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CD Hardware/Software / Re: EAC voodoo magic rolling dice ripping
Last post by RerryDan -13
General - (fb2k) / Re: WASAPI 24 bit padded support
Last post by Case -14
General - (fb2k) / Foobar Linux
Last post by Angelo58 -15
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_enhanced_playcount - Record all song plays and Last.fm scrobbles
Last post by MordredKLB -Any solution around this?Happy to accept pull requests, but I don't have any plans to add this atm.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: [REQUEST] foo_tidal
Last post by Orion33 -17
Support - (fb2k) / fb2k 64bit and >20GB RAM
Last post by boxerfan88 -Scenario:
fb2k was playing in the background, PC was console locked. I logged in and after a few secs, there was no more audio, when mouse was on fb2k, the blue circle busy logo was seen. I went over to the task manager, i saw fb2k with process memory >20GB and it was slowly dropping. By the time I took the screenshot, it has dropped to 15Gb. The process memory footprint continue to drop until around 800K then the audio came back. I have never seen this before, nor could I replicate it. Logging it here for records. Will post here again if it recurs.
General - (fb2k) / Re: Custom Column for Displaying Album Art with Fallback Artist Picture Display.
Last post by anamorphic -To show artwork columns you firstly need grouping enabled - right-click playlist column header > Groups menu, select a grouping, or 'More...' to make a custom grouping. Then select artwork columns by right-click playlist column header > Columns > Album Cover, and/or the ones after that. The columns can be moved left/right/resized by dragging the header. (This is for Default UI on foobar v2)
Edit: Actually, if you were using external art, I suppose you could add the artist image location to Preferences > Display > Front Cover tab. For example -
Code: [Select]
This would then show the first cover image found, falling back to artist image (artist.jpg). Note it effects every panel displaying "Front Cover" art throughout foobar.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_enhanced_playcount - Record all song plays and Last.fm scrobbles
Last post by regor -Just noticed the "native" copy playback statistics doesn't copy the enhanced stats, so there is no way to copy them between tracks (with different TF) as far as I know.Any solution around this?
I suppose you can not hijack the original menu entry and add all the stats there (although that would be great), but could you at least provide a new entry at the enhanced menu with Reset/Copy/Paste options? (which would include both stats from foo_playcount and yours)