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Topic: An MP3 encoder without a cutoff point (Read 9846 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: An MP3 encoder without a cutoff point

Reply #25
For me lame seems to show a different behavior for 48000 and 44100 than for other sampling frequencies. I generated a stereo sweep from 0.9 bandwidth to max at sampling frequencies: 48000, 44100, 32000, 22050, 16000 and 11025. Then I encoded them with "lame -b 32 --lowpass -1". Only 48000 and 44100 preserved the signal at the top:
[attach type=image]32959[/attach]

Yes, and GXLame apparently does not have this problem but it has another problem: it encodes the high frequencies without as much attention as lower frequencies. And I think that's ironic that LAME supports cutoffless encoding at the sampling rates those need that the least.

Re: An MP3 encoder without a cutoff point

Reply #26
if you have a mac you could just bounce your file down to mp3 in logic pro X that will give you the mp3 your looking for

Re: An MP3 encoder without a cutoff point

Reply #27
if you have a mac you could just bounce your file down to mp3 in logic pro X that will give you the mp3 your looking for

I don't have a mac, thanks.