Magnat MR750) that seemed to have HDMI support too.

We don't have a TV/home-cinema so I didn't realise that that support is HDMI ARC only, which I cannot seem to get to work from any of our laptops (MSWin10 and MSWin11). Computer and amp simply don't see each other, even with a brandnew 4k HDMI cable that has ARC compatibility listed in its specs. I'm beginning to think that a direct connection is simply not possible but if someone here can confirm that it'd be great.

Anyway, I got myself a Cubilux USB->TOSLINK/opt converter which works fine with exclusive WASAPI mode in FB2000. However, the amp only accepts stereo and the adapter supports only 44.1, 48, 96 and 192 kHz. Not 176.4kHz, curiously.

I figured out how to create a DSP preset with a to-stereo downmixer and a resampler, but have some questions on the resampling.

1) which of the two provided with the current FB2000 release has the best quality/overhead ratio - or is there an external component that provides a better one?
2) what is the syntax for the samplerate exclusion list? I imagine that I'd want to exclude every supported samplerate (including 44.1) and resample to 44.1kHz, or possible 96kHz and assume the aliasing will not be detectable?

Thanks in advance, and best wishes for 2025!

Re: DSP settings for USB/TOSLink output to Magnat HR750

Reply #1
Bonus question: is there a magic keyword to display the playback/output sampling rate in the status bar/pane when using a resampling DSP module?