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Topic: Case's Meier Crossfeed Component (Read 60017 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Case's Meier Crossfeed Component

Reply #75
Could you share the 64-bit version of the MeierCrosfeed VST plugin with me, please? I use it's 32-bit version in Reaper and it works great.  I think 64-bit version is supposed to work even better and faster with my 4-core CPU.
Appreciate you! This one works great in Reaper

Re: Case's Meier Crossfeed Component

Reply #76
I love this component for a lot of stuff. Sounds good and dead simple to use. Thanks to the developer for this excellent work.

I just have two simple (and silly, perhaps) questions about it:

1. This component goes from full stereo (at 0) to full mono (at 100), right?
2. So, if I'd want to simulate (to some extent, obviously) the classic "speakers at 30 degrees" thing, then should I set it to 67 or value close to it?*

*assuming regular hard panned sounds on headphones are perceived roughly at 90° each side from the phantom center.

Re: Case's Meier Crossfeed Component

Reply #77
Just move the slider until it sounds good! If you really want to emulate how your speakers sound in your room, you need to do A/B them with cans + crossfeed until to you arrive at the closest approximation.

It's not just mixing the L & R together, I'm pretty sure there is also EQ and phase/delay involved. Hopefully Case will enlighten.

And agree, it's one of the best crossfeeds I've heard. Only stopped using it as my RME ADI Pro 2/4 SE interface now has it built in.

Re: Case's Meier Crossfeed Component

Reply #78
Just move the slider until it sounds good! If you really want to emulate how your speakers sound in your room, you need to do A/B them with cans + crossfeed until to you arrive at the closest approximation.

It's not just mixing the L & R together, I'm pretty sure there is also EQ and phase/delay involved. Hopefully Case will enlighten.

And agree, it's one of the best crossfeeds I've heard. Only stopped using it as my RME ADI Pro 2/4 SE interface now has it built in.

Thanks for your response (I thought this thread was dead).  :D

You're absolutely right, that's why I've said "simulate (to some extent...)". I know there's no actual replacement for a real "speaker and a propérly conditioned room" experience, so to speak. But you know, the investment for that is sooo high that it's still "just a dream" for a lot of music lovers (like me) around the world, where a decent pair of cans is by faaaaar the best value for money to get into the good audio world... and thus, little magical helpers such as this crossfeed component could provide us a better, "speaker-like" listening experience (again, so to speak) and not the typical, unnatural stereo width, which is inherent to almost all headphones.

...unless we're listen to some nice binaural stuff.  :D

Re: Case's Meier Crossfeed Component

Reply #79
1. This component goes from full stereo (at 0) to full mono (at 100), right?
This component always partially mixes the stereo channels. The max setting doesn't equal mono, it's still only partial. Just more of the channel contents get mixed.

2. So, if I'd want to simulate (to some extent, obviously) the classic "speakers at 30 degrees" thing, then should I set it to 67 or value close to it?*
I would not start comparing this to speaker angles at all. So many things affect speaker playback, like distance, height, room shape, other objects. Headphone listening will always be different. There are speaker simulating DSPs but personally I hate those as they make the sound totally different, unnatural and echoey. Headphones provide the highest quality reproduction, only problem can be getting annoyed with too wide stereo separation. This component solves just that stereo annoyance without causing audible artifacting.

Re: Case's Meier Crossfeed Component

Reply #80
1. This component goes from full stereo (at 0) to full mono (at 100), right?
This component always partially mixes the stereo channels. The max setting doesn't equal mono, it's still only partial. Just more of the channel contents get mixed.

2. So, if I'd want to simulate (to some extent, obviously) the classic "speakers at 30 degrees" thing, then should I set it to 67 or value close to it?*
I would not start comparing this to speaker angles at all. So many things affect speaker playback, like distance, height, room shape, other objects. Headphone listening will always be different. There are speaker simulating DSPs but personally I hate those as they make the sound totally different, unnatural and echoey. Headphones provide the highest quality reproduction, only problem can be getting annoyed with too wide stereo separation. This component solves just that stereo annoyance without causing audible artifacting.

Got it, thanks Case!

Re: Case's Meier Crossfeed Component

Reply #81
Shinsekai beat me to answering while I was trying to find how to add attachment...

I'm a VST newbie but I tried putting something together. First VST plugin of this DSP is attached. It's made with SDK version 2.4 and it seems to work at least in Audition.

Does anyone know of a mac OS version of this crossfeed plugin? AU or VST, it wouldn't matter to me. I've been searching specifically for a Meier crossfeed plugin use use across my system audio for working on headphones as Goodhertz CanOpener just doesn't cut it. Would happily pay for this.


Re: Case's Meier Crossfeed Component

Reply #83
Maybe helps, I don't know about the quality of its crossfeeding. And money would happily destroy everything.

I do like some of Chris's plugins but that one just doesn't cut it either, you lose too much side information. The closest one I've found so far is the crossfeed section of this plugin by Math Audio: