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Recent Posts
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by oops -
It's funny, this doesn't work for me unless I put gain to +17. Is there something in my fb2k prefs that isn't set right? If I use Peak instead of RMS I can set it to +9.
The gain setting is content-dependent. Meaning for example, if you don't care about the exact accuracy, playing classical music means you might need to have higher gain to get the needle in the middle of the range vs. pop/rock music.

Minor bug... The radio button in the Decay menu is rarely displayed.
Intentional. Will only have the radio dot next to the named setting if the current setting is that value. If I recall correctly, it is 0.75 for Slow, 1.00 for Normal and 1.50 for Fast. Little details :)
Polls / Re: 2023 Lossless format poll
Last post by guruboolez -
I suggest to open a new 'Lossless poll 2025' with compression  options.

There are many settings, probably too much. On my recent comparison I ended with 28 WavPack settings. I also add 6 FFMPEG presets (and the two slowest are not included). DSD is also an option for users. And with Hybrid (lossy + correction) you'll juste double the choices. So you have far more settings than voters...
You can't be complete, it won't be readable.

But why don't you create separate polls for settings?
- one 2025 poll, very basic and synthetic as usual
- one poll dedicated to FLAC: ~10 settings for REFERENCE encoder + other encoders (FFMPEG, CueTools, FLAKE…)
- one poll dedicated to WavPack: you can be exhaustive, it won't annoy anyone. You can even add DSD
- one poll dedicated to TAK: same as WavPack, you can be exhaustive
- one poll for Monkey's Audio

These separate poll don't have to be renewed every year, just keep them open.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)
Last post by gfxnow -
I am confused about how the "Preferred lyric type" setting relates to the "Search order" list.
I have local files set at the top of the search order followed by Bandcamp, Musixmatch, LRCLib and Genius.

What if at present a song only has unsyncd lyrics available on Genius and that is what gets saved as a local file, but in the future that song might have synced lyrics available on Musixmatch. Will open lyrics continue to serve the local file because it is first in the search order or will it also search the other sources since the preferred lyric type is set to synced?
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Made with foo_uie_webview
Last post by sq68 -
These have been updated to work with the latest webview (alpha5)

Now Playing Kaleidoscope (now_playing a5)
  • now optimized to dynamically fit panel size (based on width, manually adj. height to album art bottom)
  • should be easier to replace displayed fields (follow comments)
  • stand-alone kaleidoscope_visualizer.html (no changes, adjust pos: ctrl zoom/panel scroll bars)

3D Carousel Maximus (carousel a5)
  • now optimized for better start view
  • displays now playing folder image contents (image directory source: line 253)

biography remix a5
  • now no need for localhost/server!
  • alternative Wilb Biography display (no functionality)

more specifics, see thread history.
carousel_a5.html86 bit is working properly. But a few seconds after the 64-bit resizing won't display the image?
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by Majestyk -

I think I got it close enough. Sharing the tuning parameters in case it helps others:

Code: [Select]
Mode	Stereo
Levels RMS
Range 0.00
Decay 1.25
Rise   0.17
Jitter 0.11
Gain +9dB
Window 40ms
FPS      25

It's funny, this doesn't work for me unless I put gain to +17. Is there something in my fb2k prefs that isn't set right? If I use Peak instead of RMS I can set it to +9.

General - (fb2k) / Re: -3dB gain
Last post by Case -
Since you also use ReplayGain you should use the preamp sliders in ReplayGain. That way the clip prevention knows about your gain reduction and can take it into account, and the signal only needs volume adjustment performed once. With Amplifier the signal would be scale twice, which would be less efficient.