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Topic: how to set LAME 320kbps mp3 settings to the same as ffmpeg? (Read 2254 times) previous topic - next topic
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how to set LAME 320kbps mp3 settings to the same as ffmpeg?

was just wondering what exact settings i would set in LAME (wxlame) to get the exact same quality as ffmpeg 320kbps, been playing around all morning and the lame insane mp3s

i normally just use this sample command in ffmpeg

ffmpeg -i input.wav -ab 320k outputfile.mp3

(so basically want this exact command for LAME if possible)

not sure why but the mp3s done in ffmpeg always sound way cleaner than the LAME insane ones tested on both headphones and bang & olufsen speakers

anyone else noticed this?

Re: how to set LAME 320kbps mp3 settings to the same as ffmpeg?

Reply #1
not sure why but the mp3s done in ffmpeg always sound way cleaner than the LAME insane ones tested on both headphones and bang & olufsen speakers

Ahem:,3974.html , #8.

Re: how to set LAME 320kbps mp3 settings to the same as ffmpeg?

Reply #2
I don't think you can ever get bit-identical results with two different encoders. 

But I'd be surprised with an audible difference in a proper blind ABX test at 320kbps.

As far as I know, more work, testing, and development has gone into LAME than any other MP3 encoder so I'd expect it to be the "best" (or equal to the beat) with most source material.

If you want the "best" sound" or no "risk" of compression artifacts, use a lossless format...  :P

always sound way cleaner
The goal is to sound like the uncompressed original.  

Re: how to set LAME 320kbps mp3 settings to the same as ffmpeg?

Reply #3
anyone else noticed this?
No, not at 320kbps, I can't tell an mp3 from the original source in normal listening conditions. I listen to a variety of formats and bitrates all day long. I couldn't tell you which is FLAC, mp3 at high bitrates or mp3s at low bitrates. When I abx mp3s I have never really noticed compression artifacts until around 128kbps on my main system and that's only when actually comparing using ABX software. I do have some music at 128kbps but I don't ever notice that it's that compressed either. I think there's no real reason to worry about lossy compression anymore. Both FFmpeg and LAME do excellent jobs at normal bitrates.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Re: how to set LAME 320kbps mp3 settings to the same as ffmpeg?

Reply #4
I don't think you can ever get bit-identical results with two different encoders. 
You could even get different from same source, different builds. Speaking generally, that is - I don't know how LAME works that way.

That makes a reservation to the following: I see ffmpeg builds have libmp3lame enabled, does that mean it is effectively the same as standalone LAME? Well maybe options and parameters are defaulted differently ... ?