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Topic: Ampersands in the tray icon tooltip are trippled (v2.1.5 and preview 2024-08-14) (Read 3484 times) previous topic - next topic
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Ampersands in the tray icon tooltip are trippled (v2.1.5 and preview 2024-08-14)

As the title says, an ampersand in the tray icon tooltip shows "&&&". This happens in both the latest stable version (v2.1.5) and the preview (2024-08-14).


Re: Ampersands in the tray icon tooltip are trippled (v2.1.5 and preview 2024-08-14)

Reply #1
This is a windows 11 bug.. On any other version of windows, there is no problem.

Re: Ampersands in the tray icon tooltip are trippled (v2.1.5 and preview 2024-08-14)

Reply #2
So musicmusic has added a workaround to Columns on the basis that microsoft seem to be denying this is an issue. It would be coolio if this same fix got implemented in fb2k itself.

Re: Ampersands in the tray icon tooltip are trippled (v2.1.5 and preview 2024-08-14)

Reply #3
I can't just fix it by detecting Windows 11 - popular Win11 shell replacements do not have this bug and will render incorrectly if I "fix" this.
Decades old API suddenly producing different output than it did before is definitely a bug in Windows 11.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Tray Tooltip and ampersand

Reply #4
I have a problem with the display of & characters.
Tooltip in the tray shows me three & not one.
It is displayed correctly in the header.
See pictures.

Translated with Google.

Just saw someone asked the same thing.

Sorry, can be closed.