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Topic: [WIN 1809] Hitting Apply/OK on Track Properties Pulls foobar to Background (Read 1624 times) previous topic - next topic
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[WIN 1809] Hitting Apply/OK on Track Properties Pulls foobar to Background

Steps to reproduce:
  • Open foobar in the foreground with another application like a Browser in the background.
  • Edit properties of a track and hit Apply/OK.
  • Watch foobar window goes to the background. (Unless Always on Top is Enabled)

Re: [WIN 1809] Hitting Apply/OK on Track Properties Pulls foobar to Background

Reply #1
Looks like another bug in the latest Win10 build. I saw the same thing happen at least when deleting system restore points in the OS.

Re: [WIN 1809] Hitting Apply/OK on Track Properties Pulls foobar to Background

Reply #2
It might be, but this doesn't happen in Preferences.

Re: [WIN 1809] Hitting Apply/OK on Track Properties Pulls foobar to Background

Reply #3
It doesn't happen when closing Properties dialog either when nothing is written to disk. Preferences doesn't do any file writing, config is saved when player is closed.

It could still be a bug in foobar2000. Perhaps something sneaky that has just never misbehaved in the past. I hope it is, Peter is faster at fixing bugs than Microsoft.