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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Search-by-Distance-SMP
Last post by regor -
No problem; I may simply change it to R-Click to make it more clear (?).

Unless I write the entire word, I see problems with either approach (RMB or R.) for some people; and I prefer to make it short to not clutter tooltips everywhere.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer
Last post by sigma00 -
 :))  :))  :))   So I have a new preset, this one is perfect for dropping frequencies and perfect alpha for the album cover.. lots of tweaks too.

Made for furnacing electronic tones and droplets of bottom shelving.... Very active stimulation!   ;D

Enjoy! ~
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Search-by-Distance-SMP
Last post by bloniaq -
Well, tbh when I read in _INSTALLATION.txt "Press Shift + Win + R. click on the JSplitter\SMP panel to show the panel men" I confused it and thought I should press Shift+Win+R and then click on the JSplitter panel that will show. It's probably correct by a words meaning - I'm just used to using RMB abbreviation for that and my schematic thinking misled me. Forget about it
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer
Last post by Larryg49 -
I just discovered this, very nice!
 I've read the whole 9 pages of this thread but still have a couple of questions
 (I understand that Crossover is mia, I hope he's OK !)  So asking anyone who can help...

1.   In Crossover's Fanon Wiki  :

   He lists all kinds of settings, that are not in the Options (right click) menu - How do you access these settings ?
   Most importantly (to me), I want to change the vertical scale - I don't need to look down to -90db, that's just a waste.
   Would also like to change the horiz scale,  to be able to see up to Nyquist for HR files.
   And how to load the other visualizations he shows in his  Wiki ?

2.    I'm using 1.9.20,  couldn't find a download link for  -  please direct me to a good download for that.

    Thank you Crossover, great work, I hope all is well with you.

3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_httpcontrol
Last post by regor -
I have updated the github instructions:

Note the most updated component is no longer -the now deleted- files found there... but the new github fork. So I deleted the "new installation" folder and redirected to the github fork which contains detailed instructions now. In resume: people just need to download the new component, the apk for android and done. Templates are already pre-bundled with the component.

It's a big pitty none of the two android apps is updated anymore to the current android versions. That is probably the reason they are not in the Google Play.
I am not sure I understand your concerns, but "foobar2000 controller" for sure does work with the updated component (and all features are supported). And that's the APP I share on my repository. Well, at least on my Android version (no matter what the "warning" says). And I don't see why that would change, it's just http commands...

Obviously if you prefer other apps, that's another story. Have not tried any other yet ;)

No idea if other Android apps 100% work, but that's been the same during all these years, nothing has changed. Every app was just providing a modified fork of the official component, without ever sharing the source code.. which resulted on conflicting versions of the same component.

You must not have multiple http controller components on foobar, if they are all hosting on the same server ip. I would expect conflicts there. Also you can not mix any version with any app, conflicts again. Latest version (by me) provides full functionality of the original component & "foobar2000 controller fork" *. Other forks may have other commands missing yet.

Note in any case you also need the templates for every app, maybe that was the error you had with my fork (which only has the official + ajqueryxxx + foobar2000 controller templates .)

Now if you have another APP, different than this one:

If you share it, I may also try to replicate the missing commands, if there are any. And hopefully that would put an end to having 3 versions of the same component, one per app.

* The latest official component does the same, except the shutdown commands.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JSplitter (splitter + SMP x64 alternative)
Last post by regor -
As for the size, I understand, maybe being able to resize it (pixelwise) vertically would be a nice addition?
What would you want to resize? The items are already resized by panel size, and you may adjust the margins, so less margin it gets bigger.

I'm unsure if this a bug, but everytime I restart (close then reopen) Foobar, all of my mode+style selections are gone (specifically, the colours I chose for the slider + bars, and the mode (I have both a volume and seekbar, but the seekbar automatically defaults to a volume bar upon reset).
Any way to fix?
I don't see such problems with the latest release, for sure. What version are you using? Also, are the panel properties being changed when you change the settings via menus?
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP
Last post by regor -
Yes, it first applies the queries, and sorting is the last step, for ALL joined tracks, as explained above.

Duplicates are already removed when joining the "pools", by TF and exact same file. That's tweaked at 'configuration\duplicates handling'.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Search-by-Distance-SMP
Last post by regor -
Hi. I recently found this diamond, and I cannot be more thankful :) This is like candyshop :)

The one little remark: if you write "Shift + Win + R" please explain that R means Right Mouse Button. My R button on keyboard was disapointed. ;)
For sure, that omission was not intentional. Will revise that shortcut hint in all my scripts.

Also have a one question: is there any possibility to adjust the usage of library while generating playlists by Search-by-distance or script? I.e "avoid live versions", "prefer oldest", "prefer best quality" and stuff like that. I'm stucked looking for.

Yes, that's what 'pre-analysis filters' are used for. In fact the script already has a 'global forced query' (*) set by default and even some 'pre-defined filters' presets for that.

The button has the same query filter (in fact most of my scripts/buttons have such setting). Note Shift + L. click also opens the settings menu for the button. You have the query there.

(*) I will rename this menu option to make it clear it's just a query filter for the library/source.