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Topic: Minor Media Library UI Glitch (Read 2299 times) previous topic - next topic
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Minor Media Library UI Glitch

Stretching the UI Element horizontally causes minor glitches on the Syntax Help and the three dot menu buttons.

Re: Minor Media Library UI Glitch

Reply #1
Resolved in 1.4.1-beta.

Re: Minor Media Library UI Glitch

Reply #3
I couldn't replicate the issue even with 1.4. Peter could but not with 1.4.1. I think more info is needed how to trigger it.

Re: Minor Media Library UI Glitch

Reply #4
The glitch is not always reproducible. It has to do with the speed of horizontally stretching..

Re: Minor Media Library UI Glitch

Reply #5
Yes if only you stretch fast enough. although on 1.4.1-Beta.1 I'm not able to reproduce.
Right now I'm faced with another problem, the Tab labels text is a bit mispositioned.
if it helps these are my system settings:
Resolution: 4K (3820x2160)
Screen Diagonal: 15.6"
Scale: 250%
Windows 10, 1809

Re: Minor Media Library UI Glitch

Reply #6
Fixed for the next update (1.4.1 beta 2). Thanks for reporting.
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