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Topic: Problems with component FFmpeg Decoder Wrapper (foo_input_ffmpeg) (Read 17683 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Problems with component FFmpeg Decoder Wrapper (foo_input_ffmpeg)

Reply #50
As the latter was indeed the case when playing a file, I was wondering why it did not show the user-given format name when playing a stream.
Maybe you forgot to uncheck "Show codec names from ffmpeg"?
Easy way to check if ffmpeg is used - look in windows task manager if ffmpeg.exe is running or not.
File type mask for plain opus files should be
Code: [Select]
, not
Code: [Select]
Also, as Peter already said in this thread:
If you have more than one decoder supporting a specific file format, which one will get it is undefined - or rather, intentionally random.

Re: Problems with component FFmpeg Decoder Wrapper (foo_input_ffmpeg)

Reply #51
Thanks Rollin for your reply and for pointing out an obvious way to check, which I missed.  I found ffmpeg is loaded when playing the file, and not loaded when playing the stream (yes mask is *opus;http://*.opus), so the latter case must fall into the category you quoted from Peter.  No problem.

Re: Problems with component FFmpeg Decoder Wrapper (foo_input_ffmpeg)

Reply #52
The stream case would fail anyway, since it's handing off to the first decoder to claim the MIME type matching Opus, not by filename. The FFmpeg custom reader would need to do something special, I can't think of what at the moment, to optionally take over HTTP requests without asking for a reader, and only take over specific MIME types or paths.

Re: Problems with component FFmpeg Decoder Wrapper (foo_input_ffmpeg)

Reply #53
It seems component requires sse2 to  work. The same with last version of foo_input_exe. Is this by intention?

Re: Problems with component FFmpeg Decoder Wrapper (foo_input_ffmpeg)

Reply #54
I have one entry unchecked between two checked entries. I removed the middle one, apply, ok, then open preferences, the bottom entry become unchecked.

here is the video:

Re: Problems with component FFmpeg Decoder Wrapper (foo_input_ffmpeg)

Reply #55
Thanks for the bug report.
Version 0.5.4 has been posted, deleting entries no longer messes with the checked state.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Problems with component FFmpeg Decoder Wrapper (foo_input_ffmpeg)

Reply #56
@Peter , you haven't updated "last update date" for foo_input_ffmpeg plugin on its download page. Website still says that it was last time updated on 2018-03-09, despite v 0.5.4 changes are listed.

Re: Problems with component FFmpeg Decoder Wrapper (foo_input_ffmpeg)

Reply #57
When decoding DSD512 with ffmpeg it produces PCM with samplerate 2822400 Hz. fb2k reports "Unable to open item for playback (Unsupported format or corrupted file)" and refuse to play/decode such file. But fb2k 1.4 is able to play wav files with samplerate 2822400 Hz. So this should be problem with foo_input_ffmpeg.
Yes, i know that DSD512 is madness. Also i know that this problem can be mitigated by using ffmpeg's filter -af aresample.

Re: Problems with component FFmpeg Decoder Wrapper (foo_input_ffmpeg)

Reply #58
The same problem with DSD1024. ffmpeg by default produces PCM with 6 144 000 Hz and fb2k rejects it.


Re: Problems with component FFmpeg Decoder Wrapper (foo_input_ffmpeg)

Reply #59
While fb2k 1.4.1 itself now can handle 6144000Hz, foo_input_ffmpeg still rejects such high samplerates.