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Topic: Fastencc creates noise at the end of a file (Read 2267 times) previous topic - next topic
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Fastencc creates noise at the end of a file

Hello. On topic#125810, @itisljar said that they didn't manage to encode a song without white noise at the end, and I said I didn't experience any bugs with it various times, but I experienced the same thing a moment ago. Interestingly, this does not happen on some sounds, and using the internal resampler of the encoder makes the noise much shorter in my situation. But, the builtin 20kbps encoding of Flash does not make that noise, and interestingly it has a different cutoff too. So, mp3guessenc says the opposite but Flash uses something other than Fastencc to encode 20kbps, right? If yes, what is the name of this encoder and how can I find it? If no, why does it create a different sound and no noise? And, Fastencc creates this noise in which conditions exactly and why?

Re: Fastencc creates noise at the end of a file

Reply #1
Also, I noticed that changing the quality setting does not change anything (in Fastencc). In flash, high quality setting creates a slightly lower cutoff than the low quality setting (the default).

Re: Fastencc creates noise at the end of a file

Reply #2
I detected that MP3Enc also knows how to encode unsupported bitrates (like 12kbps or 20kbps), so Flash is probably using it for 20kbps, but the problem is that MP3Enc has a very low cutoff for some specific bitrate-samplerate combinations (for example 12kbps 11025Hz mono). How can I see the costs of buying the source code of MP3Enc and buying the right to use a modified version of it in a program?