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Topic: Convert Mp3 320 (Good Quality) (Read 3003 times) previous topic - next topic
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Convert Mp3 320 (Good Quality)

Hi! I have a question about lame encoder. What "commands" do you utilise to convert wav songs to mp3 320kbps? Which is the best command to use so as to have my mp3 320 songs in good quality. I wanna use a command that doesn't cut off at 20,000 khz but cuts off at 22,000 (lowpass disabled). By and large, i wanna my mp3 320 songs to sound as the wav somehow. If someone helps me out, i would appreciate it! Thanks!

****I use lame 3.100.1 version****!

Re: Convert Mp3 320 (Good Quality)

Reply #1
Klymins, how many accounts do you have on this forum?
gold plated toslink fan

Re: Convert Mp3 320 (Good Quality)

Reply #2
You cant use mp3 at all if you want absolute safety. Meanwhile opus just smashes all the killersamples you can throw at it @ 192 kbps.

This stellar listening test should answer all your questions:,120007.0.html
No need to tinker with cutoffs.
Just because 320 is the maximum option does not mean that it is any good. Lossy codecs are always a tradeoff between quality and FILESIZE, so every kbps you give it extra is diminishing the point of lossy. I assume you are replacing your lossless files?
And so, with digital, computer was put into place, and all the IT that came with it.

Re: Convert Mp3 320 (Good Quality)

Reply #3
Klymins, how many accounts do you have on this forum?

Why do you assume that the OP is another account of mine? Couldn't you already notice that my opinions are different than what the OP implies? @korth May you please verify that the OP is not another account of mine by looking at the IP addresses and behaviours?

Re: Convert Mp3 320 (Good Quality)

Reply #4
Klymins, how many accounts do you have on this forum?

Why do you assume that the OP is another account of mine? Couldn't you already notice that my opinions are different than what the OP implies?

@Klymins is right.  He's usually asking for the complete opposite of good quality.   :P

Re: Convert Mp3 320 (Good Quality)

Reply #6

Re: Convert Mp3 320 (Good Quality)

Reply #7
You cant use mp3 at all if you want absolute safety. Meanwhile opus just smashes all the killersamples you can throw at it @ 192 kbps.

This stellar listening test should answer all your questions:,120007.0.html
No need to tinker with cutoffs.
Just because 320 is the maximum option does not mean that it is any good. Lossy codecs are always a tradeoff between quality and FILESIZE, so every kbps you give it extra is diminishing the point of lossy. I assume you are replacing your lossless files?
I wanna convert wav songs (uncompressed) to mp3 320kbps!!!!!!! My question again is how can my mp3 320 cut off at 22,050khz and not at 20,000khz with lame
. What command should i use? I don't know what you understood. I think you didn't understand what i meant though!

Re: Convert Mp3 320 (Good Quality)

Reply #8
Do you want to achieve best audio quality or not? Messing with cutoffs wont do that for you.
Use this for reference instead: . Which includes the flag -v2. Which is what i use mostly. ANOTHER question you appearently forgot about asking...
Just because it looks good on a spectrum does not mean it sounds good.
And so, with digital, computer was put into place, and all the IT that came with it.

Re: Convert Mp3 320 (Good Quality)

Reply #9
Hi! I have a question about lame encoder. What "commands" do you utilise to convert wav songs to mp3 320kbps? Which is the best command to use so as to have my mp3 320 songs in good quality. I wanna use a command that doesn't cut off at 20,000 khz but cuts off at 22,000 (lowpass disabled). By and large, i wanna my mp3 320 songs to sound as the wav somehow. If someone helps me out, i would appreciate it! Thanks!

****I use lame 3.100.1 version****!

You can try;  -b320 --lowpass -1

Re: Convert Mp3 320 (Good Quality)

Reply #10
Hi! I have a question about lame encoder. What "commands" do you utilise to convert wav songs to mp3 320kbps? Which is the best command to use so as to have my mp3 320 songs in good quality. I wanna use a command that doesn't cut off at 20,000 khz but cuts off at 22,000 (lowpass disabled). By and large, i wanna my mp3 320 songs to sound as the wav somehow. If someone helps me out, i would appreciate it! Thanks!

****I use lame 3.100.1 version****!

All sampled audio has to have low pass applied, the limit depends on what the sample rate is.  You haven't said what the sample rate of your uncompressed audio is.
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Re: Convert Mp3 320 (Good Quality)

Reply #11
Ogg vorbis does the cutoff at 22khz natively.

99.99999% of all humans (alive and dead) can/could "not" hear beyond 20khz and hearing beyond 16/17khz requires very young ears and high quality speakers/headphones. Keeping frequencies above 20khz in "lossy" files is just a waste of space. You may think that keeping those bits would make the files sound better, but it doesn't . Modern compression formats "will" always sound better than mp3 because it is an older technology.