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Topic: can i define artist in album list and remove the composer? (Read 3001 times) previous topic - next topic
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can i define artist in album list and remove the composer?

i have this settings in album list %<artist>%|%album%|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ][%track artist% - ]%title%

but when i search for artist , for example moby album 18
i get an incomplete album , because some songs are in the composer field
well i could copy the composer to another field via tag
but is there a way to define artist ? and remove from artist the composer tag item?

there is a screenshot all the voice above the green arrow are related to the same  album
but foobar shows me as a different artist

Re: can i define artist in album list and remove the composer?

Reply #1
Maybe you want to browse your library by %<album artist>% in this case instead of %<artist>% to keep tracks from the same album together.

For best flexibility in sorting, featuring artists should go into a separate field, such as %guest artist%. Then you can display them as necessary in the playlist, possibly in a slightly dimmed shade to make a long list more readable. This would also allow pull all Moby tracks (where he is principal performer) across any release (including various artists) together in the browser, when browsed by Artist. Guest artists would not be immediately visible, not unlike other contributing musicians or personel.

I do not see any composers in this list, nor there should be for popular music.

Example of random featured artists, and how easy it becomes to skim a dense list to find the main artist or song title.

Re: can i define artist in album list and remove the composer?

Reply #2
Hi there @francesco ,

I would recommend re-tagging your music rather than changing view settings. The %artist% field checks the following in order: "artist", "album artist", "composer", "performer" - if you are seeing %composer% values in the list that means there is no %artist% tag, or %album artist% tag present. So add one of these tags to the entire album.

Secondly, the above fields should not really have a "Featuring ..." part written in the tag, instead they should only have the artist names with a separator - "Moby; Barbara Lynn" for example. That way they will be sorted as individual artists.

I just use the %performer% field for featured / guest artists. So moving "Barbara Lynn" to performer as an alternative (or %guest artist% if you prefer)

Cheers 8)

(Edited to remove bad example of $meta_sep(artist,' Featuring ',', ') - that did not quite work the way I thought...)

Re: can i define artist in album list and remove the composer?

Reply #3
It's a Moby album right? He is the Artist. The others are guests on particular tracks.

If you retag your files with the foo_discogs tagger it will "fix" those issues by properly adding track, remix or vocal credit tags.

Re: can i define artist in album list and remove the composer?

Reply #4
It's a Moby album right? He is the Artist. The others are guests on particular tracks.

If you retag your files with the foo_discogs tagger it will "fix" those issues by properly adding track, remix or vocal credit tags.

Hi there @francesco ,

I would recommend re-tagging your music rather than changing view settings. The %artist% field checks the following in order: "artist", "album artist", "composer", "performer" - if you are seeing %composer% values in the list that means there is no %artist% tag, or %album artist% tag present. So add one of these tags to the entire album.
Secondly, the above fields should not really have a "Featuring ..." part written in the tag, instead they should only have the artist names with a separator - "Moby; Barbara Lynn" for example. That way they will be sorted as individual artists.
I just use the %performer% field for featured / guest artists. So moving "Barbara Lynn" to performer as an alternative (or %guest artist% if you prefer)
(Edited to remove bad example of $meta_sep(artist,' Featuring ',', ') - that did not quite work the way I thought...)
hi @anamorphic , yes i 'm noving the content present in composer to another mp3 field
 , but i don't know which should it use  , i guess comment

Maybe you want to browse your library by %<album artist>% in this case instead of %<artist>% to keep tracks from the same album together.

For best flexibility in sorting, featuring artists should go into a separate field, such as %guest artist%. Then you can display them as necessary in the playlist, possibly in a slightly dimmed shade to make a long list more readable. This would also allow pull all Moby tracks (where he is principal performer) across any release (including various artists) together in the browser, when browsed by Artist. Guest artists would not be immediately visible, not unlike other contributing musicians or personel.

I do not see any composers in this list, nor there should be for popular music.

Example of random featured artists, and how easy it becomes to skim a dense list to find the main artist or song title.
i have never understood how can sort (crescent or decreasing )from album list to playlist for example year in decreasing  or growing

Re: can i define artist in album list and remove the composer?

Reply #5
yes i 'm noving the content present in composer to another mp3 field
 , but i don't know which should it use  , i guess comment

If you do not wish to use PERFORMER, you can use your own tag. ARTIST FEATURING or something like that. It will be searchable anyway, and you can put it in a title formatting string like [feat. %ARTIST FEATURING%] in brackets so it only shows when present.

Apart from that, I prefer to have the album artist and then year before album title. Chronology is more important than album names. (And YYYY is good enough for most cases. OK, Starless and Bible Black was released before Red. I can cheat SaBB to 1975 if I insist on chronological order.)


Re: can i define artist in album list and remove the composer?

Reply #6
i have never understood how can sort (crescent or decreasing )from album list to playlist for example year in decreasing  or growing
I believe that the initial sort is by the album list pattern itself. You should include the Date field somewhere in the formatting string (at the beginning). If you have multiple editions of an album, or same album in multiple formats, include fields that differentiate them at the end (like the reissue date, label or codec). If you do this, the default sort will be correct or at least usable. You can refine the sorting later using Edit > Sort.

This example (adapt to your own date conventions) yields chronologically sorted result:
%<album artist>%|['['$left(%date%,7)'] ']%album%[ '('%releasedate%')']|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ][%track artist% - ]%title%

I would reserve the Artist field for main artists that are credited as equals with the word "and", comma, ampersand or sometimes plus. Put guest artists in another field.

Examples of main artists without any featuring:

Bryan Adams; Rod Stewart; Sting - "All for Love"
Merle Haggard; Willie Nelson - "Seashores of Old Mexico"