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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Game Emu Player foo_input_gme
Last post by Tanookirby -
Hey there,

I am using the latest version of this component and realized that in the tagging context menu, there is no option to edit the length of SPC files. It appears to affect the length of newly created ones because when I change the length with other components that handle SPC files, it works fine. However, as soon I remove that component and reinstall the one in the repository, it reverts to the default of one minute (fifty second main with a ten second fade). Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions have this problem. Do you think it could be solved if the "edit length" option was added?
CD Hardware/Software / Re: Setup guide for EAC?
Last post by GerGa -
I was confused at your count from the wiki page but now I realize you're counting the longer string further down.  The string that works for me is directly under the bullet points under "Configuration" on the wiki.  It's 138 characters.
I've got a trial of dbpoweramp right now. 
EAC wanted to rip one of my CDs really slow, like 1.2x.
foobar2000 for Mac / Foobar2000 for Mac : newbie questions
Last post by Harlock999 -
Hi there,

I'm in the process of choosing a new music manager and player since I'm feeling extremely unhappy with what Apple has to offer today.
I mean this is a really big deal for me since I have a 7 To music library including hundreds of playlists. I mean I'm not exactly the regular user type. This is why I can't really make a wrong decision here.

My first tests with Foobar2000 made me wonder about so many things…
Here are a few questions.

• I've been really seduced by the fact users had the freedom to customize FB. But it seems the Mac version only leaves a little room for that, right? Real customization is only for Windows users as it seems. Is there any plan to leave this opportunity to Mac users in the future?

• Is there a place where I can find a reference guide for elements to display and options coming with it?
Like :
playlist-picker font-size=20
playlist font-size=20 font-name=Courier
I'd like to know all the elements I am able to display and how I can customize them.

• Same question about columns like "%year%" etc. I'd like to know all the options I have.
Can we edit the default columns somewhere? Like align : right, etc.

• Is there a small display / miniplayer option?

• What should I do if I want my keyboard space bar to control play/pause?

• I had this experience when importing a (maybe misformated) m3u8 file to create a playlist that made FB crash and not letting it open again. The only solution I could find has been to delete the whole database folder, which is quite scary in the long term. Does this happen often?

• Is FB able to handle HUGE libraries? Or is it getting more and more risky with time?

Thank you for your feedbacks and experience.
Once again, this REALLY REALLY REALLY matters to me ;-)

3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_youtube
Last post by EricJH -

yd folder

foo_youtube.dll.cfg: replace
Preferences > Tools > YouTube Source > Maintenance tab > YouTube API Key: input

Restart foobar
Replacing the oo_youtube.dll.cfg with the one your provided did the trick for me.

I use foo_youtube with yt-dlp to listen to the music of videos. The problem started to happen when playing AAC audio. Playing AAC audio used to work. Playing music with Opus codec was not affected.

Interesting to see that recreating that config file helped to get things moving again. Thank you.
Support - (fb2k) / BUG? External album art in subfolder not found/displayed if stored on huge hdd
Last post by Frenzel -
Foobar2000 v2.24.1 x86
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

Hi everybody,
after moving all my music files and folders to a new hdd and also to a new network share (both very large with a size of about 16TB each) Foobar2000 v2.24.1 does no longer display any external album art stored in subfolders located in the same directory as the music files (see attached screenshot). Both types of storage (hdd and network share) are concerned in the same way.

-> The problem does also occur after a fresh and clean install of Foobar2000 v2.24.1 x86.
-> The problem does not occur with Foobar2000 v2.24.1 using smaller storage like the ones I was using before (about 4TB of size).
-> The problem does not occur with Foobar2000 v2.24.1 when the external album art is stored in the same directory as the music files are located.
-> The problem does not occur at all with Foobar2000 v1.6.18 (a still existing older portable installation).

Is there anybody able to reproduce this problem/behaviour? Probably or hopefully I'm not the only one who is concerned...