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What lossless format(s) do you use on a *regular* basis?

Apple Lossless (ALAC)
[ 13 ] (5%)
[ 161 ] (61.9%)
Monkey's Audio (APE)
[ 9 ] (3.5%)
[ 2 ] (0.8%)
[ 13 ] (5%)
[ 33 ] (12.7%)
Uncompressed PCM (.wav, .aiff)
[ 19 ] (7.3%)
A different lossless codec (please comment)
[ 1 ] (0.4%)
I don't encode or listen to lossless audio on a regular basis
[ 9 ] (3.5%)

Total Members Voted: 183

Voting closed: 2024-01-01 16:51:53

Topic: 2023 Lossless format poll (Read 26329 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: 2023 Lossless format poll

Reply #50
All these encoders use old vintage technology.

Re: 2023 Lossless format poll

Reply #52
For those who want a poll over options, then "default / lighter than default / heavier than default" is likely the big question. Sure refalac has a so-called "fast" mode, but that isn't even lightweight, just encoding fast.

All these encoders use old vintage technology.

What newer methods have brought improvements to the table really?
HALAC attempted ANS residual compression, but reverted to Rice.

Re: 2023 Lossless format poll

Reply #53
HALAC attempted ANS residual compression, but reverted to Rice.
Actually, I could continue with ANS. However, the main problem here is to create certain lice groups properly according to the bit depth and to perform multiple ANS processes. Of course, predictions and transformations have to be a little different. So the code complexity is a bit more. In addition, there are other reasons that are not technical.

I just wanted to make a new experiment with Rice. I continued because the results were better than I expected. So the selection of Entropy coder for HALAC is not a problem.

Re: 2023 Lossless format poll

Reply #54
- one poll dedicated to FLAC: ~10 settings for REFERENCE encoder + other encoders (FFMPEG, CueTools, FLAKE…)
As for now I think FLAC poll will be nice to have.

This would be preliminar list of poll options,
Reference FLAC encoder : -0, -1 … -8, -8p, 'other custom settings (please comment)' - subtotal 11 poll options.
FLACCL (cuetools) encoder:  -0 to -11, 'other custom settings (please comment)' - subtotal  13 poll options
Flake:  - 0 to -12, 'other custom settings (please comment)'subtotal 14 poll options
FFmpeg (libavcodec) FLAC encoder: -0 to -12,'other custom settings (please comment)' - subtotal 14 poll options
'I don't encode into FLAC format' - 1 poll option

Total 53 options.

These separate poll don't have to be renewed every year, just keep them open.
Poll can be active for 2 years (entire 2025 and 2026).

If you want to open a dedicated poll for WavPack lossless settings, I'd suggest (5 votes max?):
You have clear understanding of WavPack encoders, so you are most likely indicated person to open WavPack poll. And, yes, 5 votes max as for upcoming FLAC poll.

Any other suggestions from forum members?

Re: 2023 Lossless format poll

Reply #55
It will be good to have two sections in a poll like this,
Section 1° - FLAC Encoders
Section 2° - FLAC Encoders + compression settings.

Section 1° - What FLAC encoder do you use?
Reference FLAC encoder -
FLACCL (cuetools) encoder -
Flake -
FFmpeg (libavcodec) FLAC encoder -
'I don't encode into FLAC format'

Section 2° - What FLAC encoder + compression settings do you use?
Reference FLAC encoder : -0, -1 … -8, -8p, 'other custom settings (please comment)' - subtotal 11 poll options.
FLACCL (cuetools) encoder:  -0 to -11, 'other custom settings (please comment)' - subtotal  13 poll options
Flake:  - 0 to -12, 'other custom settings (please comment)'subtotal 14 poll options
FFmpeg (libavcodec) FLAC encoder: -0 to -12,'other custom settings (please comment)' - subtotal 14 poll options
'I don't encode into FLAC format' - 1 poll option

4 different FLAC encoders are included.  Are there any other FLAC encoders in the wild?  And if  the answer is yes, then does it make sense to include more of them? I suspect that reference FLAC encoder will be the most popular here, but let's see. If it's all good new poll will be opened in a week or two :)

Re: 2023 Lossless format poll

Reply #56
The current forum software only allows 1 question.
kode54 did make a feature request for multiple questions years ago but it doesn't look like it went anywhere.

Re: 2023 Lossless format poll

Reply #57
I see.
Then there won't be sections as per se but explanation for public  in OP and options  will be added in contiguous  way,

Reference FLAC encoder -
FLACCL (cuetools) encoder -
Flake -
FFmpeg (libavcodec) FLAC encoder -

Reference FLAC encoder : -0, -1 … -8, -8p, 'other custom settings (please comment)' - subtotal 11 poll options.
FLACCL (cuetools) encoder:  -0 to -11, 'other custom settings (please comment)' - subtotal  13 poll options
Flake:  - 0 to -12, 'other custom settings (please comment)'-  subtotal 14 poll options
FFmpeg (libavcodec) FLAC encoder: -0 to -12,'other custom settings (please comment)' - subtotal 14 poll options